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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. The Eight steps of the plan:

    1. We admitted we were powerless over ELECTRICITY supplies - that our lives had become unmanageable, and we relied heavily upon our own wrongdoings. (PTP)

    2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. (EGAT)

    3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of Chalerm, as we understood Him.

    4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves, and found we are doing nothing wrong. (EGAT is, however)

    5. Admitted to Chalerm, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs, simply taking back-handers, as opposed to planning ahead.

    6. Were entirely ready to have Chalerm remove all these defects of character. Albeit, Chalerm has so much electricity up his back-sleeve, we are not sure.

    7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings, which he did with Grace BE TO Himself, and for all mankind of Thailand. (Sure!)

    8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. However, we could find nobody to list.

    -mel. giggle.gif

  2. PathumThani......hub of gravity.♥♡

    IF THEY LET THIS IDOIT DRIVE a truck ever again, they need be jailed, the police !!! this is first rule of transport tings to secure them 100 prosent from moving forward and sideways .

    Lol........ are you new to Thailand?

    Didn't you know Thai Airways attached a helicopter on top of a Boeing 747 3 years ago, as luggage?

    They tied it with string, after watching an American advert for the world's strongest string.

    It didn't fall of, but the tailplane endured great difficulty in directing the plane, when trying to turn the rudder.

    It took off, went round 358 degrees, and made an emergency landing on runway 28 of Suvarnabhumi airport.

    All staff, and passengers, made a safe landing, thank God.


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  3. He doesn't look too stressed to me, in fact he looks highly relaxed before he goes behind the counter!

    What a load of codswallop, 'stressed' indeed...

    I feel stressed, so I think I'll just go and rape a young girl to rid of my anxieties.

    Bwa ha ha.

    Pathetic piece of defense, if I never heard it!


    I am glad the girl was not penetrated, or she'd be a right mess. This guy should still be treated with disdain, and to say he's not a threat to other women and release him on 500 Baht bail...... well...... the mind boggles. Then - no it doesn't - TIT!

  4. Also of course, the woeful epidemic of comical lesbian finger injuries could be greatly reduced if Thailand legalized ... dildos. coffee1.gif

    You'd be forgiven for thinking they were legal with the amount of stalls selling them in plain view in the Silom and Sukhumvit areas.

    It seems somewhat hypocritical complaining about Thailand's reputation when the whole of Sala Daeng along Silom road is an open air sex shop. There's also drug paraphernalia, weapons (swords, knives, bb guns, tasers, crossbows etc) openly being sold amongst the usual ubiquitous brand name counterfeits and pirated CDs/DVDs.

    Those are very low quality sex toys being sold illegally in Thailand of little appeal to lesbians with good taste.

    I once dated a lesbian with good taste.

    I once had 2 in a bed... as it turns out, she was schizophrenic!! sad.png

    -mel. giggle.gif

  5. "... Chalerm said a little bit, the shop owner should consider himself to be lucky that no gun was pointed to his head during the visit."

    Can anyone believe this idiot running the Thai Police? T.i.T. And HE represents law and order???

    No, he represents the LACK of law and order in this country, when the top cop comes out with the dribble he does you really do need to wonder how far down he and his kind will take this country.

    He does have one good asset. He IS level headed to some degree, even if it's the wrong degree, as he dribbles from both sides of his mouth ..giggle.gif


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  6. "About 34 per cent of those responding to the survey said they wanted the Bangkok governor to be given more power because they believed the capital's problems would be solved more effectively and the governor would have less political interference to deal with"

    And there's the PM standing next to the prospective governor...... Hum, this surely makes sense to the respondents of the survey.


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  7. Obviously another punk kid with money behind the wheel of a high powered car and knows not how to drive, use a road yes, but not to drive. So many of these people in Thailand. But if he can afford the Porsche he can afford the payoff. The sad reality is, the parents were on a motorbike after winning that amount of money, so were possibly still humble enough. But then the excuse of the driver - the bike swerved in front of him and he could not avoid it, is old lies and always told. Exact copy of Red Bull who is still free. Sad to lose two innocent people like this.

    Looking at the pic in the OP and the area of damage, it looks very possible the motorcycle could have cut out in front of the car. Just because he was driving a Porsche, you make him guilty and totally at fault. I am sure your opinion would be different if this was a Aussi driving a pickup truck. Not sure if you drive here, but in my experience, drivers of motorcycles come out on to a roadway without even looking more times than not.

    I used to average 160,000 kms a year driving large rigs so I guess I am qualified to point a finger and judging by the damage to the Porsche, yes front quarter panel and all the way to the side door, that means frontal impact compression and not a side swipe. I stand by my opinion and it usually has two parties to contributing to the accident and they could well have drifted into a lane or been too far out or the kid simply misjudged.

    That is not frontal impact. It is quarter off-set, a crash requirement of NCAP and FMVSS, whereby those areas are supposed to crush and deform well - because that is where the majority of pedestrian hits are made.

    -mel. (and yes, I am qualified to make that assertion!)

  8. You can't practice any form of Psychology in Thailand, if your prospective patients are Thai, unless you speak fluent Thai and are half Thai!

    You can practice, if your patients were to be farang only, and that would mean the employ of a Private Hospital for foreign cases only, such as Bumrungrad.

    You need a contract and work permit from the hospital, after applying to the Medical Board and being successful, although this is rare as the majority of psychologists at such institutes are Thai, and speak perfect English having studied abroad for over 7 years, as a minimum requirement.

    I am qualified, have contacts, but have never pursued employment, as I prefer to engage in different fields.


    -mel. (MSc. Applied Psychology)

  9. Looks like international pressure helped bitch slap this landlord into submission. God knows how much longer this case may have gone on if the cases hadn't gone global. Legal process is a strange beast here.

    strange beast?

    It's beyond recognition of being a beast, apart from the smells it gives out - of shit, diarrhoea, putrid and rancid vomit, for those who are 'farang' and the contrary for those who are Thai, judging by the legal dealings of the last month handed out........

    -mel. :(

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  10. To the Ajarn.... 2 posts up... as I can't post the blocks.


    I can't disagree with you more.

    If you HADN'T seen the pictures, you would not be responding the way you are now!

    She was not treated like an animal, as you infer. She was photographed because of the horrifics of her injuries. She is said to be doing very well now - so she obviously has adapted well to new surroundings, and she obviously has a sense that people do care, even if the police are crapping themselves, and the judges - for that matter.

    She is not being treated like an animal NOW, so reflect on what you derive as Thais in their true colours. The majority, and I say over 99.9% would never engage in such cruelty. This is a major one off, for the time being, and I certainly hope it is not dropped or forgotten, and is picked up by foreign media. However, I would be extremely careful, if I were you, of banding about the words, "Thais in their true colours" - as that is very far away from truth for the majority!

    Mai dai, mai dee... khun pasa Kam mai dee chon khun Thai!


    Any NORMAL society would not treat any person in such a way as to have many men photograph a naked juvenile. I mean really, do you honestly think that is ok? Just because she has been abused so much that she now SEEMS ok with it? Get real.

    I'm a hard thinking man, I don't like to get emotional but this story brought a tear to my eye, not only what she has gone through but how stupidly the police allowed the press to jump on it with the photos. In any enlivened society it would have been a lot more discrete with just a female taking a couple of shots of injuries then passing appropriate photos out.

    Nice words...... intellectual Shakespeare, and psychologist!

    -mel. wink.png

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  11. During the period of February 2-5, police were specifically targeting the following violations: driving in the wrong direction; driving on the sidewalk; double-parking next to parked vehicles; overtaking vehicles in high-risk areas; and violating traffic light signals.

    They should give over 100....especially for driving on the sidewalk

    So they'll be charging each other then? rolleyes.gif


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