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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. A win for the poor.

    This should be the way to fight double standard.

    Why should bangkok be kept dry? Do bangkok people pay special tax for this privilege?

    Don't any poor people live in Bangkok?

    Some of the people in flooded areas still have jobs in Bangkok. Do you want them to lose their jobs too?

    Also, given that very few Thai's pay tax, maybe the people in Bangkok DO pay a special tax for this privilege.

    there are so many reasons why this is a bad idea.... i personally dont care if it floods, if it happens it happens. but these people only care about the social injustice they face because the city which provides most of them with jobs, and not to mention food and water, isnt flooded. we'll just see what happens when they start whining about starving or because their government compensation package shrinks because bkk needs to be bailed out too. honestly, if they act like that, they totally deserve it. it's the collectivist mentality, one monkey does it, and all the other monkeys see and follow....

    Is it your deliberate attempt to incite division, or your simple lack of understanding of logoistics that anger me? :annoyed:

    You state, "I personally don't care", and then write "if it happens it happens" - if you accept that then accept it without retribution.

    But then you incite division with, (quote)"these people don't care about the injustice they face", be it social or not,"because the CITY which provides most of them with jobs..."

    You believe that the 88million people of Thailand work in BKK Centre? Really?

    Do you believe your following statements of "jobs, food and water come from BKK centre" for the 76million who live outside of it???

    "If they act like that,they totally deserve it.".... who's they please? Those that don't live in BKK??? - INCITE FOR DIVISION!

    "collective mentality like monkeys" outside of BKK is that?? - INCITE FOR DIVISION? {Have you memoirs of Lopburi when you wrote that???}

    You 'assume' all food, water bla bla and taxes come from BKK. You are far from correct!

    BKK is a little part of the infrastructure, as the likes of Honda and Toyota and their suppliers have demonstrated.

    Stop making eager, incited, immature and vile discriminations between those who live in BKK and the rest of the country.


  2. Piece of sensationlist trash...the first line says it all....:bah:


    ...and they can't do without the "you made your bed, now lie in it"-peace about the poor, voting PTT and now being "left out"!

    so truth hurts they were warned but decided to believe the saviour and while Thailand sinks the shinawatis laugh all way to bank bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

    Agreed with the last post. What is she now offering to the devastated? :whistling: - loans...... YES, LOANS!

    If your house or land or developments are destroyed you can take an Yingunluck loan from a 300Billion Bht kitty.

    I guess interest rates will start at 15%, as Thaksin quietly siphons off a mere 1% of those repayments, unbeknown to all, as previously unknown.

    When Officer Yingunlucky then reduces the interest rates to a normal 5-6%, Esanland, to whom have already been raped, will suddenly cry for joy for their HEROINE, and vote her back in continuously.

    A wonderous plot from a deviant, but albeit, Brian Cant.


  3. The numbers of dead hasn't increased over the last two weeks, in both Thai reports and international reports. Suddenly the number rises by 20%.

    I think a lot of us know probably, at a guesstimate, at least 40% of the deaths have been caused by electrocution, and not disease nor drowning, as a result of live cables in waters, or low electricity metres.

    Somebody mentioned only yesterday about investing the 800Billion into education.

    Well I'm all for investing a large proportion of that into a fair few optic cables, and getting rid of the streets of unwanton dangerous wires that seem to be an acceptable way of life here. How many times have 'you' crossed a bridge and ended up touching a black piece of plastic, and jumping your hand off it as you recognise it is a live wire you are touching?

    I have been to many Asian countries, and they don't have such inefficient wiring as Th does. Forget the education, that's at least beyond Victorian ages. The logistical supplies in this country, for major utilities like gas and electricity are Dickensian, except for a few candles... Anybody have a gas supply from a pipe from the street? Nope, A Calor gas bottle, as used for caravanning around Europe in the 70's. Even European camp-sites now have gas pipes to supply arriving caravans.

    My point is; Quite a number of young innocents would not be dead if the power lines and gas supplies were Westernised here. That costs a lot less than every eleven year old receiving hacked and illegitemate laptops!


  4. As indicated previously, I was forced to evacuate my home in Bang Pun, Phatum, without a single word of warning, nor 50,000 troops helping out. Hence we lost everything.

    Fortunately, we have a sister who lives in a 3rd floor condo in Bang Na. We got here, and have been safe and have some dried foods and tinned goods.

    We are now being told to evacuate, as ALL OF BKK will suffer.

    Is this for real? We swam for life once; so do we need to do it again?

    Anybody live in Bang Na who can advise as to how to get the real news on the possibility of us being flooded here?

    I'm sick and tired of the rigmarole of running, when all we had is lost anyway.

    We will be safe on 3rd floor, but my concern is running out of food. Could we be left high and dry (excuse the unintended pun) without food if we stay?


  5. Yeah, give her a break people. It's not like shes intending to sink Bkk.

    Trying her best to save it. Sometimes lucks just against people.

    And sometimes it is bad Governmental management against people!

    Sure she's not intending to sink BKK. That's why the natural course run of the water to BKK was diverted, to save BKK and delay the inevitable.

    Phatumtani, where I have lost my new home, all wordly goods and 'white goods' inclusively, including a new car, was unnecessary to flood. The waters were directed there, to save BKK.

    Millions of extra people lost their homes, myself included, at the cost of bad judgment and self-preservation.

    So, of course, she has tried to save BKK, at the cost of others' lives unnecessarily.

    I saw crocodile tears. Shame she doesn't have to trudge and swim thru 2m of crap to save her own life, as we had to, as a result of her own decisions.

    A rookie cop running a country, refusing international help, and saying we have our own boats and helicopters to cope doesn't exactly ring of a true ability in leadership.

    For the armchair commentators - enjoy your swim for bottled water over the next few weeks. It's a delightful experience getting out of the 2m, drying and seeing your clothes and skin caked in crap. Truly delightful. Enjoy!


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