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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Let's hope the UN steps in to help these people, as the Thai government has more things to worry about than Burmese refugees. The Thai government has just too much to concern itself with lately: such as an illicit meeting in an hotel, a party to celebrate the demotion of a man who controlled some of the flooding last year et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.... c.f. Yul Brynner, a fine Thai King. ;)


  2. A Pheu Thai MP and reporters were met with disappointment when they were not allowed to view the hotel room used for the controversial personal meeting between Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and business tycoons.

    <deleted>? It's a hotel conference room <deleted>. What do they expect to see?

    Stains on the carpeting?


    Or a bent 'cock' or three?

    Or would that be a bent cockatoo? :)


  3. Haha, you guys sound like a bunch of grumpy ole men. Be positive and be happy. Dude didn't say leave yet. He said if x happens and be prepared. Sometimes that all you can do.

    Floods suck for sure and sometimes there us nothing you can do to completely alleviate the possibility, especially if, and as someone mentioned, 30 percent of Thailand us in a flood plane. If true then what do you expect?


    I don't know what type of clown this guy is or even if he is one but providing people a time when and if they should be concerned and what to do at that point sounds like a very reasonable thing to do. He didn't say to run away or flee as the headline indicates but clearly says to be prepared in the event water reaches a certain point and an intelligent person may see that as being a warning that if floods reach that level then the next move "may" be the need to evacuate but obviously that will have to be determined based on numerous other factors if the water reaches the defined location.

    These types of warnings are common in the US when dealing with severe weather or floods, such as; "If the storm begins to move to the north, residents are urged to be prepared to evacuate low lying areas ...."

    What about the people of Ayutthaya? Is he saying, 'Sod you, there is little we can do for YOU?'

    I didn't read that in either news piece or anything close to that. I also didn't see anything that said this was the nations flood plan and thing being considered. What I read was the news choosing one comment to report.

    I was by no means making criticism of your post. ;)

    My post was almost rhetorical. The difficulty I see is that, in knowing the Thai mentality, the majority will think that a message of 'flee', be it translated correctly or not, is also applicable to them and will result in EVERYBODY fleeing should a flood situation arise. Can you imagine?

    Ayutthaya flees first, to Nonthaburi, followed by them all fleeing to Phatumtani, follwed by all those fleeing to Don Muang, and then all those arriving in BKK, which has people fleeing...... and then where do the whole lot flee to?

    But then again, daily life is organised chaos. :)


  4. While I fully support the usage of Educational Courseware on tablets, I do not think it is a good idea at Pthaom 1 (even higher grades) to simply pass the tablets to the kids without supervision.What would be better is the way it was done durng the pilot testing done (where I was part of) in another ASEAN country.

    In that pilot, the tablets stayed in the school, and handed out in the classroom during the periods dedicated to e-Learning. The kids were using the tablets under the guidance of the teacher, and Internet connection was not even in use. WiFi connection was used to intereact with the Server in the school to upload results (courseware was stored locally to reduce traffic)

    It was observed during the oukits that the kdis love this period of learning so much that teachers start to use this periid as a incenttive for the kids to behave bettter and work harder. Bad behabviour led to less time and god led to more time ion the tablets. The results spoke for itself - a 30% increase in the classes with lowest grades (versus a test group w/o the usage of the tablets). Kidx intrbviewed on TV said they love the periods as it was like playing computer games and tehy learnt and remember bettrer and can corrrect themselves till they get it rigght - sort if a leveling meachnism that give the slower kids an equ;l caacne to learn if they are willing to put in the effort.

    I hope you didn't teach proofreading! giggle.gif


    Edit: Oooops! Subbo bet ma two it. My snicere apolgoies! clap2.gif

  5. Haha, you guys sound like a bunch of grumpy ole men. Be positive and be happy. Dude didn't say leave yet. He said if x happens and be prepared. Sometimes that all you can do.

    Floods suck for sure and sometimes there us nothing you can do to completely alleviate the possibility, especially if, and as someone mentioned, 30 percent of Thailand us in a flood plane. If true then what do you expect?


    I don't know what type of clown this guy is or even if he is one but providing people a time when and if they should be concerned and what to do at that point sounds like a very reasonable thing to do. He didn't say to run away or flee as the headline indicates but clearly says to be prepared in the event water reaches a certain point and an intelligent person may see that as being a warning that if floods reach that level then the next move "may" be the need to evacuate but obviously that will have to be determined based on numerous other factors if the water reaches the defined location.

    These types of warnings are common in the US when dealing with severe weather or floods, such as; "If the storm begins to move to the north, residents are urged to be prepared to evacuate low lying areas ...."

    Me thinks you also miss an important point though. This is addressed to the people of BKK, isn't it?

    What about the people of Ayutthaya? Is he saying, 'Sod you, there is little we can do for YOU?'

    Watch out for the Wang Noi flood, and then prepare, IS EFFECTIVELY what he is saying.

    Korat and Saraburi will be fine, but Chao Praya will overspill past Saraburi and into Ayutthaya. What about the people there?

    Is this all still seriously to only help BKK? If so, then I say poor show! No plans for those people, nor the factory units just recompleted and rebuilt.

    I understand the 'no panic' mode of your writing, but if the dams are outing water, as they currently are and will be for quite some time, what happens when the monsoons hit, during those releases, to places like Ayutthaya, Phatum and Don Muang? Same again?

    Is it all 'save BKK only, again', and sod anybody who is living slightly north of BKK?

    Can the residents of Ayutthaya, Nonthaburi, Phatumtani and Don Muang down to Lak-si be expected to evacuate again also? That's 20 million on the move. Logistics in this country would be nigh impossible to cope with this situation, not to mention losses of income and inability to supply food and water!

    So, in actuality, it isn't a case of forwarning for all, but a forwarn for BKK kondio! That, in my opinion, is very very sad; and demonstrates exactly how ill-prepared any thoretically thought out plans really are, if there have been any from the morons at the top!


  6. I really think this isn't anything to do with servers being at fault. I, indeed, think it thoroughly depends upon which internet security suite you use, and how vulnerable your pc/laptop is.

    I taught a grade 9 student who was a genius with computers, as there are many in Thailand. He hacked AVG security, as I watched him do it. I asked him to show me. (He was later expelled for hacking the school system and obtaining exam papers!). However, he went into AVG itself, changed some settings and then hacked his friends laptop on the next table. He could have obtained any info used on that laptop.

    I had used AVG for three years, without thinking I ever had a problem, but I did have problems and it is just that AVG could/didn't warn me about them. It doesn't have that facility, or didn't when I last used it. I changed to Kaspersky, and never had a problem. But Kaspersky goes so deep into your computer it really slows operation times down. I settled for Panda Global Suite - THIS I WOULD RECOMMEND TO ALL. It tells you when a hacker is hacking you, and also gives you the IP address, from which you can use other internet programs to get a location.

    Panda is probably the best anti-hackproof system available and isn't too expensive. I really would ask that you investigate and consider carefully, assuming you have had problems that is, the security suite you use. AVG is not as good as people say it is, Norton is the most hacked, and others just don't do things that you may think they do.

    I am no salesman for Panda or Kaspersky, but they are the two best available currently. I just responded because I do know what it feels like to 'feel' vulnerable online.



    I forgot to add, of course, that Panda automatically blocks the hacker, or gives a choice - if you are using a remote log in. ;)


  7. I really think this isn't anything to do with servers being at fault. I, indeed, think it thoroughly depends upon which internet security suite you use, and how vulnerable your pc/laptop is.

    I taught a grade 9 student who was a genius with computers, as there are many in Thailand. He hacked AVG security, as I watched him do it. I asked him to show me. (He was later expelled for hacking the school system and obtaining exam papers!). However, he went into AVG itself, changed some settings and then hacked his friends laptop on the next table. He could have obtained any info used on that laptop.

    I had used AVG for three years, without thinking I ever had a problem, but I did have problems and it is just that AVG could/didn't warn me about them. It doesn't have that facility, or didn't when I last used it. I changed to Kaspersky, and never had a problem. But Kaspersky goes so deep into your computer it really slows operation times down. I settled for Panda Global Suite - THIS I WOULD RECOMMEND TO ALL. It tells you when a hacker is hacking you, and also gives you the IP address, from which you can use other internet programs to get a location.

    Panda is probably the best anti-hackproof system available and isn't too expensive. I really would ask that you investigate and consider carefully, assuming you have had problems that is, the security suite you use. AVG is not as good as people say it is, Norton is the most hacked, and others just don't do things that you may think they do.

    I am no salesman for Panda or Kaspersky, but they are the two best available currently. I just responded because I do know what it feels like to 'feel' vulnerable online.



  8. 12 years already. Let by gone be by gone.

    Anyway, she must have been reborned already, according to Buddhist teaching, that ends all krama.

    What a daft comment Dave cowboy.gifrolleyes.gif .

    I think I'd consider it more than daft, and the prior post was just complete lunacy and unspirited from this MEMBER! of Thaivisa. I wonder if his sister was brutally raped and murdered in Chiang Mai, and the police hid somebody of importance, would he respond in the same manner. Karma my ass! :@

    Regardless of the history, the Welsh police would not be pursuing this after 12 years if they didn't think the DNA records are of great worth in finding the culprit. It is likely that access to the DNA is being prohibited, and that it may have been tampered with in order to protect the person of authority who lays responsible for this abuse of an innocent traveller.

    Shame on those who wash away history and instill lack of closure to any family, especially posters here! Poor show!


  9. Thaksin Urges Thais to Love Each Other Via Skype

    The up shot of this, and the happy part, is that Thaksin didn't get a shag yesterday, his olde followers care little, and the old fart is so skint that he needs 'HITS' on Skype to get some revenue coming in, as Dubai must be expensive. Certainly when your assets have been frozen by international agencies and banks they must be mounting! - Bless his little cotton socks :( ....

    Look where his sister is now, during these bombing plans saying they are nothing to do with American Intelligence. Where is she lads?

    She's in Esan land, and other areas, away from BKK, PURPORTEDLY gaining popularity; BUT then giving false promises directly to the real 'poor cotton socks!' - those that are of real needs. Smiles and with all, she does it!. Dumb ass she may just be??....!!

    He's having a laugh (c.f. Thaksin he'self)!

    But, in depth, he isn't. He knows his invite back is not forthcoming, and he is a sad, lonely, miserable old Alan B'stard.

    On Facebook? Ahum?.... vomit... eewwwww. He can't get anymore desperate, apart from the few dwindlers who financially support him still. A worried ageing man, perhaps?

    To be encouraging Thais to be on facebook, when they can't even supply the notebooks they (and he) offered, and for him desiring hits on Facebook....... well..... Cronies can only go so far! His sister is loving her unforeseen inadequacies:her inabilities to work on time and be a parliamentary representative (cos iz jutz too mucz pressure man), her inability to see a forthcoming major flood above saturated ground, and her desire to publicise a sexual <deleted> meeting in a hotel. ;)

    The tantamount result of this Nation article surmounts to nothing that is truth, to be honest!

    Apart from that He is desperate, she is full of being desperate, and the general Thai hope is _ <deleted> off! (In the Irish usage!)

    -mel. |}

  10. As with most of these opposition associated Polls (Horseplop)

    the unsubstantiated claim that the Govt. mishandled the flood disaster (Quite substantiated even to the blind)

    One could just as easily say that the flodd disaster was handles quite well (not without my nose growing 2 inches)

    an effort at laundering the stuff via other sources (is this English?)

    She is a hard working lady, with her people searching out all options and possibilities (so busy she skips to hotels for clandestine meetings)

    The Thai people are right. 6 months after the floods, what action has been taken? Money allocated, nothing done. Experts appointed, experts ignored.

    The headline is therefore right - nothing but false promises, wasted time and smiles that most are fed up with

    Ignore Calgaryll !!- He obviously just wants to shag the ass off YL. He does nothing but post about how awesome she is!

    It's about time somebody opened Calgaryll's eyes to the reality of this Govenmt leader's sham actions and false deliveries.

    Please, anybody?

    His posting is really tedious on this matter - that being 'her'!. :(


  11. Very kind of him to consider and assure Bangkok, after he was party to deliberately flooding all areas outside of Bangkok last year, demonstrating crocodile tears for his failure that it was coming to Bangkok, and pursuing to barricade Bangkok with 'Big Bag' at the expense of all the sundry that we know got the worst of it! Kind indeed. To be blunt - he's a c____ !

    So there it is, in writing, and his statements, 'the divide between the capital, and the rest of the lowlife's'.

    If I wasn't sober I'd be writing vulgarities about this 'matter of control' about central BKK, and the F factor applied to everybody outside of it.

    This is outragous, and He needs to be subpoenaed before the Nation to explain how he failed Thailand but saved Bangkok, last year,and what his plans are for not failing Thailand this year, whilst he presupposes to save Bangkok this year.

    I smell stinky waters coming neck deep, yet again.... or was that John Bonham? Rock on Paribatra - you bummer! angry.png


  12. "On this occasion, Prime Minister Yingluck reiterated a great potentiality of the Thai economy and further elucidated the strategic and systematic water management policy, to which a budget of USD11 billion has been set aside. She projected the Thai economy would grow 5 percent after recovering from the flood."

    "To which US$ 11B has been set aside" - but sod all been done with yet.

    "5% after recovering from flood" - ?Where is she? Half the place still looks like a war zone, and hasn't recovered, and the likelihood is that before, and of what's left of the 11B after a bit of Chalerm reshuffling, there's likely going to be repeat flooding.

    She makes me cheesy.gif .


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