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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. What heavy rains have we been experiencing in an around BKK? I haven't seen any?

    There was a sprinkle in Don Meuang and Meung Ake last week.

    It hasn't rained in your area but it rained a lot in Western Bangkok. Dusit witnessed 6 heavy downpours this January, which I believe in accumulation is more than 100 mm of rain.

    Talking about the article I haven't seen any work to be done regarding the drainage system. I would say the situation is worse, especially in ex-flooded areas. The sewage system is full of garbage and sand from the left sandbags. I won't be surprised to see more flash floods during heavy rains this year.

    Concurred. I was being a tad sarcastic with regard to 'unusual' rains. ;)

    I also concur with a greater likelihood of much more flash flooding too, as previously flooded areas are already saturated and water is levelled at just below ground level as we write. What would be horrific, and perish the thought, would be long term flash flooding which has nowhere to drain, and then an additional follow up of flood waters similar to last year, but earlier this year. Catastrophic comes to mind somewhat?

    And it's all possible, of course :(


  2. What heavy rains have we been experiencing in an around BKK? I haven't seen any?

    There was a sprinkle in Don Meuang and Meung Ake last week.

    Mind even after that little fall, I did observe that the roads were 4" deep in water, as the sub-road level drainages were still full prior to a little rain; so much for the continued underground drainage alleged to have continued. The ground is still saturated, all the way from Ayutthaya to BKK itself. Any slight risk of heavy rains and there will be no way to avoid flooding in the current circumstances. So we will no-doubtedly be in for 'here it comes again' sometime between April and August.

    I did have a chuckle at the title of this thread though, "The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is confident that it will be able to handle unusually-heavy rain the capital has been seeing" - as nowhere has been seeing any unusually heavy rain!! clap2.gif

    YET! (meaning - Just don't poop again, yet, lads)


  3. To be honest, this thread gives absolutely no information of any relevance, what so ever!

    It gives no benchmark costs, or estimated increase.

    If petrol is going to rise in price, all I want to know is if current Gao Ha (Gasohol 95) is at approx 35Baht a litre, then what are the projected prices per litre as a result of this projected increase. Simple info required, that does affect me.

    The info is not contained..... so I just wasted 2 mins of my life reading and replying to an empty fuel tank! :(

    MEL. ;)

  4. Of course it happens here. It's just not been reported much, in the past.

    People, especially prominent businessmen, get shot, maimed, killed often. It is hush-hushed to save the quiet face of LOS.

    Only, last year, was I teaching at a top International School where we had 2, (yes, two) fathers shot; and they were indeed top businessmen.

    One was killed outright, the other ended up with no legs and in a wheel chair, and us left to deal with and console the G11/12 daughters of these upstanding men!

    (separate incidents, by the way)

    The list is endless. When it's a copper, it makes news for the families of the deceased, purely for spread knowledge and recompensation for spouses.

    As a previous poster commented, 'we do know this goes on, but heads down and no knowledge, and about business as usual' - in not so many words.

    Farang knows nothing - for sure........ ;)


  5. I looked at neighbours' aerials last night and, of course, that was one of my first logical ideas. However, this is LOS, and of course,they are pointing in every which way and direction. giggle.gif

    I'll try the Baiyoke Tower to start with, but can I ask why? Is that just because it's the highest antenna? Can't even see it from Lak Si, so I'll have to google a map and point myself, once I find North, and then the direction of Baiyoke from IT Square. wai.gif


    I googled which way to point a TV aerial from Lak Si, and guess what?

    Absolutely nothing appeared apart from TV flooding, and local wars, in the 1st 5 pages. offtopic.gif

  6. Sounds silly, but after the floods I just moved into a new home near IT Square, Lak Si.

    I have 2 TVs, on downstairs, and one in master-bedroom.

    TV downstairs (Sony HD5 new) only picks up 3 channels, 1 clearly. Upstairs TV (Samsung HD4 new) picks up 5 channels, 2 clearly.

    My TV aerial must be pointing in the wrong direction, as even without Cable or Satellite, we can normally pick up 7 or 8 channels clearly.

    Can anybody answer, "In which direction should my std TV antenna be pointing, in Lak Si, to receive normal Thai TV, until I organise Cable?"

    I can access the Aerial from the balcony, and turn it, but rather than spending hours up and down the stairs checking both TVs, I am hoping somebody can answer my question.



  7. A useless person takes out his uselessness on the people he has a responsibility against. Not uncommon here.

    Edited to add: Hope he get to share cell with the crocs.

    So you believe every word you read above then? (Ignoring the 'alledgely' part)

    The article finishes with 'crocodile shoes'; an article supposedly serious about this drunk driver.

    He wasn't exactly driving a bus in Chiang Mai was he? And subsequently the 'POLICE' arrested him.

    Get serious man. This smells worse than a passport issue.


  8. There are a few missing points here:

    First. It isn't the fact of a worry that the passport has been re-issued, it is what's behind it that counts.

    Second. If Thaksin is granted a government pardon, then his return will be imminent.

    Third. We know the outcome of the second, and civil war will be a true reality.

    Fourth. More importantly, for those farangs who have little experience here and welcome him back blindly, you need to understand that Thaksin does not like farangs. He despises them, and all they stand for - pertinently 'DEMOCRACY'.

    Fifth. For all; nobody expected such bad, extensive and unimagined floods. Be prepared for extended, bad civil war in this country like you couldn't imagine!

    -mel. :(

  9. "Nordine Amrani" ....... Yeah.. a traditional Belgian name.

    What does that mean? Define a traditional and non -traditional name from your country.

    Condolences to all that suffered from this tragic event.

    You know exactly what i mean mr. Politically correct.

    Exactly ! I'm Belgian and it's time to start calling a cow a cow !!

    Again innocent people die because of some scum that should be behind bars or back in his native country !

    I understand your anger, and your plight. Unfortunately, it isn't that simple.

    Britain and England could hold the same mistrust for all Muslims, after records are looked at. Fortunately, most Muslims are not regimists and do bring good to wherever they are, even if that is construed as in large numbers. Calling a cow a cow? That is extreme in itself, and totally uncalled for despite your anger. If Britain removed all Muslims then the population of the UK would drop by probably 50%. With it large numbers of jobs and white incomes. This man was obviously deranged, same as the last European Norwegian who went on a spree.

    I very much doubt there was any extremist link in this Belgian's actions, and consequences and damage have to be accepted by all when one single individual becomes momentarily insane.

    It is unfair, and actually quite racist, to quantify his actions because of his name.


  10. "Sungai Golok is one of the main human trafficking destinations in Thailand, with more than 100 brothels, police said."

    That's an interesting passive statement to finish with.

    So the police are aware of over 100 more brothels, they state.

    I wonder what they, the police quoting such numbers, are going to do about these known establishments in the near future?

    Maybe very little if they are on the pay-books of such places? :angry:


  11. Quote" Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the weekly meeting asked the Interior Minister to coordinate with the Public Relations Department to promote the use of OTOP products, for flood-affected 1,868 communities in 68 provinces, therefore creating a business improvement of over Bt260 million. "

    What a ruddy blind surprise, not, considering the Shinawatra's are the major shareholders of OTOP : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Tambon_One_Product

    The PM is now asking for family self-promotion, to provide for flood victims? Come on? This is more than a piss-take.

    This is vomit material. It stinks, and it should be highlighted more strongly. She hasn't even got her wellies wet yet, and yet she's inviting black shiite all over her brother's whiter than white socks.

    Well high time this kind of rigmarole was highlighted to the rest of the world, by The Nation, no less.

    Do you have the balls to do it, Mr Editor?


  12. I see they are looking for ARhesus neg blood. Admins, is this still the case?

    I am AR-, but I couldn't up and rush to Phuket. I could get to a local hosp in Prawet now to give 2 pints, if they transfer it?

    Any ideas? Is it still needed?


    This from 91.54 Phuket FM FB page: URGENT;<br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; text-align: left; ">A NEGATIVE BLOOD REQUIRED<br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; text-align: left; ">VACHIRA HOSPITAL<br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; text-align: left; ">PLEASE CALL 081 8455 052<br style="font-family: 'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 12px; text-align: left; ">CONTACT NAME NURSE METHAVEE........

    Called. An astonishing number of farangs gave blood today, and he is stable and doing fine. Thanks for the number, but the nurse wasn't too impressed.

    My help was there, even though I found out too late...:wai:

  13. Personal opinion aside. Has he had a stroke? he certainly does not look fit in that photo. An excuse to pardon him, no way.

    Personal opinion aside, I'm sure he's had a few strokes. A few strokes across paper writing illegal cheques, a few strokes across the forehead from illegal colleagues' actions, a few strokes of sweat over companies, but a big stroke of ...hum.....just "pure bad luck" when he was found out! :lol:


  14. Sounds messy. You me be in the right but is it worth the hassle and the stress? I would just put it down bad luck and move on.

    I typed your question into google and this document came up. you may find your answer here


    Cheers Hooters. I wouldn't have found such a link. I want to let it go, but my wife scratches badly if she feels done by. It's her call, and she's screaming blue murder....lol.

    10K isn't a lot to me, but in her principle she sees it as a lot in LOS, and she is an arguer against bad principles.

    Initial reading indicates that a file can be logged, whereby the defendant has to agree to costs, if we put up 2% of our claim first. There could be a road here.

    I'd sooner take a walk in peace and look at the stars. If my wife wants to pursue it further then she, of course, has my full backing.

    Would be interesting to see a court case argued where the plaintiffs are both English and Thai.... :partytime2: ?


  15. I know most of us here aren't solicitors or lawyers, but we have experience.

    I, however, have little experience in disputes and, therefore, need some experienced replies.

    My wife and I, both, have a six-month rental agreement that began in August and is due to end in Feb.

    Our rent is 10K Baht, and we deposited 30K, 2 months up front and 10K 'bond', which we have a written receipt and agreement for, in Thai. My wife is Thai.

    Our home, near to Phatum was flooded 2 months ago, and of course we were forced to move out and find a condo in BKK.

    Water in our home and village is still 1.5m, stagnant and unhabitable.

    We haven't paid rent since we moved out, and our landlord understands that.

    However, he is now saying we are responsible to clean his home and he will not.

    We told him if he can't clean it then we will not return. He is happy for that, but says he will not return our 10K bond.

    We spoke to a lawyer last night, who said he is wrong in not returning the bond, and asking us to clean 'his' home.

    If we want to pursue the matter through petty claims court, the lawyer said we have to pay him, and it will be a lot more than 10K in costs.

    In the most countries of the world, if one isn't prepared to settle out of court and one pursues through court, then if the defendant loses the case, he/she is normally responsible for all costs, including the plaintiff's legal and the court's costs.

    My question is: Does that not apply in Thailand? If we win the case, do we still have to pay our lawyer's costs?

    So, although not a huge amount, in principle we lose anyway?

    -mel. :jap:

  16. Starting from April 1, the Bt300 pay will be effective in several provinces: Bangkok, Phuket, Samut Prakan, Nakhon Pathom, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani and Samut Sakhon, said Labour Minister Phadermchai Sasomsap, who proposed the postponement.

    The Bt300 pay will be in effect in other 70 provinces, on January 1, in 2013, 2014, and 2015, and could be further increased after 2014 if other factors including inflation and higher cost of living occur, he added.

    Hardly surprising really, except for the date 2013.

    Another year gives T time to advise his sister on how to rob 20 billion from funds, prepare donations to the northern provinces above the current minimum wage per day in order to buy a few marillion shirts, and then to go forth and conquer....

    ....not to mention keeping the earning ability funds from the ochre T-shirts, the ones badly affected by flooding in Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani and Sam.......

    He goes from clever to sick when he talks about reconciliation, and his 'beloved' people.


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