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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. What a load of codswallop!

    To say Thais were involved, I mean; not the previous codswallop posts.\ but that it IS BS to make any link with being paid, and getting what one wants in this instance.

    If you droop so low to even make an assumption that Thais were a party to their own planned attack with bombs in BKK, then sorry : You're a lunatic!

    Propaganda is as it is, and this Nation news is purely propaganda.

    Grow up and see middle-east hate for what it is.


  2. The responsible drinkers and the drunks can adopt the same strategies: stop drinking for one day (OMG), stock up in advance, go somewhere that ignores the law and have a drink there. Some locales have been suggested. Surely, this a minor inconvenience, no more. No-one is gonna die! ;-)

    However, is there a smoking ban tomorrow? A yabba-dabba-doo smoking ban, where people do die as a result of psychotic states?

    Yabbah ban? Would that be a minor inconvenience in Ubon or Udon, to name but a few?

    Can the responsible smokers stop for a day, and yet cigarettes will be for re-sale tomorrow?

    Isn't it ALL relative?


  3. 1. I'd really love to know how this new 'floodwall' is going to counter a flow of water, which generally comes up from underground, and can get past anything!

    2. Why wasn't Thai Air the first to fly out?

    3. They sure advertised the first flight. I live in Lak-si, and at 5.30am this morning I thought a lost and damaged, or fuel low 747 was flying over our home at about 500ft!!! I didn't need my alarm clock, as it circled twice at very low altitude. I thought some plane had been re-directed as an emergency it was so low, and off its normal flight path!! :o


  4. Already just been to my 'estate' local corner shop, for my 4 beers for tonight.

    My Q: "Prungnee mee alcohol mai, mee Ardcha si guat mai na - prungnee chow?"

    Shop answer: "Chai, mai mee pan ha! - tuk wayla" 555+

    Seems the ban will be enforced dramatically! wink.png


    Archa, have you no taste buds ? bah.gif

    Ardcha, pronounced differently, is my PWD for are you selling my Singha or Chang export. The locals drink Archa, and listen, but she gets in and keeps in the back for me my requirements, as the locals can't afford mine. Sorry for the delusion! I may just be enjoying a few cool Guiness cans tomorrow. ;)


  5. Once again, Bangkok firefighters are well trained and disciplined. The last thing you need at a fire is a charge by an untrained, undisciplined rabble.

    ... But even in the West, when was the last time you heard about a Fire Department getting sued for cutting someone out of a crashed car or forcing their way into a locked building in order to fight a fire?

    You just gave me a great idea! ;)


  6. "I have my own way of getting back home without having to rewrite the charter to favour me," - Give some credit for the man for being honest. He is openly admitting that he will break the law to come back without having to serve his term. Or does this mean abolishing the courts will do the trick for him?

    He will not break a law to return, and will not serve a term imposed by illegal means, under the auspices of a coupist administration.

    The question who belongs behind bars......Thaksin or the coupists

    Coupist criminalization of those they coup, does not a criminal make.

    Thaksin was where he was because of electoral success. The coupists as a result of armed aggression.

    Armed aggression that was exposed for its political illegality by last years elections.

    Those involved in the coup should probably be behind bars, as should Thaksin.

    Becareful. You can go to jail for 5 years just for your little innocent comment.

    No he can't, 'cause he's a farang! We have laws and embassies that actually do things!


  7. Thaksin: Thai charter change 'not for my return'

    BANGKOK, March 5, 2012 (AFP) - Ousted Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra has denied that a move by his political allies to amend the kingdom's constitution is aimed at clearing the way for his return.

    "I have my own way of getting back home without having to rewrite the charter to favour me," Thaksin said.

    Yes mate, and we all know <deleted> all about reverse psychology too, don't we?! ; being something you just learned about, from bankrupt Dubai skyscraper builders. NICE TO KNOW ONE, GET TO KNOW ONE isn't it?

    You're on your tod, and you always will be - LOSER. giggle.gif


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  8. I THINK the most important thing to recognise pertaining to this event is that there were no casualties. I obtain an education Visa, for obvious reasons, fron the Thai school on the 12th floor of this buliding. (And it's due for renewal in 2 weeks ohmy.png!)

    It's OK in experience, to make comparisons regarding the Western Standards and the Thai Standards, but the reality is you moved from a First World Country to a Third World Country; what I write accepted or not.

    You should not, and in fact cannot, make realistic comparisons from one to the other, considering combined technological and historical advances, put lightly.

    What those men did yesterday, with their 'claimed' second rate equipment was a credit to themsleves.

    I understand that complaints wish to be made, regarding standards and comparisons. However, at the end of the day, it was YOUR decision to move here and live here. You are STILL a guest here, and lucky we are all - to be. To comment upon hierarchical, and development, failures is pure neglect of your own reason for being here.

    The reality is that it takes mistakes to be made for learning to be developed. Already there are announcements for improvement laws about sprinklers.

    As for the comparison of 9/11; What a supercilious and pathetic comparison - this was a high rise fire only.

    I hope for those that continually knock what you don't like: 1. That you either adapt to a developing culture, and it is.

    or 2. If you can't adapt but want to be here, that you keep a tight lip and become passive.

    3. If neither of the above suits you then it REALLY is time to go home!


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  9. So no real news about the fire in the last 5 hours?

    Only a bunch of keyboard warriors destroying yet another thread with their BS.

    The news on Thai tv said nobody was injured, no casualties at all, and the fire was out after 3 hours. However, it did show firemen on the 5th floor clearing out the windows, with flames above them. Brave men. Sar-tu!

    I do have to question the 'ten' fire engines though, as all newspaper pre-posts I have seen, and news coverage shows only one single ladder fender, and 2 squirters getting ready for Song Khran; albeit there was also an extended ladder platform incase people needed to get out - right next to the ladder engine. As for the other seven fire-engines, I saw no evidence, unless they were aiming at the third floor, in the hope of sending the fire upwards...

    What I didn't see was an engine capable of drenching the 12th/11th floors to contain the fire to floors.

    All said and done, and in light of the difficulty of a very hot day, considering we are moving from Cool to Rainy Season, to put that out in a three (3) hour period, I can only say 'job well done lads', somebody knew what they were doing.

    Maybe they should hand flood control to the man who controlled his brigade today!!!


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  10. I love the way all the experts come out to play when there is something to criticise..

    If you are not happy in Thailand with the way things are done then the right answer could be to go somewhere you would be or do something positive to help. But negative comments posted on an anonymous internet forum is not helping anyone or anything.

    So all you budding town-planners and fire fighters why not make constructive criticism in the right channels to the right people. Or go home.

    If you have lived here any length of time it is OBVIOUS,

    that in many things what we took for granted at home does not apply here.

    So should you just shut up and let the status quo continue?

    Even if it is DEADLY?

    No, so don't go home, say your piece and if someone doesn't like it That is THEIR problem.

    The best way for things never to change for the better,

    is to never acknowledge that there are ways you have seen that clearly work better.

    It isn't racist to say so, it is simply logical to say so.

    No doubt the Thai firefighters in Bangkok know their job...

    They have NO CHOICE, fires forgive no mistakes.

    But there are aspects of society that make that job harder.

    I don't want to get into a 'flame' war here. What can be done by us to fix the problem with the ridiculous and obviously extremely dangerous situation we're exposed to daily due to the 'overhead' wiring system in Bangkok and other cities here? At and around Seacon Square for example it takes some serious dodging to avoid wires when simply taking the pedestrian bridge, to name one of literally countless examples. Can anyone tell me of a single productive avenue towards a reasonable resolution to this serious and dangerous issue? If not, I guess we have little else to do than bitch, right?

    Well one of the problems is, you see, that if the electrical cables were placed underground then there would be two possible detractors, vs having them hanging delightfully as they do now, where people can see them:

    1. If the floods come, and the cables are bought from China for tea-money - with substandard water-tight connectors, then 'everybody' would be electrocuted.

    2. They would be dug up by desperados, and sold as scrap metal.

    Sometimes things aint that easy! cheesy.gif

  11. In addition,, consistent with the same logic, if you ever had a problem with a taxi, YOU are an arsehol_e. ;-)

    It's ok to complain about BKK Taxi drivers, but in my experience I think in general that they are not bad. Ok, I drive; but when I use taxis I never have, and never have had, a problem. They may not be trained, like black cabbies are, but they will genuinely get you from A to B in the best way they know how, and always use the meter - unless YOU are a prick, of course!

    The police getting tough on cabs would be time better spent on police getting tough with motorcycle riders, and employing the laws that apply to them.

    They only stop a few helmetless, car cutting and scratching, and road blocking cycle users when the lecky bills come in! As a driver, I find taxi's generally ok, and it's the <deleted> brainless and lawless motorcycle morons that need more policing - for their sakes plus mine!



    - If the taxi driver tries to not use the meter. therefore I am a PRICK - anybody understand this logic?

    - Car drivers / taxi drivers are all OK, motorcycle drivers are the sole cause of all the traffic problems?

    For being reasonable man, your logic here is illicit.

    I wrote, in effect, in response to the previous poster, that if you get into a taxi that refuses to use a meter and you don't get out that, indeed more fool you, and yes, you're a prick unto yourself.

    How that relates to your 'in addition, if you've ever had A PROBLEM with a taxi' beckons that you are an ars*hole is totally irrelevant, and illogical.

    You widened the scope of one particular example I gave into all examples.

    Get a grip man! (What was eating your beef when you posted in response? Where you in a Four Seasons hotel meeting, or something?)


  12. So if I read this correctly, if the taxi driver that set me up to be robbed last week had his shirt tucked in, I would still have my wallet and credit cards

    If you got duped by a taxi driver, more fool you.

    Can you tell us 'exactly' how he took your wallet? Or were you pissed on your way back from a whore who stole it before you knew?


  13. It's ok to complain about BKK Taxi drivers, but in my experience I think in general that they are not bad. Ok, I drive; but when I use taxis I never have, and never have had, a problem. They may not be trained, like black cabbies are, but they will genuinely get you from A to B in the best way they know how, and always use the meter - unless YOU are a prick, of course!

    The police getting tough on cabs would be time better spent on police getting tough with motorcycle riders, and employing the laws that apply to them.

    They only stop a few helmetless, car cutting and scratching, and road blocking cycle users when the lecky bills come in! As a driver, I find taxi's generally ok, and it's the <deleted> brainless and lawless motorcycle morons that need more policing - for their sakes plus mine!


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  14. "Yesterday at my meeting with Honda, they confirmed by the end of this month they will be back in operation. So we expect a quite strong rebound in the first quarter this year."


    The Japanese companies, or Thailand itself?

    Of course production will be upped. Car companies don't churn out cars with no orders. There were people waiting for that lot of 1,000.

    I'll cack my keks if floods do come again, after all this hype about foreign investment, and incentive, criteria being met! ;)


  15. The noose seems to be tightening on all those who seek/have sought to use non-democratic force or violence to achieve their political ends. The chickens eventually come home to roost.

    Yes they've really tightened the noose in an extremely loose one sided way.The yellow shirts probably won't even have to post bail as the investigation hasn't been finished yet. Meanwhile hundreds of red shirt supporters were given no bail, incarcerated for 20 odd months, some of them having been found not guilty when they eventually got to court!

    You should be happy they are facing up to charges. The wheels grind on. Go have a party, sourpuss coffee1.gif

    When the wheels grind to a halt, I wonder if 'everybody will have to face up to their charges? (c.f. Dubai)

    -mel. ;)

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