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blue eyes

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Posts posted by blue eyes

  1. Nothing surprises me in Issan anymore. 2 months ago we slaughtered 2 of my pigs. My misses did'nt want to watch them get killed but was happy along with the rest of the posse to eat raw cuts from it's body which i tried and felt bloody awful.

    Bless em. They maintain they don't eat dog which i think is <deleted>. haha. My mother inlaw has had 6 dogs go missing in 2 years.....

    Very few if any Thai's eat dog anymore.Most of the dogs that go missing are sold to the guy that comes around in a truck.Or the neighbor is tired of the barking and "takes"care of it.He will trade a wash basin for a dog.Then most of them end up in Lao,Cambodia or Vietnam.Here are two photo's from Ha Noi in the old French Quarter.In Ho Chi Min City (Siagon) you can also eat dog at many resturants.It really does taste pretty good.



  2. No you are not being had.I was asked to share eating the placenta of one of our uncles cows.I cannot remember what I said to get out of it but I did not share in this delicacy.Here is a photo of our uncle waiting to catch the placenta when it comes out.


  3. Remember a village is just that a village.If you know the person or not does not matter.If you are from that village then it is expected of everyone to come.If not they might be visited often by "PEE"and that is not something that any Thai would like.In a city it is just not practical for everyone to come.As to the stress.....Most Thais would have more stress if everyone did not show up.Because it is expected for everyone to show up.But only the family would sleep over in the deceased home.I belive in the hope of seeing "Pee" one last time.

  4. I saw this topic and just had to read it from begining to end.Great topic.So many people have no idea how to use a squat toilet.I have meet people that have said to me "how can you like to sit on it more then a regular toilet"?WHAT????They had really sat on it.NASTY.I do prefer a squat.It is easier and cleaner.Her is a photo of one that is welllllllll interesting.


  5. Hi Itty you must stay and see Loy Krathong Festival in November.To see the Krathongs floating down the Mae Ping River is a sight you will never foget.

    You are right about that!!As you will see by the photo,what we have is a bunch of"poor"people stealing the money that was placed in the katongs for good luck.These guys are nothing but theives.Why do I say this?Because I have watched people that have put their katongs in the water and followed them down the river to see these theives steal the money.They will say that that is their katong and to please leave it alone.But no the theives will still push them together to steal the money.Well so is life.

    But you really must stay for Loy Katong.The parade on the land is the longest parade that I have ever seen.The water parade on the river is relly a sight to see.Good luck with your travels.


  6. Ever plug a watermelon?IT is fun.First buy a bottle of vodka,gin or the old stand buy lao kao.Take the cap and make an impresion of it on the watermelon.Cut out the impresion through the rind untell you see the red.Now take your bottle and screw it in to the hole you have cut.Let it drain into the watermelon.Once it is all drained in have a picnic and enjoy!!!!!! :o

  7. does anyone know what 'the trick' is to cooking dried beans bought in Thailand? I've soaked overnight then used a pressure cooker (stowed in luggage all the way from Bahrain) for an hour and they are STILL crunchy...I started howling the last time with the pressure cooker; it frightened the children... :o

    I usually buy whatever is on offer at tescos; black beans, pintos and kidneys...

    If you have soaked the beans overnight and up to 24hrs and when cooked they are still "hard"it is because they are old.The older the bean the longer it takes for the moisture to get into the bean and make it soft.Never add salt until the beans have become soft.They will take longer to get soft and will splt before they are done if you do.Her is a photo of my Mexican morning meal.Huevos Rancheros....corn tortilla's topped with pinto beans,cheese,poached eggs,salsa,sour cream and avocado


  8. You love her,she told you,you still love her,you can adopt,she looks and acts like so much like a woman that no one can tell,so what is the problem?She may cost you more in the fact that you will have to buy lube.But other then that cost is the same.Enjoy your life.

  9. I always like for the little ones to be restrained in their safety seats not only for safety but when they get rowdy I just turn up the stereo and ignore them. :D Their restrained remember.The big problem that I have with the motorcy is getting the saftey seat to fit on it.I did get it to fit on the handel bars one time what a trip that was.You see we were headed down highway 2 from the village to Phi Mai.She was straped in tightly and had her lid on,me to for safety.You see you never know when a bus or a truck is going to run you over. By the time we got to Phi Mai she was full,bugs and all, so no need to eat.The return trip was not so much fun though.You see it was time for her nap so she was a little cranky.I was in a hurry to get home so I guess going 100km on a little motorcy with the wind in her face made it a little hard for her to sleep. :o

    Seriously I can never understand why my relitives look at me like I am crazy for wanting to put the little ones in safety seats.They incest on wearing seat belts in the front seat but see no need for them in the back seat.A little kid can sit anywhere with no seat belts as long as an adult is holding them.Except in the bed of the pick up then the kid has the run of it.Go figure.I do not see that many accidents but when I do it is many times fatal.SEAT BELTS and SAFETY SEATS SAFE LIVES PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. You can imagine the other side of this story when the guard is off duty with his mates.............

    "You wouldn't believe what I got today. There I am doing my 4 hours of road security - yep, a lot of fun as we know. Up drives this farang with his sticker not even fixed to his windcreen. So, of course, I get him to stop and wind down his window and I take the sticker and tell him to U-turn. The guy gets hopping mad - like that's going to cut any ice with me. Wait for this - then he gets his girlfriend to come and argue with me. Sure - you can imagine I'm going to change the rules for her........... No, wait - it gets better. The guy drives off and before you know it he's back with............. you're not going to believe this......... his lawyer! If I hadn't been in uniform, I could have died laughing. Some of these farang, eh....... they don't know they're born".


  11. I know of two types of "Thai" eggplants.One is a little LARGER then a pea and grows in clusters on a tree.The other is a little larger then a golf ball and grows individually on a bush.I like the pea sized ones the best.Here is a photo of the larger sized one that the wife planted about one month ago.The size of it in the photo is about 3/4 of an inch.You can see the flower also.It is of a light purple color.I will look through our photo bank to find some other photos when I have the time.


  12. I have never been asked for an international licence.When I did have one and got stopped I handed it to the copper and he just gave it back to me.You see Thai is not one of the languages that it is printed in so they have no interest in it if you have one.Your regulare licence is all they want and some times your passport.The time they asked for my passport was I beleive just to check for my visa.

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