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Everything posted by edwarda909

  1. If you have a ipad with a stylus they will accept your signature, but not a copy and paste
  2. yes, the air is better now than it has been for several years during March. Many people say it is due to the rain we had about 5 days ago. So, best to wait a few days and see if things change.
  3. Excuse me, why is this newsworthy?
  4. The article says the truck passed through a checkpoint. I don’t understand. What’s the point of having a checkpoint if they’re incompetent.
  5. I would like this to be a site where people can be helpful and use their energy to find s solution. If we frame the problem as a defect in the UK government, then we run into a dead end. So lets reframe the problem so we can perhaps find a real solution. I do not know if this will pan out for you or not, but a few minutes on the internet brought up a coupe of links that might be useful. If not, we can keep looking to find a solution. https://www.pulse-clinic.com/medical-certificate-fit-to-fly-travel-clearance https://www.pulse-clinic.com/booking/location Stay in touch.
  6. You imply you have done overstays before. Correct?
  7. So you wrote about a consensus of the reviews about a restaurant you have no first hand experience about. you definitely have too much free time on your hands
  8. I am a semi-retired US doctor (active license)- living in Thailand working in America about 3 months every year. 4 years undergraduate university degree, 4 years of medical school consisting of 2 years didactics then 2 years clinical rotations, then 1 year internship- Ob/gyn, surgery, internal medicine (pulmonology, gastroenterology), emergency medicine, internal medicine, hematology/oncology, family practice, neurology, then 3 years psychiatry residency. Certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Total 12 years following high school.
  9. An informal poll showed that only 3% polled felt crime was a deterrent, and the majority of them said it was only a minor concern. 57% said the worsening air quality was a significant factor in choosing not to visit Thailand beyond January, with CM being the most often-mentioned locale to be avoided. None reported the poor quality of the side walks which just received a multimillion (billion?0 baht makeover. Let's get real
  10. Less Chinese tourists because of terrible incident? Causation or correlation? Not a scientific statement. By the author's line of reasoning, Chinese tourists to America would decrease to 28.
  11. A friend who is a physician at a major university in Bangkok tells me the salary is 60,000 baht/month. Unbelievable. Perhaps that is why after their regular 9-5 job they go work 2-3 hours in the evening at their private clinics.
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