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Posts posted by forumuser10

  1. I drink and drive, but not at the same time.

    Farangs usually don´t drink and drive? Hmm, most of my friends don´t drink and drive at the same time, and some of them does not have white skin.

    I know many americans and russians are drunk when they drive, and I am not sure that there are fewer white skinned americans who drink and drive, than the black americans...

  2. Well forumuser, it may well be that singular "scout ants" don't catch our eye. So we dont really realise that they are around us all the time for the sole purpose of finding food for the rest of the pack.

    Meanwhile I cant say for sure, that is not the case, it sounds kind of unlikely. My desk is huge, but I sit just a few centimeters away from it, and during these 5 years when I have used this particular desk, I never ever seen an ant on it, except for, when I leave food on it.

    But one thing I can say for sure is: My srtict rule of "no more food in the open and even dishes with rests of food on them into the fridge until washed" is an absolute success story.

    Yes, that is what I think is true, they are nowhere to be found if there are no food around. Not even scout ants, at least I have never seen them on my desk, or anywhere near it, because I would notice it.

    Another one: Upon discovering an ants nest, I poured a bag of pure sugar near the nest, just to see what would happen. After a week the sugar was gone and so were the ants, the nest was deserted.

    Now that is interesting, what happened, really, we don´t know.

    The more I look into this Ant-Thing, the more interesting it gets.

    Yes, I agree, it is interesting.

  3. Come down to South. There is 1 place i can guarantee u will encountered some. thats a confirmed. I will pay u 2000 baht if u dun encounter anything. provided you done what i suggested. That is to make a fool out of yourself in that place & be extremely disrespectful of that place. Spitting saliva all around. Urinating everywhere. Best if u cum ur load everywhere. kicking every tombstone u see in the face portrait. minimal 3 nights stay.

    I guarantee u by the 3rd night u will run like mad crying for home.

    I dare u to stay a week.

    roflmao, what have you been smoking?

    Well.. I dare you to take up the challenge too if u are interested. The more the merrier.

    I don´t have time to do it, but it sounds kinda interesting.

    The only thing I would really find hard to do is, being disrespectful, urinate, spit, and cum everywhere, lol.

  4. Come down to South. There is 1 place i can guarantee u will encountered some. thats a confirmed. I will pay u 2000 baht if u dun encounter anything. provided you done what i suggested. That is to make a fool out of yourself in that place & be extremely disrespectful of that place. Spitting saliva all around. Urinating everywhere. Best if u cum ur load everywhere. kicking every tombstone u see in the face portrait. minimal 3 nights stay.

    I guarantee u by the 3rd night u will run like mad crying for home.

    I dare u to stay a week.

    roflmao, what have you been smoking?

  5. How those Scout-Ants inform the rest of their fellow-ants as to where is food to be had, is not known to me. (I suppose they use Internet, Facebook, etc. etc).

    This is a serious question I have asked many times, but never got a real answer to.

    Actually, I think that once an ant has found something, he just walks back to his home, while leaving a smelly trace of some sort. But what I wonder about is, how can they find it in the first place? I mean, I have never ever seen an ant in my office, but as soon as I leave something on the desk, it will take like a few hours, and I will have a army of ants marching to my desk.

    Can they really smell food from like 6 meters away? How is it otherwise possible for them to find some food spills on my desk?

  6. So many rare species of life going extinct in Thailand and the overpopulation of humans is getting worse. This is a problem throughout Asia

    Dude, Thais are pretty far behind most western countries, and their mega corporations, industries, poisons, etc. The difference are also, Thais are not sending out a lot of people cutting down trees and forests in Europe, or the US, but many western companies, do just that to large asian regions...

    • Like 1
  7. Most Thai women are seeking money AKA stability, as women do in the West. I found the difference to be that many Thai women are often unappreciated by the Thai men who have been raised to believe that by virtue of being male they are superior.

    Oh no, another victim brainwashed by western feminist media

    No, not brainwashed at all. I abhor feminists, which is another reason why Thai women are so appealing to me.

    Maybe you haven't noticed the extreme arrogance of many Thai men. I haven't heard many complaints from Thai women, but I've sure experienced the male Thai dominance first hand. There are no ruder people in existence. And have you ever heard of a Thai man entering into a relationship with a single Thai mother other than exclusively for sex? The Thai male wouldn't be caught dead raising another man's children as his own. They actually believe that they are 'above' that, which is one reason why it is so easy for Western men to attract Thai women. For us it's about the woman, not about whether she has children from another man.

    Jesus christ, and I am not even religious.

    Right now, you sound like a parrot, repeating what has been said here on thaivisa over and over again.

    Don´t believe everything you hear from foreigners.

    Take a break from thaivisa for a while, and take the chance to go out there, and talk to thais, get to know them.

    No thai men arent more evil and than the thai females, that is utter bs...

  8. Most Thai women are seeking money AKA stability, as women do in the West. I found the difference to be that many Thai women are often unappreciated by the Thai men who have been raised to believe that by virtue of being male they are superior.

    Oh no, another victim brainwashed by western feminist media

  9. Frankly if you cannot speak Thai you would do better in the Philippines.

    If you read the OP you will discover he is looking to find an attractive single female who is not a prostitute.

    He has not been able to do so in the UK because, “In the UK, the bar scene is totally finished for finding women and has been for some time.”

    He doesn't speak Thai.

    You gotta ask yourself, Is he a nut case? I don't think so. He must know that decent women in Thailand who speak English, and are available to tourists are like finding a needle in a haystack.

    So your point about Philippines is accurate. But don't expect him to take your advice. He is a Brit.

    Can't see what the OP's language skills has anything to do with this? He just want to meet a woman and get laid. I vote for the bar scene as it will just take him a half hour (or less) to fulfill his quest.

    Forget your glasses? He says he does not want P4P!

    He cant speak thai, and he is looking to get laid with a normal thai girl?

    It is not gonna happen.

    It would be just as easy for him to go to Afghanistan, communicate in japanese and find regular (non prostitute) girls to fuc_k.

    It is not gonna happen.

  10. It depends on where you are, but also, I would say, if you knew a little bit more about thais and thai culture, you would also realize that they can be very age conscious.

    For example, some of my female friends, who are in their mid to late 20´s, refuse to go to certain places, cause they say its only for the young people, meaning in their early twenties. Furthermore, I play heavy rock music, and when some girls realize I am over 30, and yet not married, they think it is really strange. By thirty, they think I should have been married a long time ago, gotten some kids, and stop playing heavy rock music.

  11. I wish, one day, Thailand will be as strict as some of the nordic european countries, were girls are extremely uptight, looking down on all males (especially those over 30 years old) in general (feminism is very strong in some of those countries), and where the tv show miss universe is viewed as extremely sexist to the point where the whole show is prohibited.

    Prostitution? No problem, it is almost non existent.

    The problem would be, more than half of all TV members would then leave Thailand.

    And to my statement above about my wish, I was actually joking, I DONT want Thailand to be an uptight country with uptight laws and uptight feminist females.

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