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About kingstonkid

  • Birthday July 11

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  1. LOL It isn't that they can't see you coming, BOB it is they don't want you to see them LOL I heard a rumour that the last time you were in NANA the girls all stampeded OUT of the bar LOL
  2. If you flaunt your wealth here you are only asking for trouble. Better to spend when you need to. I tip well and look after staff. They know I am farang and have money. How much they do not know and that is the way it should be even my other half is unsure how rich or poor I am.
  3. The big expense that has to be watched in entertainment. Sitting in an apartment can only last so long. The allure of the lights and things will attract you. You don't have to drink alcohol in bars but the ladies charge the same amount. How old are you also matters. WhT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH YOUR DAYS.
  4. Check out soi 11 lots of clubs there some rock mostly DJ
  5. The other 2 will be up to their home countries to make a deal with the Thais. Would suggest they do about 7 here and then get deported.
  6. No will to do so and people ignore them anyway. Here is a novel idea: put a bounty on all people riding bikes without helmets. For every ticket written and paid, the RTP person who writes it gets 20 baht. The person writing the most tickets in each province gets 10K Divide bangkok into quarters so there are more cops looking.
  7. He may have also thought that if he moved to the side, he would be ok. After living on a main railway and seeing many deaths, people do not realize that trains will suck you in if you are too close. It is not a pretty sight but he was not standing in front of the train if they could do a visual of the body. She may have identified him by the bike and other things.
  8. Good luck with that. Remember teh senate? Everyone thought it would be better lol Until they get a real chance to redo the constitution, there are always going to be issues.
  9. They arenot powerless to make a decision they are powerless to subpeona a person. That could be a good thing. It means that Thaksin can have the power to come in and speak or not. If he does speak then he can be asked a lot of questins that he probably would not like answered as well as a look at his books. If the ECC sees smoke they can then boot it up to the NACC for them to make the next call. That would tie in BIG TIME WITH THE PAPERWORK THAT WAS JUST SUBMITTED and would not be a good look for PTP or Thaksin. It is possible that the NACC could disband PTP bar Thaksin and his family from any involvement in politics (including money)
  10. I always use experts. That way, I can save as much money as possible and ensure that I am doing it right. Also, having someone navigate things for me is never a bad thing here, so I do not miss anything in translation. LOL
  11. So the military party is dead. We are now back to a 3 party system with many hangers-on. PP PTP BJT This will get interesting.
  12. The headline should not be tht he is being investigated the headline shuld be the people signing onto the charge. You have 2 people that, for the longest time, were diametrically opposed to each other, along with the money behind one of the other parties. You can be sure that if they are involved, the i's have been crossed and the T's crossed, and there is enough information and proof to make these charges stick. Thisis one that the NACC can not just slide under the table. Thaksin and teh PTO may be in trouble now.
  13. Great info. I am truly surprised that there are no accountants who are searching for Expats. You would think there is a very large market especially for an English speaking accountant or tax specialist

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