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About kingstonkid

  • Birthday July 11

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  1. How does your friend get the money in Thailand now. ATM or transfer, Does he have a bank account Wg\hen is his year up and time to renew
  2. Part of the deal was that he was going to come home an play with his grandchildren un;less he is taking his grandkids around with him I think people are seeing that he lied. Cancelling the MOtoGP because it was Newin Chidchob that owned it along with the attack lawful or not against the senate has ended any love between the BJT and PTP. The only reason they are still together is Newin knows that he will probably have to deal with thePeoples party if there is another election. Thaksin's warts are showing and I think people are going to start realizing it. I realize that the farmers and anyone that wants to hve their debt supposedly erased that he wants to bail out with his loan idea will support him but I think when peole are reminded about the 10K and the fact that to do what he wants will mean higher taxes and higher national debt he will start to lose face in the South and in the large cities.
  3. The challenge to musical chairs requires a party that can fill the main seat. The nly one with enough oomph is the Peoples party/ I find it very hard to believe thatthe PPRP or BJT would join a coalitoin with them. I think it is morel ikely that we will see either the PPRP use their big arm (military) of the country will go to elections. The other alternative is that Thaksin realizes that he has lost the mojo and removes daughter before she gets in too deep.
  4. 17 18 year old me would have been in the bar with a beer so fast I would have made flash seem slow. But then most teens in Canada are trying to get into bars at 17 lol
  5. The only thing that really bothers me is when you go to a store shop bar whatever and the staff have no problem talking with me then go with a Thai and all of a sudden they don't speak English
  6. Thanks folks for all the info.
  7. Bob do you not understand that you are not wanted on that soi like a lot of us they know us whenwe are coming. The only diference is they know you for the wrong things. No tip always complain, cheap charlie LOL Stay home buy the missus a Hooters shirt teach her to make a burger and setup a large screen to look ike you are out on the town.
  8. Hi I used to hit a ball and chase it for 18 holes back in the mid 90's then messed up my back. I think I might want to start trying again but I have a few questions hoping some of you Pros can help. First, is it possible to go to the driving ranges on themiltary courses and do they have clubs that you can borrow/ rent. Second is it also possible to rent a set of clubs to play 9-18 holes More inportantly as most peope onteh courses have 4 somes or groups and have layed how does a hacker get on the curse without screwing things up. Any and all reasonable suggestions accepted. I live in rangsit.
  9. Np How many people on here doyou actually know. is your name really oxo1947 You guys miss the point entirely. It is funny to here Dims cry. TRUMP said that he would do a lot of things that the majority of Americans that voted wanted. Even if the judges stop him and the DNC fights him he still wins. Musk and DOge is an example. Notice that the Dems are not arguing dollars and sense or stating a new lan instead all they can do is attack the person in charge. When the Dems held power in the senate they stated that if the GOP did not agree to their terms and support the CR that it would be there fault that Americans would not get the services that they want because the government would be closed. Then now that the foot is on the other side and they are the ones that were going to shut down the government it was OK. Imagine if a GOP judge had said that Biden could not deport gang members. Dims would be up in arms claiming that the GOP was against law and order. Now though it is ok for a judge to stop a plane that is flying kown gang menbers to a different country. The catch to this all is that come 2026 mid term the GOP and Trump can say hey we did this and this and this and it was the DNC andleft leaning members that wanted boys playing girls in vollwyball, that stopped him from getting rid of child abusers and gangs, That it was them that wanted to shut down the governement and keep it bloated driving the country to further debt. Perception is a wonderful thing
  10. The interestin gpart is that Hungaryis part of NATO and the EU
  11. This is a list of places that one can celebrate Songkran as it should be celebrated. Then there is the tourist drunk mayhem of Khao San, Silom, NANA and Cowboy as wsell as treeets around this area.
  12. The beauty of masks is the same as the beauty of Chat sites, No One knows who you are to you are free to do was you please and say what you want no mater how outrageous. The other thing is tht we have these organizations and because we do not know their face the police can not arrest or detainpeople that do in fact break the law. It would be interesting to know how many of these protestors are protestors and how many are either paid or unpaid antagonists that just want to destroy things, steal and raise hell. Imagine the hell that would happen here if all the protest leaders hid their faces stopping police form kow who they are.
  13. If Harry and MEGHAN had done what they said they would do I think the medial would have left him alone. For every action there is a reaction. Insead of quietly getting on with their lives and staying away frmthe spot light as they said they wanted ME GAIN jumped right into the pool. No matter what country you live in there are people that loved Queen Elizabeth and watching these 2 tear her world apart just for money that they realy did not need as well a trying to shame his father and brotherwas too much. Then the book that he wrote with all the crap and the numbers of eople from the military to firends to his family and the British public that he harrassed. Man if youare trying to have a good life and want people t like you he really did it wrong. ME GAIN no matter what people say would never have married him if his mom was around. She is a D ist actress that has no famly becaus she trached them. Can not get a show or movie or anything to work. So again we have the media that they have trashed deciding that since he was wiling to say that he was a coke head when he came tothe U.S. ala a certain Biden person he left himself open. If it is found that Harry did lie on the forms no matter how much it might hurt Charles adn o matter how much TRUMP maynot want to act it will be a matter of him leving the country. The question is will ME GAIN follow him withthe kids. I doubt it she will milk him for as much shild support as she can. Then daddy and big brother can step in to help.
  14. Yeah this is the same government that cancelled the MOTOGP because daddy does not like the promoter. Can you really see the F1 circus landing here with this crowd in charge. A lot of many has to be put up for this and thailand does not have it. This will happen after they get the casino and teh track will tie in with the casino. LOL
  15. Wonder how long it will take for them to become poor again?
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