Np How many people on here doyou actually know. is your name really oxo1947
You guys miss the point entirely. It is funny to here Dims cry. TRUMP said that he would do a lot of things that the majority of Americans that voted wanted.
Even if the judges stop him and the DNC fights him he still wins.
Musk and DOge is an example. Notice that the Dems are not arguing dollars and sense or stating a new lan instead all they can do is attack the person in charge.
When the Dems held power in the senate they stated that if the GOP did not agree to their terms and support the CR that it would be there fault that Americans would not get the services that they want because the government would be closed. Then now that the foot is on the other side and they are the ones that were going to shut down the government it was OK.
Imagine if a GOP judge had said that Biden could not deport gang members. Dims would be up in arms claiming that the GOP was against law and order. Now though it is ok for a judge to stop a plane that is flying kown gang menbers to a different country.
The catch to this all is that come 2026 mid term the GOP and Trump can say hey we did this and this and this and it was the DNC andleft leaning members that wanted boys playing girls in vollwyball, that stopped him from getting rid of child abusers and gangs, That it was them that wanted to shut down the governement and keep it bloated driving the country to further debt.
Perception is a wonderful thing