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Posts posted by kingstonkid

  1. Let's face it to a certain extent this is no different than people in western cities now when immigrant businesses start up. People complain and will always complain. We live in a world where nothing is anyones fault. It is someone else.

    He told me I was ugly so i shot him.

    I came here with no money and had to do something so I was forced to sell drugs.

    It was the girls fault for lyng to me about her age.

    It was the girl's fault i got VD.

    It was ....

    Or my life in the other country sucked so I left it

    Let's face it until everyone Thai, European, US put your big boy and big girl pants on and take responsibility nothing is going to get changed.

  2. A suggestion that she might make is that all her people keep their mouths shut about big brother adn that they stop travel to anywhere that he is.

    Also that he stop addressing the people in the PTP and UDD. If he kept a lower profile and her cabinet members made it less obvious she would have a chance. As it is she will always be remembered as the PUPPET PM.

    Too many of her brothers cronies involved. Put your own people in MS PM and getrid of the people that have direct ties to BB

    • Like 2
  3. It is a great law. They should have limits on who can by booze. most countries do. The issue is enforcement. That can still be done and allows the government to hang someone if a problem occurs. While they very rarely enforce the helmet law just imagine if someone got in an accident and tried to sue for damages but was not wearing the helmet. They are all good laws just not a lot of enforcement . That can come later.
  4. This is an international problem. In Canada there has been time limits for a long time. While they are not strictly enforced it gives them the ability to ask a group of students that are all doing homework and chatting or the tutor making money at their expense the heave ho.

    I have gone to numerous coffee locations and shops in the city and in Rangsit where it is almost impossible to get a seat or think because of the teens or kids that are all over the place.

    For those complaining about this rule>

    When was the last time you were in a busy restaurant and could not sit down. Would you be happy to leave with take out when you wanted to eat in.

  5. Does one qualify if they receive 100% of income transferred from abroad (royalties, interest income, dividends, etc., for example) and meets all other requirements? Seems silly to require that one work in Thailand if they have enough means to not have to work in Thailand. I know, I know: TIT. Still, if one in such a situation did obtain a work permit for no other reason than to meet the qualifications, would they still have to actually perform WORK in Thailand?

    It seems pretty stupid to make one show payment of the monthly taxes on the "reported work income" for 3(?) years to meet the work permit requirement if one a) does not actually work and cool.png does not have to work.

    Check to see if you qualify as an investor.

    That is what I am looking at as i will not have worked in the country for 3 years but would like to be able to not worry abut annual crap.

  6. catweazle got it right ! i was positive twice, once after a flu and once after an infection. refused AZT therapy. alive and kicking - negative !

    WOW!!! Life proof - thank you so much. I had so many endless discussions about this and know that I for A) should be dead myself by now and B ) "hell yeah!" would absolutely positively reject any medication offered by those<Snip> white coats and simply do more sports and drop alcohol and fast food. Hopefully the full extend of the AIDS scam is exposed on a worldwide basis soon. Btw. I also don't know any of the hookers I ever have known dying of AIDS, but dying other ways like getting electricuted in the shower, run over by a truck, bike accident, one got shot, etc. but none died of AIDS. One girlfriend of a girl I knew was said to be dying of aids some 12 years ago. When I asked for the medication, it was AZT. She died of a lung infection, because the AZT <snip> up her metabolism and her immune system, not AIDS!

    Music recommendation: White Coats - from New Model Army - let the lyrics open your eyes!

    You need to do a bit more research. Contracting HIV that then transmutes to AIDS, eats away at the body's immune system and sufferers die due to lower resistance to infections, virus cancer etc not from AIDS itself. This is what happened to a very good gay friend of mine in the early 1990s. He had a very unpleasant and slow death.

    Yepp and back then in 1990 he to 100% sure was on AZT what kills the immune system and eventually killed your friend. AIDS is nothing more than a collection of all symptoms and disease patterns that people show who either are weakened by drug use, malnutrition, extreme poisoning due to alcohol abuse and abuse of other substances, etc. - then they wrapped it up and called it AIDS after they found out that these patterns are reflected by a specific blood count. If you are already a junkie, living a bad lifestyle, sleep deprevation, extended sexual intercourse with changing partners and subsequently catching other sexually transmitted diseases, etc. already weakening your immune system to point blank, and then - on top of it all - catching a simple flu or something can destroy the blood count to the required numbers for the AIDS test to kick in. Then: Refuse the treatment with deadly medicine, change life style and habits for the better and live - or: Take the whitecoat medicine and die!

    Talking about wrapping up the disease patterns and giving it a name... Does this remind any reader here about what Goldmann Sucks did with all those bad credits they sold to any beggar of whom they knew he could never pay it back? They took them all (and more from other banks) wrapped the whole $hite and named it ABACUS (even starts with the same letter), put it into the stock market, sold that crap to their own clients and watched as it spontaneously combusted and killed the livelihood and savings of millions, while Goldmann Sucks got rich betting against their own evil construct?

    Wake up for Pete's sake!!!!!!!!!! This is the age of information and the interet - the truth is out there! Read and understand that you are fooled by governments and media. AIDS, ABACUS and similar constructs are just the tip of the iceberg. If you'd know what really is going on and take in the truth, we would not need AIDS or wars as half of the population would kill itself because they could not take the truth, realizing that everything they have been told, taught at school and read in newspapers were nothing but lies. This is why the Elite keeps people down - because most are too ignorant and stupid to see and understand the greather picture!

    CAT WEAZLE and you are an expert on this HOW. GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK.

    If you know the history ist was a bug that was being developed in Africa not sure if it wsa for good or bad that got out of hand.

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  7. NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT AIDS/HIV SUCKS 1 is too many lost a brother in law to it. As to condom machines in school HELL they don't allow them in the US.

    I also dispute the virginity thing but it is a number that Ihave seen in the states and other areas. Main cause is poverty and low education. The kids at good schgools get the info loud and clear from teachers and peers.

    It is thoe at home that have no education adn do not know about condoms and such. I can tellyou that all the boys adn girls I teach Mat 4 and 5 know all about condoms, beer and party. LOL

  8. Here we go - he says, she says... muck raking and more political turmoil leading to what? Another election? Anyone got any real solutions or suggestions? coffee1.gif

    How about the government deliver what they have promised, compromise their policies and make it better for both parties? Nah, that's not what going to happen, they got their employees full house and they will voted for them, and everyone gets back to their job, which is practically doing nothing.

    The only way this will change is for the people to realize that they need to choose their own political leaders and form aparty of people that have a platform of not making themselve rich but making real promises that are for the betterment of teh country and not themselves.

    It is going to take a concerned movement that is willing to say here we are and we are only gong to stay elected for 2 years and then let the people decide.

    Get rid of the shady coalitions

    Will this happen in our lifetime

    Doubt it BUT

    I would suggest it is the only way

    • Like 1
  9. They have this in Canada and the rule is if you are there for more than 30 minutes they will come and ask you would mind leaving so that other customers may use the facility. I agree that there are not enough places but tutors can use homes or other areas. If not then just buy more than one coffee. I used to run a real estate business and did most of my work at a coffee shop. They loved me every hour or so \i would order something else.

    It is the least you can do for cheap rent of a space. That or switch locations there are usually more than one coffee shop inthe area.

  10. This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

    Give me a break. The 'West' is such a paradise and a bastion of paradise, which is why you chose the hell of Thailand to make a home. No country is perfect, but Thailand is a lot better than many other places. If you think otherwise, why are you there?? [And of course, here we go again with all the conspiracy theories about how this was not really a suicide, the incompetent/corrupt police are just selling a story]. Amazing. {RIP t0 the poor man and condolences to family and friends}


    I do not think that anyone here would call any country paradise. They all have their issues. The biggest challenge for people here that get depressed is where do you go.

    As someone who has hit the lows at at one time thought seriously about doing this the biggest challenge for many here is that they do not have their friends and family near them to talk to and help them.

    Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

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  11. Different spin

    How does a Farang that would like to adopt a young shild but is not married to but living comon law save any of these kids?????

    Would it not make sense (oops soprry i forgot) to lossen the adoption rules in the country. I amsure that some of us could even help the tean mother during the time upto and including delivery.

    Also i wonder how many babies are born in locations other than hospitals because people are ashamed?

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