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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. I've just had a look for the latest available news on this story.

    Time http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2102042,00.html

    The Washington Post


    The Daily Mail


    All of them tell much the same story, a white man, (though the Daily Mail describes him as Hispanic), who became seriously depressed due to the break up of a relationship, who unfortunately couldn't cope, and took a gun on to the streets of Hollywood and opened fire at passers by, before being shot by the Police. The Daily Mail has several photos showing the man wearing what would probably be described as a vest in the UK, but is referred to as a tank top in the articles. There is no mention whatsoever, in any of the three sites of anything to do with Muslims, or terrorists.

  2. I f someone stole my water supply, I'd protest as well. I note that nowhere in the report does it say that the protest was not peaceful, yet still the Israeli forces attack the Palestinians, even when a UN official was present,. Deliberately stopping the ambulance carrying the injured protester, must be considered a major factor in his death. It is hardly surprising that the Palestinians attacked the Israeli military tower, after they were first attacked by the Israeli forces. Yet another family grieves for a victim of Israeli atrocities. :angry:

  3. It's good that people in Russia can protest without any violence,as it says in the story. It will indeed be interesting to see what happens in the coming weeks. I worked in Russia during the communist era, and there was absolutely no way that people would have dared to protest then. Politics was simply not discussed then, it's good to see some progress has been made, I enjoyed my time there, the people were very friendly.

  4. I find it interesting that someone would refer to an 'honest' discussion, when what is being referred to is a one-sided discussion.

    An honest discussion is one that doesn't point the discussion in a direction that is quite possibly incorrect.

    I have no idea what he said, but even the remotest possibility of it being Islamic will bring out groups with a singular purpose.

    At this point, he sounds like a mentally unstable person, like many of those that get involved in these types of situations.

    Yes mentally disturbed, almost certainly, and in a parallel world he may have identified himself with the extremist ideology de jour, be it a religion, political movement or whatever. Incidentally I would not have even bothered posting on this thread if it were not for the fact that seemingly all the mainstream press outlets chose to not even speculate on what one of the eyewitnesses said which smacks of self censorship.

    I assume the news channel didn't speculate further on what the eyewitness said was because none of the other eyewitnesses that they interviewed backed up this claim. I cannot see how self-censorship comes into it - if that were the case why include this particular incident at all.

    There seems to be many references to this guy on the internet, including his facebook page with over 350 friends, along with details of his break-up with a his long-term girlfriend who alleges he has recently started taking hard drugs. No sign of any connection to Islam or indeed any religion apart from a couple of facebook friends who have links with christian religions which is hardly unusual.

    Everything seems to point towards this eyewitness either having misheard what was said or fabricating it for some reason and it seems to have been seized on by some wishing to promote an anti-muslim agenda even to the point of speculating what he might have been like in a parallel world.

    Unfortunately some of the posters on this site, use every opportunity to continually spread their vile ant-Islamic propaganda, even when there is no mention of Islam or Muslims in the topic, as is the case here. I am quite sure, as the true story unfolds, that this tragedy will prove to have no connection whatsoever to Muslims. It is also interesting to see how often these same posters follow each other on various topics, a tactic used, I suspect, to attempt to convince members of the legitimacy of their rhetoric. Happily most of us know better than to fall for their abhorrent propaganda.


  5. So when there were riots in London it was wrong for David Cameron to suggest they might have to call a state of emergency and let the army restore law and order to the streets of London.

    The difference is that they would not shoot people indiscriminately if at al!

    Indiscriminately? 91 deaths was the total over 3 months. The first group of killings, the perpetrators were not the army, but men in black..... When the protest was fully moved downtown, incidents of grenades being thrown by reds/ black continued almost daily. THOSE acts were certainly indiscriminate. When finally "enough was enough", with the protest becoming moe violent and dangerous, a live fire zone was set up. If an offender enters that zone, I would consider that they had been warned of the consequences and were there by choice (including the shot reporter). Therefore, hardly indiscriminately carried out.

    As you say only 91 dead and not all of them civilians.

    This is the same poster that claimed the army shot 117,000 rounds of ammunition. To do as little damage as was done with that kind of fire power the shooters would have to of been aiming some where else.

    Would there be as many red shirts if they had to pas a grade three literacy test? Also a grade three Math test with out a calculator?:jap:


    Firstly, I must object to your statement decrying the educational qualifications of the red shirt supporters. How do you expect these people to have any chance of a decent education, when they, and their families before them,(for many generations past), have been deliberately denied access to a decent educational system ?

    The elite that controls this country, (no matter which party is elected to govern), is interested solely in maintaining their power, at the expense (in every sense of the word), of the masses.

    Secondly, as you seem only too willing to condemn the lack of literacy qualifications of red shirt supporters, may I make the following observations ?

    In your post (#36 in this topic), dosen't is not actually a word in the English language, I think that perhaps you mean doesn't, (a combination of the words does and not).

    In the same post (#36), your use of the word there, is a word used to describe a place, the correct term is their (belonging to)

    In your post (#38), if you insist on attempting to deride other people's educational abilities, by asking if red shirts numbers would not be so numerous, if they had to "pas a grade three literacy test", may I advise that it is usually wise to be able to spell the word "pass" when doing so?

    In the same post (#38), if you check a dictionary, I think that you may find that "without" is one word, not two, when used in the context in your posting, 'with out a calculator".

    Finally, it may be a good idea, to follow your own advice, when commenting on other posters remarks, as you do in your post # 36, "Or people should not post silly things"

    I understand that English is not necessarily the primary language of many posters on this forum, and like many others who post here, am quite willing to accept mistakes, in spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc, that others may make when posting. It is only fair to do so, particularly when taking into account the variations in the English language, even in countries where English is the primary language. However for someone to attempt to condemn others perceived lack of education, particularly when the people he is condemning are, in the main, extremely poor, is despicable, especially when the accuser displays his own educational limits when doing so.

    Thank you.

  6. Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

    The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

    Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

    8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

    Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

    Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

    You're behind the curve. The drone program in Pakistan has been open and going on a long time. The issue now is did the drone go into Iran lands and was it spying on Iran.

    I have absolutely no idea why you would reply to one of my posts and then completely ignore it's content. :blink:

    I also have no idea of what 'behind the curve" means, I'm guessing it is a baseball term ( a minority sport played in only a few countries).

    How can the issue now be 'did the drone go into Iran lands", ( I think you mean Iranian land). There can be no question about it, otherwise how would the Iranians have captured it? The fact is, the drone being in Iranian hands is a severe embarrassment to the US government. Which is the only reason I can see for the sudden resurgence of the 4 year old story about the Robert Levinson "disappearance", to distract the gullible Fox News viewers from the US governments latest political disaster.

  7. Ooops! Turns out the drone in the propaganda photos/videos is REAL. Obama even considered a strike into Iran to destroy the drone but didn't because that would be seen as an act of war.

    The strike into Pakistan wasn't seen as an act of war, it certainly didn't help relations with a supposedly friendly country, and it definitely has caused further anti-American feeling both in Pakistan and elsewhere, but I can't recall any Pakistani government officials calling it an act of war.

    Probably Obama remembers the debacle that was Operation Eagle Claw, the last US mission into Iran, (April 1980).

    8 killed, 4 wounded, 1 helicopter and 1 transport aircraft destroyed (by the helicopter crashing into it), and a further 5 helicopters abandoned or captured.

    Call me cynical, but the sudden resurrection of the story of former FBI agent Robert Levinson, who supposedly vanished in Iran in 2007, is a mediocre attempt by the US government to show just how bad those Iranians are.

    Is the US so desperate for a war with Iran it will resort to anything in an attempt to discredit Iran's government ?

  8. You seem unable to differentiate between political willy waving and threats!

    What terrorist organizations are they repeatedly arming?

    Stop right there.. :cheesy:


    And they don't even make any secret of it themselves, but still you don't believe them. :rolleyes:

    My how you seem quick to come out with the ROFL emoticon.

    You provide a link that is regurgitating US government documents which says absolutely nothing new. As I said earlier they are not behaving in anyway different to the CIA. Mmmm lets see the US get in and out of bed with who they choose, one day a friend the next day an enemy, lets not forget the Iran Contra Affair. As said earlier, nations involved in arms sales have no moral compass. Angelina Jolie is on your CFR, hey we are all safe Lara Croft is involved.

    Give us a break.

    The issue is do Iran have nukes, the answer is no.

    Are Iran building Nukes, the answer is no.

    Has Iran made a strategic decision to build Nukes, the answer is no.

    Should we go to War over more made up bullsh*t, the answer is no.

    The issue is if the current US administration feel that on the run up to an election a war would galvanize another wise disheartened electorate and conceal all the issues of US debt and medicare and unemployment woes. If the US decides on action, in 12-24 months the nation will be beyond bankrupt.

    The US provided much more armament than stinger missiles koheesti. Stingers were used for firing at aircraft

    I see, that's why they refuse to let the IAEA inspectors in in spite of facing severe sanctions. Furthermore they have an abundance of oil, which is actually cheaper than nuclear power. In other words pull the other one it's got bells on.

    Iran is no different to Israel in that context, how many times have IAEA inspectors been allowed to assess Israels nuclear arsenal ?

    It is entirely possible that Iran is preparing for the future, when oil becomes scarce, in which case nuclear power is one of several options they could use. While I don't believe that Iran is building nuclear weapons, (anything the American controlled IAEA must be taken with a large pinch of salt), it may not be a bad thing if Iran did have such weapons, it would certainly balance out the power in the middle east, and may force Israel to reign in some of it's heinous acts of repression of the Palestinian people.

    As for regime change, the reason Iran is controlled by Islamic fundamentalists, is because the US-installed Shah of Iran, was a despot to his own people, and the US conveniently looked the other way, until it was too late.

  9. Dear me, he's a bit of a drama queen isn't he ? Talking about executions (twice in the report), when he is actually in a minimum security jail. One has to assume he is behind bars because he is guilty, though as he is a rapist, hopefully a more secure prison cell awaits him.

    I do feel that a seven year sentence is relatively light though, for the type of offence committed, also taking into consideration that Mr Katsav obviously did not admit guilt or show any remorse for the acts he committed. Perhaps the judges took his age into consideration?

  10. Your maths are NOT correct!

    2012 is 40 years after 1972 !!

    Oops - It was early morning, before I'd had a coffee, and I pressed an 8 instead of a 7 - honest your honour !:D

    Would you believe I was an accountant before I retired ? :unsure:

    Still doesn't explain why they're making a big thing of the museum being 40 years old, when it has obviously been open for much longer.

    I do remember that Beaulieu housed many vintage and veteran cars, trucks, vans and racing cars, when I went, including a small lorry that looked like a beer bottle on it's side.

    Favourite Bond girl - Honor Blackman, she was in a TV comedy series years after her Bond appearance, playing a granny, and she was still a sex goddess, ooooh that husky voice !

  11. I'm puzzled, in paragraph 3, it states that 2012 is the 40th anniversary of The National Motor Museum, which if my maths is correct, means it opened in 1982. I visited the museum at Beaulieu, in the mid-60s, (1965 or 1966), when I was a boy. It was a great place to visit, and I can also remember they had a magnificent model railway display there, as well.

    The James Bond display is almost worth going back to England for ! My personal favourite was the Aston Martin DB5, it was nice to see it again last night on TV, in the Bond season they're showing this month.

    My father's friend had an Aston Martin DB4, which was another beautiful looking car, he used to park it on the street, in Middlesbrough - can't imagine anyone doing that nowadays.

    If any ThaiVisa members are going to the UK for the Olympics, I can highly recommend a day out at Beaulieu.

  12. Thailand does not go 4G!

    Thailand does not even go 3G like most countries in Dark Africa or like Cambodia did over a decade ago.

    As long as fossils in the TOT and CAT are allowed to form a government within a government and are able to frustrate government policy by staying corrupt and allowing only their CP friends to benefit grossly, Thailand is stuck in a hardly working GPRS environment. hardly working because lots of areas do not even have GPRS coverage.

    The elite has kept Thailand back for at least half a century.

    Ain't that the truth ! +10

  13. I'm on a supposed connection of 460 Kbps in Phetchabun. In reality, (when it works - it's down more than a Pattaya bar girls drawers), it's around 404 bps upload and download. I'd be happy if they could fulfill the 460Kbps I pay for, instead of seeing adverts night after night on TV, advertising all kinds of ridiculous speeds. Do they actually achieve the speeds they advertise, or is it just more bullsh*t ?

    This lack of modernisation of the internet system, will cost Thailand in the end, as surrounding countries leave them behind, but "face' is everything here, isn't it?

  14. Its not just him that's corrupt though is it. He just happens to be the most high profile one that got exposed as being corrupt. I would guess that every single Thai politician has been involved in some sort of corrupt activity.

    I don't know where you're from my friend, but my experience is that every politician, in every country is corrupt, not just in Thailand.

    Back to the topic, if Thailand really wants to have democracy, and to be seen to be fighting corruption, then both Thaksin and the yellow shirt leaders responsible for the airport fiasco, should be jailed, preferably in the same cell.


  15. I don't back any political party here or anywhere else, I think they're all scoundrels, but surely the law must take precedence over their "busy schedules" ?

    I'm also interested to know how Mr Abhisit knows the content of the letter, if he hasn't read it, - shame he didn't use his powers of clairvoyance before he called the election.

    Let's see if they can get their stories straight, before the waterboarding starts. :D

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