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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. Apologies for replying this way, for some reason the Quote and Multiquote buttons don't work for me, possibly because I'm using Firefox ??

    @ yermanee (nice pic by the way ), if QPR were to press charges against one of their own players, I'd imagine that they would have great difficulty getting new signings in the future, which I assume is what you meant. Better for them, from a business and moral point of view, to either suspend him, and give him a massive fine, and a final warning as to his future conduct, or be really brave, and just sack him outright.

    @ StevieH, I don't believe Barton's claim either, but I still think the FA need to carry out a full investigation, and put in new rules to prevent a possible re-occurence in the future, footballers in general aren't bright, but they are street wise.

    @ cardholder, I think that mitigating circumstances (Cantona had been racially abused by the Palace fan), led to a reduction in the sentence.

    Barton is a serial lunatic. I seem to remember him attacking a young Thai boy, when he was on tour here with Everton, and he also put a cigarette out on someone's face as well, if my memory is correct. Being a footballer ( and a very average one at that), should not exclude him from the law, I hope that the FA throws the book at him, and if his club try to defend him, at them also.

  2. "King Rafa" ??? He's worse than the guy you just sacked. Face facts, Dalglish has spent (and wasted), all of the money available, what Liverpool need is a manager who can build a team on a budget, which definitely ain't Benitez. How many players did he buy during his last spell as boss ? Something like 99, if my memory is correct, and he took the team backwards. Liverpool, and their fans need to adjust to reality, without a huge amount of money invested in the team, or by backing a competent manager, and giving him 5 years to turn things around, then Liverpool are going to continue to slide down the table.

  3. Assaults committed on sports fields are subject to the law, as I recall Duncan Ferguson was jailed in Scotland for an assault he committed during a game. It would seem to be under the jurisdiction of Manchester Police, if charges are brought against Barton, as the incident happened in their area.

    What concerns me, as a football fan, is Barton's claim that a fellow team member advised him to try and take a City player with him, once he had been shown the red card, which Barton claimed, was the reason he assaulted Aguero and other City players. For me, this type of behaviour must be stopped, before it becomes commonplace. The FA must investigate this, and demand that Barton names the player who said this, and then takes action against that player. It may be that Barton is either lying or trying to avoid taking the blame, but an investigation must get to the truth of this matter.

    As I understand it, a red card has several possible options:- the recipient is banned for several games, or can appeal and possibly have the red card decision overturned, or have the ban reduced, (as happened with Wayne Rooney for England).

    It may be time to introduce other options to this, for example if a player acts in a similar way to Barton, assaulting other players while leaving the field of play,then an additional ban is introduced, for 5 games, and that ban cannot be contested.

    QPR should sack him, and put an end to his antics, once and for all.

  4. I have to agree with Josephine on this one. Racism has no part in life, never mind in football. I honestly believe that in time, Liverpool will regret allowing Dalglish to attempt to create a siege mentality in his squad by backing Suarez, when it was obvious that he was both guilty and indefensible. Platitudes that were used at the time, that it was normal in Suarez' home country to use such language were frankly ridiculous.

    As a club, Liverpool have been seen to support a racist, which must harm their future revenues worldwide. They would have been better off condemning Suarez, and moving him on as soon as they could.

    The huge amount of the new owners' money that Dalglish has spent has been largely wasted, and in most cases would result in huge financial losses if the players he has bought were to move on to other clubs, with the possible exception of Suarez, who remains a talented footballer, but who has further sullied his reputation with his constant diving and attempting to cheat both referees and opposition teams. The blame for the players failure, must be laid at Dalglish's door, players such as Adam, Downing, and Carroll, were far more effective players at their previous clubs, while the fee paid for Henderson was ridiculously high for a player who didn't even stand out in a mediocre Sunderland side.

    Dalglish had been out of the game for too long when he was appointed, as his record this season has proved. I can't see any improvement in the near future, certainly not with him in charge, and while it's impossible to predict the club's mid to long term future, I think their best days are behind them.

    • Like 1
  5. I've been married twice, had numerous girlfriends when I wasn't married, and have never cheated or attempted to cheat on any of them. If you're in a relationship, trust should be the most important part of that relationship, otherwise why enter into it in the first place.

    • Like 1
  6. While not wishing to be regarded as a member of the forum's language police, it should be noted that the correct pronounciation in Thailand is "fitt fingerrr".

    Personally I always thought of Captain Birdseye as a bit of a Gary Glitter type, one old man at sea with a bunch of kids hmmmm.

  7. Although this is slightly off topic, I thought members might be interested in this :


    An article describing how a British aircraft, which went missing in 1942 has now been found. The local British Embassy are hoping to visit the site, and hopefully find out what happened to the missing pilot, Flt Sgt Dennis Copping. They are also trying to find out if Flt Sgt Copping has any living relatives, in case they do find his remains.

    It is good to know, that those who fought and died on our behalf, are treated with the respect that they, and the families they left behind, deserve.

    • Like 2
  8. He was the first guitarist I can remember seeing as a child, he was on a weekly kids TV show in the UK. Like many of the famous guitarists in the article, I too took my first steps in guitar by using Bert's "Play-in-a day" book. He always seemed to be a really nice guy, as well as a very talented guitarist. R.I.P

  9. Jingthing, yes the Branch is the same one I opened the account  with. They are drinking in the last chance saloon this year ! I've had this account for 5 years, I leave the 800K in it all the time, and every year I have to argue with the staff to get a letter for immigration. From other posts, it seems Kasikorn have a form pre-printed, i wish my bangkok bank branch would do this. i have to tell them exactly what to write on the letter, they always come up with all kinds of ridiculous excuses, such as the book must be sent to head office, before a letter can be issued. They always end up giving me the letter in the end, the manager always comes out of his office to apologise, but why can't they get it right in the first place !

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