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Posts posted by MrMuddle

  1. More "facts", from the same article

    "Abdelhadi Amrani, another lawyer who worked for the killer but is not related, said he had grown up in foster homes after being orphaned as a child."

    "Commenting on Amrani’s background, Ms Amrani said: ‘He did not feel at all Moroccan. He did not speak a word of Arabic, and was not Muslim. What he said is that he felt like a Belgian."

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2073578/Nordine-Amrani-Inside-home-crazed-Liege-killer-launched-Belgium-grenade-attack.html#ixzz1ghOumpLS

    Note to Mods, sorry to use two quotes, I thought it was necessary to explain why both the lawyer, and the gunman have the same surname.

  2. From "lovetotravel'

    "The CIA is pretty darn sharp. Who's to say the "innards" of that drone aren't already toast? When the military does a program, they evaluate every potential risk. I'm sure this was thought of.'

    Try googling CIA intelligence failures, there are more than 30 million pages. :blink:

    This is a useful link http://voices.washin...bloopers_1.html

    This lists CIA failures from the 1950s to the present day, they have been spectacularly wrong, on more occasions than not.

    I think that the truth is, that the CIA is as sharp as one of those plastic spoons that come with a packet of yoghurts.

    Perhaps you need to travel some more. ;)

    I've traveled a bunch. Probably more than you.

    Googled CIA failures: 5.5 million hits

    Googled CIA successes: 63 million hits

    So whose sharper than a plastic spoon????;)

    So you've got a mobile trailer - how nice. :D

    Don't some of you right wing folks just love to post selected quotes that back up your "knowledgeable" comments.

    I googled "CIA intelligence failures"again, (my original suggestion ), and this time got 54 million hits.....whatever have they been up to overnight ?? :blink:

  3. From "lovetotravel'

    "The CIA is pretty darn sharp. Who's to say the "innards" of that drone aren't already toast? When the military does a program, they evaluate every potential risk. I'm sure this was thought of.'

    Try googling CIA intelligence failures, there are more than 30 million pages. :blink:

    This is a useful link http://voices.washingtonpost.com/fact-checker/2007/12/the_cias_biggest_bloopers_1.html

    This lists CIA failures from the 1950s to the present day, they have been spectacularly wrong, on more occasions than not.

    I think that the truth is, that the CIA is as sharp as one of those plastic spoons that come with a packet of yoghurts.

    Perhaps you need to travel some more. ;)

  4. In reality, it is less dangerous in terms of crashing than the local enthusiast taking his remote control plane out for a spin at the local park. And I would hazard a guess that it is far safer than private planes in as far as crashing on a per take-off or landing basis.

    Except it weighs around 5 tons fueled and loaded. Much prefer a RC hobbyist plane land on me than that. :D

    +1 & this time it was not the spy/surveillance type drone. It was a Reaper..Previously the Predator.The same type they use to fly in Pakistan & shoots guided bombs & missiles

    Size is about same as a fighter jet 36 feet long with 66 foot wingspan & can fly at 300mph & reach up to 50,000 feet.

    Was lucky it happened to be an empty payload when it crashed.

    And these things are remote controlled ? It must only be a matter of time before one of these things causes an incident with a commercial flight.

  5. In Phetchabun, large house, huge garden, with two ponds - both cleaned weekly, a washing machine that is used 3 times a week, two cars washed weekly, and a jacuzzi bath used several times a week, we have never used more than 200 baht a month, and the lowest figure was 130 baht. We also have over twenty animals, dogs, cats, pigs, etc, that use water for drinking and for cleaning them. The average is just under 160 baht a month. Drinking water ( we don't drink tap water), is 200 baht a month. Compared to the UK, where I was paying 20 pounds a month (961 baht at todays rate), eleven years ago, it's very cheap.

  6. Being a retired airline professional with 32 years in the industry,it is hilarious to read some of the comments here.

    It's like being back at work at the airport and listening to the moronic comments of passengers again.Morons.

    Spoken like a true Moron !! :whistling:

    Aren't the Morons some kind of religious group ? I'm sure I had a couple of their chaps knock at my door when I lived in the UK. Nice chaps, dark suits, carry briefcases. :D

  7. there is no real democracy even in the uk. usa

    Well no one outside the USA would have thought that USA has democracy at all...

    General worldwide democracy is going down...EU is getting less democratic by the day.

    Greek is taken over by the banks....

    I don't know one example of a half correct democracy.

    Have to agree, although Greece almost went back to democracy, when they were going to have a referendum on the EU controlling it's finances, but that was soon nipped in the bud. With all the technology available, there should be more democracy, For instance, where people can vote over the internet on any issues affecting their country, rather than just vote every few years for a bunch of people who then proceed to fill their pockets, and ignore the voters until the next election.

    I think the PAD and the Democrats, (are they one and the same ?), have proven over the years that the reason they don't get elected, is because they genuinely are not seen as a party to help the poor. They had the chance to change this, when they were given power after the coup, but their policies are aimed at maintaining the existing system, which is not for the benefit of the poor in this country. If I remember correctly, not too long ago the PAD were trying to push a system where the vast majority of people wouldn't even get a vote, and now they complain about red shirt villages springing up everywhere. It's hardly surprising really, while the PAD try to keep the poor at the bottom of the pile, most people, even though they are denied a decent educational system, can see the evidence of poverty and corruption, caused by the so-called elite, with their own eyes.

  8. We recently and are still in the process of having a flood with international ramifications.

    A part of the problem was that land that used to retain some of the water was turned into a airport and a levee built around it.

    Now some so called expert is saying to enlarge the airport.

    Yes there is a problem with quick and easily attainable transport between the two for tourists who are new to Thailand.

    But for many travelers in Thailand DM is ideal. Swampy has interconnecting flights to any where in Thailand. They may be a bit more expensive.

    But for the travelers with in Thailand DM is OK and it takes some of the pressure off of that big barn on swampy.B)

    Besides DM could be used for freight and the room it takes up in swampy used for the improved passenger service.

    You're talking sense here, for me the best solution is to operate both airports, and finish the rail link between them. I can't help but wonder if the IATA has a few underemployed experts it is trying to find work for.

  9. Thanks for that kimamey, yes that was indeed the TV show I referred to, she stole every scene that she was in. The actual show wasn't that good, I think most of the male audience only watched it to see Miss Blackman - I know I did ! :D

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