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Everything posted by jacob29

  1. Given the volume of men complaining about lack of sex period in their marriage, pretty obviously not a hard rule. Never mind that some of the most affectionate women I've known, have quite possibly been somewhat asexual. No amount of care for you is going to help overcome that, and why would you want that anyway?
  2. While it's nice to be treated regardless of whether they think you can pay - not so great if it results in bankruptcy. As far as your tax dollars working for you, seems like taking out a comprehensive insurance policy will be far superior to this advantage vs Thailand. Which is presumably cheaper to do in Thailand..
  3. Is it free though? You will get a bill after your emergency medical treatment. Am I mistaken?
  4. Is this really the best sound bite draft dodging Donald could come up with? Do you think it wise to put the spotlight on candidates military history under the circumstances?
  5. What representation? Voting for a party that later gets disbanded by a court?
  6. Same thing you will get in Indonesia and Vietnam for paying taxes. Do you get (free) reliable and rapid emergency medical services in the US?
  7. Due to your delivery. Not being disgusted is hardly the same as liking someone a lot. Her actions weren't consistent with someone who was disgusted (though that remains a possibility). Would you like a gold star? Some people are less concerned with how others perceive them, I don't believe the other poster was seeking any form of approval. Neither the women who engage in this work - as you have to be thick skinned to deal with the judgement from people like fredwiggy - who will insist you're damaged goods.
  8. Seems to me that was the essence of his story? To highlight the mundane - a girl that by all appearances is normal, or in your words unremarkable. Not having trouble coping with her reality, not short of options, neither disgusted at the supposed abusive, smelly, overweight, unattractive customer that allegedly thinks lowly of her (the stereotype surfacing on this thread).
  9. Are you saying there is no loss of respect for someone who wilfully engages in demeaning work, work that in your words no normal person would do? Seems odd to call them out as not normal, if they enjoy equal status? I have a very good idea. I know you don't have a source for this, because it's a complete fiction. Why don't you go talk to bar owners - surely you can find one who will spill the beans on how they claw back girls money after they have left the bar. The bar is paid a barfine, which at beer bars can be ~500thb. This is a pittance, just how much do you think the girl gets later? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at with this angle, it doesn't come anywhere close to taking most of the girls money - which you stated earlier. It's a small fraction of what she earns. What's more, if she leaves the bar early, that amount may barely cover her salary for the day, which still gets paid, reducing this fraction even further. Sorry I'm not reading this, it lost me at the title, and I highly doubt it brings anything new to the table I haven't heard 100 times before. The industry differs significantly between countries, and you seem to be drawing information from somewhere other than Thailand. I assure you there aren't pimps lurking around ever corner, this is patently absurd. I don't want you or anyone else to take my word on that, I implore you to ask the girls directly about it - as while sure you won't always get straight answers, you cannot claim you will never get straight answers. I've heard stories from girls that are far more personal than what might go on behind the scenes in a bar she used to work at, so don't tell me it's something that is always off limits for discussion.
  10. You believe it demeans women, which means for any woman who chooses this path of her own volition (isn't coerced into it), is lower in your eyes - as she's demeaning herself. This conclusion is inescapable, and reflects poorly on you. Not for you to decide for them. Or they might look at them as lower, for the same reason you do. .. or just pay for it? No need to complicate it. No they are not, they usually keep 100% of the cash - whatever happens outside the bar is none of the bar owners business. Where are you getting your information from?? Pimps are practically unheard of in the western facing bar scene in Thailand. Again, where is this information coming from? You're so far off the mark. When a girl stops work and shacks up with a boyfriend, where is this pimp you imagine exists? Do they take a holiday until the relationship ends? Some girls have Thai boyfriends who leech off them, which shares some similarities, but the Thai boyfriend is typically not at all involved with pimping her out. Happens in dating and marriage as well, so I ask for a second time - why are you singling out paid sex as it relates to these issues? It's not a given the incidence of violence is higher in sex work, though that would be region specific.
  11. .. and there it is, your real reason for not liking paid sex. These women are lower in your eyes, and you have worked backwards from your conclusion to justify why these women are in fact lower. Abuse and hurting happens daily with respect to dating and marriage as well, so why do you give that a free pass? Possibly happens at a higher frequency as well, lord knows i have seen my share of abusive relationships. Can't easily leave for risk of society disapproving, sounds like a great time. Except you do, as it results in unwanted pregnancies, which you have already stated you're against. If a guy mostly wants sex, do you believe it's ethical to enter a relationship primarily to address that need? I don't understand how you seem to believe this would be an acceptable alternative. The skint bar owners certainly aren't making bank, gogo bars are cut throat and far from easy profits - you do the math. Where can I find this wealthy pimp raking in the cash from their girls? That is a thing in some places of the world, and some lesser traveled parts of Thailand as well, but it's very much not the case for tourist facing establishments that face fierce competition. I don't rely on what girls tell me, actions speak louder than words. The girls can see you outside the bar, where you know for sure they keep 100% of the money, as there's no middleman. Nobody even knows she is seeing you. Are girls clamouring for this? No, they definitively are not. You can conclude with high certainty this is because there isn't a lot of economic difference between that, and being taken out of a club. Not at all immoral. Just like the fishing industry isn't inherently immoral, despite having a great deal of negative externally. More disinformation. They can pay a woman at home, and actually often times pay less than top end venues in Thailand. Thailand is not the budget destination of the past. Some studies show otherwise, with numbers exceeding 60%. Source? Also where's your source for customers being dirty or smelly, would love to see it. Circular logic. Even well adjusted women, in your view must be damaged goods by virtue of choosing sex work. You made it about that. What normal woman wants to marry a guy for financial security? I don't think you will much like hearing the answer to that. You have been saying abuse is a big problem. Now you're essentially saying why would a woman care about abuse, if she can squeeze a little bit extra out?? Make your mind up - either abuse is a rampant issue, such that girls would rationally seek to minimize, or it's not. How can it be a big issue, if in your own words a women wouldn't care about taking minimal steps to avoid it?
  12. Maybe, but if at the same time customers began paying windfall amounts in excess of a decent monthly income, maybe not. Look at Japan, quite possibly has more prostitution than Thailand, despite dramatically improved wages compared to Thailand.
  13. Clearly not the case, since you keep bringing up how distasteful and abusive the customers are. How can someone engage in honest discussion with you, when you deliberately misrepresent your stance? Why is this even worth mentioning? The women often don't have the patience to work a regular job, and that's fine. You plainly implied that. As if it's not most of the men, then why did you mention abuse, maiming and death as the core issue? Yet another red herring. Presumably you have a problem with casual sex as well, which goes some way to explaining why you don't much like the idea of transactional sex. Complete nonsense, most women in Thailand keep the lions share of the money. That's the nature of competition. Do you think a girl is going to accept dramatically lower income than a freelancer, giving most of it to the boss, for no particular reason? Do you think beer bar owners are reaping windfall profits?? It's not a good thing. Tarring the entire sex trade as bad and immoral hardly helps the issue. Unwanted pregnancies among sex workers is very likely lower than for casual unpaid sex in places like New Zealand. So are you making the argument sex work is better than casual sex? Not denying there are negative externalities, what we disagree on is the scope. If this is your issue, you should stop muddying the waters by talking about how socially incapable of awkward, or generally unpleasant the customers are. Most women, across the board (any job), have experienced molestation or rape - so stop with these deceptive representations. This doesn't actually matter to you though, so stop being deceptive about it. I asked you quite clearly if all the customers were respectful, whether that would be ok. You didn't answer, and shifted to how many are smelly. Next up, many are fat or unattractive, right? So focus on that instead of adding all the extra noise. Stop watering down the core issue, with repeated claims about how most customers must be dodgy and generally unpleasant. The fact you didn't respond to my question about why sex workers don't usually offer any kind of discount to good customers speaks volumes.
  14. Is it moral to be dishonest? As it's practically guaranteed, you would still object to the sex trade, even if all the negative externalities you mention were removed. You don't like the exchange of sex for money. I get it. Just don't exaggerate and lie to make your point. If sex work was only indulged by handsome, well behaved, respectful men - would you have a problem with it still? I bet you would, so cut out this nonsense about abuse and threatening behaviour. Yes that behaviour exists, it's a problem, no it's not nearly the majority. I don't even know where you pulled the nonsense about most of the money being made by bosses. Since you believe abuse is such a huge problem and risk for the girls - sex workers will routinely give a small discount for a known safe/respectful customer, right? Even you probably understand that's not true, maybe you would care to explain why.
  15. Not intended as a complaint, it's clarifying that it's not outdated information. Present day you don't get free shipping much of the time. Promotions (funded by the platform, just like promotions on grab) do not reflect the underlying cost.
  16. Maybe I have better things to be doing. I never claimed shipping costs are high or prohibitive, they're dirt cheap usually at around 29thb much of the time. The existence of promotions doesn't change the fact there's not a level playing field.
  17. I hardly ever get free shipping. Sometimes there's a banner saying free shipping, but when it comes to checkout it's still there as an itemized charge. Shipping from China seems to be around 30% cheaper, which seems not possible without some kind of subsidy, something the Thai government should address.
  18. Competition should be fair though. Domestic shipping usually costs more than shipping from China, clearly something is amiss there. That holds true for most (all?) countries, it's not something Thai specific.
  19. So... that's a no then? So much dancing around the question. Is there really nothing you like about his character? I feel like I've asked a trick question here.
  20. So higher education, getting a job and getting married is why you like him? I think people were digging for something a bit more nuanced, you just described probably the majority of senators. To clarify, you like Walz as well right? Is there something specific about Vance you like that, that is not shared in common by many others.. or do you just happen to like a lot of the candidates? Also working for venture capitalist Peter Thiel, is a positive in your eyes? This is like saying working for Rupert Murdoch is a positive for a candidate. It really boggles the mind. Not because of what these men stand for, but due to the nature of their lust for power and influence - and having one of their proteges run for high level positions in politics.
  21. Tyranny of the live-streamer, or the police? Do you think the genocide in Myanmar, fueled by hate speech on social media, is something that should go unchecked? Jail seems harsh for a first offence, but freedom from persecution (being vilified based on lies) is as important as freedom of speech.
  22. As it enriches them by limiting competition. What incentive does the government have to enrich wealthy foreigners, in addition to wealthy Thais? To make it fair for foreign wealthy people?? Why would the average Thai want that, when that makes life even harder for them. Many foreigners of modest means are the wealthy class from the perspective of someone on median Thai salary. It's not a level playing field for foreigners, it's not level for low income Thai people either - just because foreign governments have some elements of poor governance doesn't mean Thailand should follow suit to make things equal.
  23. Nobody said it. I suggested you should consider moving there if you like the place, that's not telling you to do anything. Please explain to me why you called out Thai property buyers as the 'greedy rich'. Then we can all better understand how you as a potential buyer, law permitting, would not at all be greedy compared to those greedy rich Thais.
  24. I didn't tell you to go live in England. Now is there a reason you're avoiding the question?
  25. It wasn't an answer, it was a question. One that you have dutifully dodged. If you like England so much, maybe go live in England. As for greedy foreigners, you know exactly what that's about given you used the phrase 'greedy rich' to characterise Thai homebuyers who benefit from this law. So how about not feigning ignorance?
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