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Posts posted by Clive

  1. Good morning from the UK. I have a question for UK expats in making a will.
    Im presently living in the UK with 2 half Thai/British dual nationality children. I am thinking of making a will in the uk but it is our intention to move back to Thailand in 3 years time once my children have completed their GCSE exams.
    Looking at making a will in the UK but not sure if the will will be recognised in Thailand or will I need to make a seperate will in Thailand?
    Most of my assets will remain in the uk but also not sure about taxation when I eventually pass. Will there be tax to pay in both countries or would tax only be paid in one country and if so which one?
    Thank you so much   

  2. Hope this is allowed Admin.
    Please delete if not. Thank you

    Please sign this petition if your a British expat or hoping to travel from the Uk to the Thailand anytime soon.
    Presently only the expensive and more difficult PCR test is allowed.
    This petition is for the much cheaper and easier LFT test.
    Please pass on to your British friends and family.

    • Haha 1
  3. Good morning

    I'm after a little help in understand how a UK private pension would work when I'm living in Thailand. 

    Does Thailand have a residual tax agreement with the UK and what country do you pay tax too and at what rate (assuming you have no other sources of income) 

    Thank you in advance


  4. I'm torn between retiring to the Philippines and Thailand, Thailand being my first choice for a number of reasons food and general quality of life and less poverty being just a couple. 

    However one aspect that keeps cropping up in my mind is ease of stay here. 

    Looking way into the future what options are open to foreigners who can't make it to the immigration office to renew their visa due to inability to walk/alzheimers or some other medical condition. 

    I'd love to hear your views as a worse case scenario would be to be deported back to my home country not knowing anyone in a frail condition or not having all my faculties. 

    Thank you

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 17 hours ago, Airalee said:

    Aren’t you putting the cart before the horse here?

    No, not really. If I return to Thailand to live I'm going to be doing it with my eyes wide open

    I'm the first to admit that I may be out of touch regarding certain things in Thailand but some things remsin the same like not buying property unless you are prepared to loose it etc. 

    I hope this question does not come across as Thai bashing as it's not my intention. I have loved Thailand since I came here years ago but Thailand can also eat into your assets until you have none, but only if you allow it. 

    • Like 2
  6. Good morning.

    I wish to move to Thailand for an early retirement aged 53 once all this Coronavirus mess is behind us.

    Having lived in Thailand previously I found the language very difficult so intend to spend the first few years learning the language properly.

    Could anyone recommend a good language school ( will consider anywhere in Thailand) that would be able to supply or provide the paperwork  for an education visa.

    Ideally in a non touristy area so that I get total immersion into the language both inside and outside the classroom.

    Thank you very much.

    Much appreciated Clive

  7. Hello.

    Im presently in the uk but planning on moving to Thailand later this year when hopefully this virus is on the way to being beaten.

    Can anyone please tell me their experience of the visa process as not having experienced this before it concerns me.

    Aged 55 I will be looking at either an ed visa a I wish to learn Thai or a retirement visa.

    Many thanks

  8. Thank you very much for all your replies

     It was a difficult question and no obvious answer that  prepared to do, not so early in the relationship anyway. 

    Many thanks and much appreciated

    I couldn't bear to live in the Philippines as the food is dire and after living in Thailand previously love the place but find the language so hard.

    Heart and head not agreeing on this one as the sensible answer this s to get s Thai gf 


  9. can anyone please recommend where I might be able to go to university, college or some other Thai language programme as I want to retire in Thailand once coronavirus is over and wish to spend the first few years learning the language.
    Any location will e considered within Thailand
    Thank you

  10. Thank you very much for all of your advice. Theres a lot of information here and it seems that there is some difference of opinion as expected but most of it is mainly positive but warnings regarding finances. What I didn't mention earlier is I have 2 Thai children so any house building if I ever decide will be put in their name once they become old enough as being late teenagers they're not old enough for this.
    A friend of mine told me years ago when I was living in Thailand nor to put into Thailand what your not prepared to loose and I have followed this advice religiously. Its got me out of trouble on a few occasions as Ive heard too many horror stories in the past. Im 53 and when Im 55 I will be able to draw on my private pension giving me around £55k annually.
    I have never been into the bar girl scene. I don't believe that its good to start a romantic relationship starting with a financial transaction, there will always be the exception to the rule of course but many of these relationships fail. Im looking for a normal rural kind of living as that is what I enjoyed so much previously embracing the Thai culture giving me a n enjoyment I had never experienced before and the Thai people I found so friendly.
    Theres always an escape route but I believe with a relatively good pension and funds from rental property in the uk It wouldn't too difficult to set up elsewhere if it became absolutely necessary but Thailand is where my heart has been for many years now.


    • Like 1
  11. Thank you for you replies so far.
    I love Thai food and that is the main attraction for me as well as the weather. Although Im not religious I like to see the temples as for me it gives the country the foreign Asian aspect. There are many places in S/E Asia that have the weather, the girls etc but not the culture that Thailand has to offer.
    I suppose as I get older I have to look at what life will be like for me in say 20 or 30 years time regarding healthcare or ability to stay in the country. I have a friend that loves the phillipines but he doesn't like asian food as I do but I don't think that Id be happy there as the food is not so good generally.
    Seriously considering Cambodia or Vietnam if Thailand becomes to difficult to live


  12. Good Morning.
    I am after a little advice please
    I lived in Thailand about 14 years ago, and it has always been my dream to retire there. Im now 53 and will take an early retirement in 2 years time.
    I was wondering if you would recommend retiring in Thailand now but scouring the internet there seem to be so many negative comments regarding visa/ Thai people etc. with coronavirus thats about all I can do at the moment.
    Has Thailand changed so drastically in a negative way over the years or is it still a wonderful beautiful place to live?

    • Like 1
  13. Good afternoon.

    Can anyone help me please.

    My daughter age 12 will be moving to Thailand once Coronavirus restrictions are lifted.

    Having looked at her Thai passport it ran out January 2013 but I was under the impression as dual nationality (her UK passport is still in dare and valid) she would still be able to enter Thailand on a Thai passport even if it has expired.

    She will also have her Thai birth certificate in case of any difficulty.

    Can anyone please confirm if this is correct?

    Thank you.....Clive

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