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puck2 last won the day on August 2 2013

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  1. You should tell this to your criminal darling Trump. It seems you don't want to remember all what happened between Trump and whore Stormy Daniels - re. booking of the "hush money".
  2. Once I have read that a POTUS must show a document of a doctor, that his brain, health and moral are okay for the time of his presidency. This doctor should lose his job immediately after giving such a paper for the mental health of Trump. Trump's incompetence as POTUS was visible already before and now confirmed again. What a shame for the USA.
  3. There is a DTA (double Tay Agreement) between Thailand and Germany. If you want to read it: https://doppelbesteuerung.eu/normen-dba/thailand/ In general: normal (public) Rents and pensions are here in TH tax free.
  4. To China haters: Have you ever been in China and where? Do you know the difference between this nice and intelligent lady and you, China haters? Answer: she is highly intelligent - and I guess, the American educattion worked very good for her!
  5. In the USA it seems, you must be a criminal to be chosen as POTUS. Congratulation to the stupid and immoral people in the USA. It sais a lot about that country. People with some intelligence and moral - and not influenced by advertising - would never elect such a crook. Read about his life-history then you understand my judging.
  6. My advice and experience: stay in the Pang Mapha Ampoe of the Mae Hong Son Province. In the last years we left when the smoke polluted the air here. Last year, the smoke started in the middle of March and disappered 1 week after Sonkkran (on 23/4/2024). We leave our home here in this vally and go to Hua Hin on the beach, which was smoke-free at this time of the last years. That's our way to avoid the dangerous smoke. I know it's a money problem, too. I guess, that there isn't any province in Thailand, which is completely smoke-free. (i don't know about all the islands).
  7. Concerning Musk: intelligence doesn't protect aagainst egoism and imbecillity. Only one example: Musk supports the German far right wing party AfD.
  8. ---- and TRUMP's brain is okay ?! ---- 5555 ! And don't let me talk about Trump's normal moral!
  9. USA is for me LoS = Land of Stupids. It's easy to explain. 4 years as POTUS have not been enough to recognize what a moron Trump was: a criminal, a sexist, a liar, a fraud, the list goes on. And what a contradiction. Obama was one of the most intelligent president, America ever had chosen (for 8 years). After him the extreme converse. This revealed one of the big holes in the US constituition, too: the orange man has been elected in 2016 by the minority of the votes!!!
  10. That are the USA: instead of staying in the prison (as a reeal criminal), you have the chance to be the POTUS! Next step in 4 years: to be chosen as a POTUS you must improve that you are a criminal, otherwise no chance.
  11. The first and most important thing the Finance Ministry should clear now is, how it would work with the DTA (Double Tax Agrteement). That would save us, the falangs, a lot of time and money, too. But i am afraid that they are working for the interests of the Thai tax compies and persons to earn more money and getting richer becvause of all their working for the falangs tax declarations. And that means more tea money for the officers, too!
  12. Musk is highly intelligent. But ... this is in an extreme contrast to his moral behavior, a shame for the USA. Trump needs characters of his own debauched style, and Musk is in this case NOT itelligent enough!!
  13. ln his remaining life, Trump will never be able to clean up all the garbage the has produced in his time on the earth
  14. Contact an Urologist to check your prostrate. For now: buy some small pampers you can put in to your underware. They are sticking there. Price for 1 package with 20 pieces is ~42- 48 THB. You can change them daily or 2 times a day, after the shower on the evening and before the breakfast in the morning.
  15. Isn't it crazy?! The Thai police caught him because of "the investigative team had learned that Mr. Su was wanted by Chinese authorities for fraud." One of the reasons the 90-days reporting has been launched, was to catch the people who changed their address without reporting to the IMMO, especially criminals. I didn't read of any case when the officials caught somebody who didn't make the 90-report. The same in this action. My question: for what reason do we, the falangs, have the NONSENSE-duty to make this 90-day-report? Only to earn some xxxx-money by the IMMO?
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