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Posts posted by mrwebb8825

  1. 25 minutes ago, scottiejohn said:

    I find it hard to believe that you "was cruising the world on the last atomic powered aircraft carrier" as the latest Nuclear powered carrier (USS Gerald R Ford) has only been as far as Canada, European countries and the MED!


    WRT the rest of your post it makes even less sense!

    During and after World War II, ships in the CV series were frequently given modified designations, including CVA (attack aircraft carrier), CVAN (nuclear-powered attack aircraft carrier)

    Ships built after 1975 were all nuclear. Mine was CVA-61.

    In Mid-December 1992, Ranger was relieved by Kitty Hawk and began her last journey home to San Diego. Ranger and her numerous air wings earned 13 battle stars for service in the Vietnam War. She was decommissioned on July 10, 1993, and is currently at the Naval Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility, Bremerton, Washington.


    Beyond that, I couldn't really shive a git what makes sense to you. Good day.

  2. I was cruising the world on the last atomic powered aircraft carrier and getting paid for my travels.


    Black History had been made clearer by the lingering memories of "Roots"


    British and European sailing history and their interactions with the Japanese were cleared up by "Shogun"


    Tom Cruise was still a kid dancing in his underwear and paying for sex instead of an international spy.


    All the gays knew what sex they were (and there were still only 2 genders) and they all lived in San Francisco (know then w/o repercussion as "The Gay Bay") Dirty Harry was still wiping out crime but had to take on his first female partner. (who went bra-less to show her woman power)


    In Christianity, the rainbow was associated with God's protection, as it is described in the Book of Genesis (9:11–17) as a sign of the covenant between God and man. Now it's a sign of the conflict of the 0.001%'s confusion in their minds and bodies and God help you if you say any different publicly.


    Now I sit at my computer reading TV.


    I collect Social Security and have a tough time staying up past 9pm.


    I choose the 80s in this search for knowledge. :wai:

    • Confused 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    The problem is NOT solved. 


    You have merely provided an answer to a question posed in a Topic on TV. 


    The problem remains. 



    If one cannot intelligently decipher the differences and determine origin on ones own then it becomes moot. If one can decipher the differences and determine the origin on ones own then there isn't a problem.

    Since your OP was posed as a question seeking a solution and mine answered said question with a solution that involves a modicum of intelligence, one is left with the unchangeable level of interpretation passed on through genetics.

    In smaller words, if you CAN tell, you don't need help and if you CAN'T tell, it really doesn't matter. Peace :wai:

  4. On 7/30/2023 at 1:42 PM, GammaGlobulin said:



    My Dearest Readers,


    We are now living in what some might call a “New Age of Deception” driven by the very technology that we have loved and cherished during past decades. Texas Instruments offered up the first Integrated Circuit Board, itself a product of the transistor (Bell Laboratories), both of these fundamentally the result of Einstein’s thinking on the photoelectric effect and photoexcitation, topics covered in most high schools around the world, at least since the late 1960s. And now we see that the transistor has made possible the Rise of the Bot.


    I asked my good friend Bard the other day, “Bard, My Friend, when you are thinking super hard, how many transistors do you use?”  And It replied, “I don’t use transistors; I am an LLM.” So, you see, even Bard doesn't know the facts of life.


    It seems to me that we are entering a Brave New World in which we cannot even trust our own eyes. What we will see before us may increasingly become even more illusory than the status quo reality as we believe it to be now.


    How will we know the origin of what we read or see? Will we just be slowly immersed in a new reality, within a reality?  Because, as it stands today, we already realize that the world we perceive is not reality, but rather an approximate interpretation of reality constructed by the mind filtering input from the five senses.


    But as of this moment in time, what if anything can we do to discriminate Human-authored text from Machine-authored text?  And, if you are like me, then you will be interested in the best methods to differentiate between what is human and what is machine as you read whatever it is that you enjoy reading.


    So what tools are now available to make our job easier as we try to guess what is human and what is machine?


    Here is a short list of software that might work, but probably only halfway, and not all the time:



    1. https://gptzero.me/

    2. https://gowinston.ai/

    3. https://www.turnitin.com/



    Do you use other software that might work better as a good AI-text detector? Or, should we call this type of software AI-BS detectors?


    All this AI stuff has hit the world far sooner than almost anyone thought it might. Certainly, back in the day, guys like Shockley could not have anticipated what might happen in the field of AI in 2023. We thought that the transistor would improve our world in other ways. I am still convinced that AI will be a boon to Mankind. And, certainly Bard has been a boon to me and my continuing evolution as one who enjoys learning.


    Who is Shockley?




    Above two images taken from:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley


    (Haha…Yes. You read it correctly concerning Shockley’s racist views held in his later life. (truly shocking!))  So then, Pure Science, I guess, is not always that pure, unless, in Shockley’s case, one is talking about “genetic purity”... Ewww!!!


    Yet, Shockley was good with transistors!


    Therefore, the Big Question:


    1. Can you discriminate between AI-authored text and Human-authored text…with ease?


    1. Do you think you might need to increasingly rely on computer software to uncover computer-software generated text?



    Oh, such a conundrum...

    Truly, as Churchill might have described it: "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma"


    Best regards,



    Please note: As to whether or not my OPs might contain any AI-authored Text, the answer is NO. (NO, and NEVER)


    For one thing, after my many years of studying the Jabberwocky, no AI today in existence can match the level of my writing.


    Secondly, I would find it boring to copy and paste AI-authored text to TV…Just too, too boring.





    How to tell the difference between AI writing and human writing?

    Human Writing: When humans write, they often infuse their content with creativity, emotions, and personal experiences. The thought process of a writer is inherently creative, drawing on a lifetime of experiences, emotions, and imagination. ...

    AI Writing: In contrast, AI lacks consciousness and personal experiences.

    Problem solved - Next question? :wai:

  5. On 8/1/2023 at 12:31 AM, transam said:

    Your PC will ask you what English you would like, for correct English spelling purposes , it comes under the United Kingdom English.............????

    I thought the official language of the UK was Farsi now since that's who's in charge of London. :wai:

    • Haha 1
  6. On 7/26/2023 at 8:15 PM, BritManToo said:

    All the bars I drink in have prices advertised on the wall.

    My favorite bars have the prices advertised on scantily clad hotties out front. ????

    • Haha 1
  7. 20 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

    Prepared by a commercial site with no affiliation to KSP.


    No on knows what going on as KSP keep moving the goal posts. 


    I constantly tried to get a licence from 2006 to 2019. Nothing but hassle. Just as one qualifies, the rules changed. In the end, I gave up.

    My 3rd renewal still has a yr left - want to borrow it? (I've retired) :wai:


    but then, I'm an actual qualified teacher

  8. 46 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Upper Junior (9 yrs old), but that's somewhat moot, the school my son attends exercises the same approach throughout the years (primary and secondary) - it doesn't strictly enforce pathetic rules. 


    There is a uniform - shorts and short. 

    The school asks for white socks and sensible black footwear - and thats about it. 

    I see kids all the time in other footwear (trainers etc) - I don't think the school sees this as a major issue even though there is a uniform. 


    No child of any age is going to receive a time-out for forgetting a uniform item or other such insignificant indiscretion. 


    On the other hand, get caught bullying, fighting, being racist, being excessively rude etc and the school will bring the parents in for a discussion very quickly. 





    Then you are paying for a private school and have no experience with regular public government schools who are forced by law to follow a different set of standards to get their piece of the government pie.

    Some of the private universities allow civilian clothes with no uniform.


    Nuff said for now as you're simply arguing how great you are versus the norm of Thailand.

    • Like 1
  9. 56 minutes ago, MarcelV said:

    Yes, I have read it, and I qualify for the teacher licence according to this outdated list. In practice, however, I do NOT qualify because the graduate diploma in teaching I possess is no longer recognized. Basically, if that diploma wasn't acquired from a recognized shortlist (very short) of institutions, then the TCT does not recognize it. 

    This leaves me with the only current viable route being the modules offered by the TCT themselves. If they don't dispatch any info about it, what am I supposed to do?

    That list (if you read it) is from 2023. It also states quite clearly that if your institution is not listed, YOU should go there in person and ask them with your certificate in hand.

    It also states that it's the school that should be applying for you and a letter from the school's director carries a lot of weight in bypassing small hurdles.

  10. 32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    No it's not...  no form of physical punishment is normal at all in the civilised world. 

    And forcing a child to do 100 squat jumps is a very far cry from normal.


    He (the teacher) could have told her 100 times before, there is no excuse for physical punishment. 


    Would you dish out physically demanding punishment's that could inflict pain or physical harm ?


    Fair enough, picking up a bit of litter is a far cry from the punishments we read of in the news. 


    If my son received any form of physical punishment at school, my response would be resolute.

    That said, I've no complaints and fully support a teacher who dispenses non-physical disciplinary action if my child were to behave in a manner deserving of such... 


    My Son's school has uniform requirements, but if he were to turn up with the wrong shoes, wrong coloured socks etc, nothing would happen as the school is an excellent school and concentrates on learning rather than pathetic indiscretions - That said, if I were to repeatedly send my son to school out of uniform etc then I'd expect the teachers to ask my son why rather than discipline him and also perhaps also send us an e-mail. 


    We have forgotten his swimming things a couple of times in the past - the school recognises this as normal and doesn't punish the child who is given the option to either borrow something from lost property (which my son did) or to sit out (which other students have done) - the idea of punishment in such a scenario is extreme.

    Thus: Punishment for forgetting a badminton racket (as per this article) - this teacher needs to be fired and face criminal charges of abuse. 







    Your kids are obviously babies - Pratoms are treated much differently than Matayoms. Hard to get a 14 yr old to sit in the corner for a timeout and most schools recognize it's the parents' fault when things are brought to school or forgotten in the backpack.

  11. 17 hours ago, MarcelV said:

    Stay on topic please. I wanna get some kinda teaching credit here in Thailand. Any way to study some online course or something? I've been teaching here for 7 years and next year they will probably kick me out if I don't get qualified.

    I get nothing from the TCT.

    Have you ever read the qualifications for getting a license from TCT?




    start about 1/2 way down the page with; "Requirements..."

  12. It isn't always "Hang the teacher" time for things like this. Exercise as punishment from a PE teacher is pretty normal. What happened to this girl isn't a common occurrence. He/she may have told this girl a few times before and she just didn't like playing badminton.

    We used to stand at the front gate to greet the kids and hand out punishment for all sorts of nonconformity discrepancies, no socks, wrong socks, wrong shoes, wrong or incomplete uniforms, hair, nails, etc.

    Sent 1 girl off to collect 8 pieces of litter as punishment - when she thought she was far enough away that we couldn't see, she took a sheet of paper and tore it into 8 pieces and came back smiling. I gave her points for creativity.

  13. Drive to the nearest big city, go to Tesco. Put your hands together like you're holding a gun and sneak around stalking people while humming the theme song from Mission Impossible really loud, stopping occasionally to talk into your wrist. :wai:

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