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Posts posted by jomcondo

  1. KEEP IN MIND: (for your safety)

    Never and ever reveal your real identity, = tell a nick name, etc,

    Where you staying, = tell somewhere else,

    What are you doing in your life, = just a generic, or the commonly known job for foreigners (English teacher)

    In Thailand, Never and ever think about pay for sex,

    Most women respect a bit of honesty in a relationship. You, however, are suggesting people be compulsive liars from day one.

    So sad !

    thats the way it works in thailand......the biggest liar wins.

  2. Has the OP considered not wearing a gold chain, and not taking his phone and wallet with him?

    I walk along Jomtien beach road every evening and no one ever hassles me, but I only have a couple of hundred Baht in my pocket. Everything else of value I leave back in my condo.

    I also wonder did he report the incident? I'm not suggesting that the police would actually catch the miscreants but a report would at least indicate that there is a problem. No report means the problem does not exist.

    Lesson learned. Considering it now. Its just a small modest chain 1 baht, inside my tshirt but must have saw a little glitter in the light. but its off at night from here on in. And everything else well hidden or left at condo.

    It was only 10pm and a few cars and walkers passing by.

    those ladymen are like Magpies

  3. It sounds like you are a newbie here. If so, I suggest you rent a house for awhile to see if you like it. Unfortunately, even the best villages get broken into. The reality is what good are two sleeping security guards at the gate entrance? Interesting how some of the break-ins occur when the house is vacant and you are away for the weekend or on holiday. Are the guards the informers? Construction workers the informers? Pattaya draws in not only construction workers from Cambodia/Laos but also Thais on minimum wage working for the tourist industry. These folks also want a nice phone or new motorbike so will take the chance to burglarize a place. (bars on windows in SE Asia is common, at least it is not like living in Kenya where you may get stabbed/shot during the robbery so you also have bars on your bedroom door.)

    If you have no children, I would move into a decent condo where you do not worry about being broken into.

    I haven't moved there yet. My wife is a Thai national. I am just doing initial research. I keep telling her a condo would be best, but she has this thing about wanting a yard. It looks like I need to try harder selling her on a nice balcony with lots of plants is almost as good as a yard. wink.png

    I have been to Pattaya a few times and Bangkok many times. I have never once felt in danger, so I was a bit surprised to see the bars on the windows. It also appears I just didn't notice them on previous trips. Thanks for the good information.

    Oh but I definitely think renting is the way to go for a while, as getting a feel for the area would be nice before writing a check and then being stuck with a house I don't want. Thanks for that.

    the wife would prefer a house with a yard (translation: wife wants some assets in her name)

  4. The main problem rest the with companies that refuse to buy bandwidth on the international gateway. Domestic Thai internet is always OK. BBB, TOT and all the others refuse to increase their international gateway band width. Very few Thais use international internet.

    Instagram & Facebook are the two most popular sites for Thai's.

    Please engage brain before you post

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