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Posts posted by jomcondo

  1. Sorry, I don't have any advice. Another story that falls under the category of, 'I can't believe my neighbours would do this' but since most of us live here nothing surprises us anymore.

    So true, my neighbor has opened a gay paradise resort in the house next door; serving 5 men per day with full 'service'bah.gif This is an exclusive gated community..........so what? TIT

    Can you see anything?.........you could sell tickets to that show......bus in loads of Asian tourists to stand on a viewing platform.

  2. The police culture of protecting their own...even when they cause an unnecessary civilian death...using cover-ups and insider bargaining is causing a backlash...not just in the black community...but some members of the black community have decided to do what the Justice Department is failing to do...punish the police for their brutality towards civilians...

    Please you ex-law enforcement officers do not try to justify these crimes...there is amply video evidence of people being stomped and beaten with clubs while down on the ground and handcuffed...women included...should make you proud...hum?

    this is true.

    there is extreme behaviour on both sides......the cops as you have mentioned & the thugs refusing to obey orders.

  3. Here is a list of firearms-related deaths by countries http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate

    Russia not there, but homicides using firearms per 100,000 population:

    Australia 0.11

    United Kingdom 0.04

    USA 2.83

    Need I say more?

    "Need I say more?"

    Yes, please say you are going back to school.

    Homicide is the killing of one person by another. It doesn't denote murder. There is "justifiable homicide" as in self defense and other reasons. Your source doesn't break that down.

    Your source also doesn't say how many Americans successfully used a gun to protect themselves or someone else. Often when that happens the gun isn't fired. Its mere presence deters the bad guy.

    Americans are risk takers. That how our ancestors got here. It's in our blood and our culture. We don't want a nanny state.

    One of the reasons I own guns is to protect myself and those who come after me against tyranny in government. If we need a revolution there are 100 million of us owning 300 million guns. That's the largest army the world has ever known. Ever think about why no one tried to invade the US during WWI or WWII? There would be a rifle behind every tree. Armed US citizens ran the King of England and his Red Coat Army off US soil in what the US calls the Revolutionary War. Their offspring have no intention of giving up their guns.

    While the UK and Australia get overrun and outbred by violent "immigrants" who force new laws and political correctness upon them, the United States of America will stand pat.

    We'll be here long after you gave up wishing you had a gun. That's in your future or your children's future, but by the time you wake up it will be too late. You have been indoctrinated into complacency while your cultures are failing before your eyes.

    delusional cowboy mentality from the 1800's

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  4. sounds pretty accurate to me.....

    He went on to criticize American politicians and police as well as the electoral and prison systems.

    "The illegal war carried out against the nation of Iraq serves as a perfect example of how the U.S. government acts much like a Mafia enterprise, but criminally plundering entire nations of their resources, strategic reserves and economies instead of smaller scale business and individuals, and does so without a code of ethics," he said.

    He said the electoral system in the United States "is unfairly built for the benefit of the wealthy through the necessity of costly fundraising for political candidates seeking office. The democracy of this nation is an illusion and its representatives act as nothing more than power brokers for those who can offer them."

    Of the wealthy people in the United States, he said, "These billionaires in power are nothing short of sociopathic megalomaniacs on the path to absolute world domination."

  5. First one US don't ratified ICC

    Second, US don't extradite his citizen.....

    Third former president bush is protect by law

    It will be difficult

    So if I don't recognize Thai traffic laws, no policeman can give me a ticket for traffic violations?

    Thanks for informing us about that.

    Thailand is a sovereign nation and when you're on its soil you are subject to its laws. You don't have an equivalent there.

    Who is going to go onto US soil and grab a US citizen and enforce its "laws" on the USA? Who is going to kidnap a US citizen who's abroad and subject him to some imagined "international law" if the US won't allow it? It would be an act of war.

    Total Hypocrisy!

    The US calls this Extraordinary rendition when it suits them.

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