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Posts posted by jomcondo

  1. I believe the threat to burn these boys. I am a partner in a resort up North and one night 12 [repeat twelve] cops came in after the restaurant was closed and demanded food. When we told them the kitchen was closed they said they would burn the place down if we did not comply.

    Not one of those 12 was decent enough to suggest they do not bother us.

    Should've told them you want to throw a dozen pigs on that barbecue

  2. Well, what a rum list, why would anyone want to live in China or India apart from Chinese and Indians? Still good see Thailand at number 7, next time bound to be higher, its a hub you know.

    You have experience living in China do you?

    I've been in China 10 years and it exceeds life in Thailand by a long shot. (Apart from healthcare and I do love Thai cuisine)

    If you have the ability to detach yourself from Western sensibilities, China is an amazing country to live in. If you require to maintain a Western existance, then you wouldn't do well here.

    But then again, as an expat, you better be flexible or go back home just about anywhere.

    China is full of the most annoying people on the planet.

  3. Pattaya is built on the sex industry and the merchandise being sold today has a lot to be desired. Most is defective or way out of date. Perhaps my standards are a little high but Pattaya sure has declined over the years. I think the best years have come and gone.

    The bars used to be full of pretty girls.....now all you see is fat old dogs.

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  4. Thailand I would put near to bottom due to the potential for violence & the lack of any justice

    This is a deeper and more controversial issue that is highly unlikely to effect your person.

    what is likely however to affect you is quality food ,rooms , cheap beer and many other vices that in the rest of asian you would have to search for and resources would be limited.

    If you hang around soi buakow enough it's highly likely you will encounter violence.

    Watch those annoying aholes that come around selling crap they might hold a screwdriver to your throat like they did to a friend of mine.

  5. All these grubby faces care about is trying to get the tourists back to murder island......unbelievable.

    What is needed is a complete BOYCOTT of koh Tao, anyone that spends one baht on that island should be ashamed of themselves, because directly or indirectly they are giving money to the killers family.

  6. how can i all look ur children in the face everynight?

    I have been wondering the same since day 1 of this tragedy. How can someone live with the idea to have covered such an horrific murder. We are not talking about a road ticket of THB 100-200... It is not a question of Religion or even Education. Simply a question of basic moral. How can so many corrupted cops (over 200 according to news reports) parade in Koh Tao in nicely fitted and clean uniforms, knowing perfectly that this is a big cover up and not being ashamed of themselves. Can they look at themselves proudly in the mirror? That's so weird...

    If anyone doubted how dirty thailand is.....this is it.

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