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Posts posted by pattayapip

  1. On 9/1/2023 at 5:41 AM, Sheryl said:

    EKG and O2 can be normal even with significant coronary artery disease.


    EST highly advised to pick up any signs of CAD early as well as to check your overall cardiac fitness.


    @pattayapipYou should also have a colonoscopy if have not had one in past 10 years but those are never a part of check up packages, have to arrange separately.  From now until end of September BPH is offering it for 19K which is a very good price for private hospitals here  https://bangkokpattayahospital.com/product/gastroscopy-colonoscopy-packages/


    Be aware that the following things in the package you have selected  are not suitable for mass screening and not recommended for that purpose as both false positives and false negatives are extremely common:


    21 Digestive tract cancer screening (CA19-9)
    22 Liver Cancer Screening (AFP)
    23 Colon Cancer Screening (CEA)


    These so-called "tumor markers" are useful in monitoring progress of cancer in some cancer patients but are NOT appropriate for cancer screening and should nto be used for such.  They can be normal despite presence of cancer and also be elevated from many causes other than cancer.


    Also be aware that abdominal ultrasounds are extremely likely to pick up benign conditions such as liver/kidney cysts , small asymptomatic gallstones etc that do nto need treatment. For which reason no public health authority recommends routine abdominal ultrasounds ...tends to lead to a lot of unnecessary further tests and treatments (ditto the "tumor markers").

    Thankyou for this Sheryl, and of course the link too for colonoscopy, I have had one maybe 6/7 years ago, But my Father Passed from Colon Cancer that was never detected until it had spread (Zero Symptoms before it was too late sadly) So i will do this also, Thanks again

    • Like 1
  2. I really do appreciate the replies, have been online searching all morning and decided on this one:


    Ultimate Male, appears to do everything

    The list is as follows.

    1 Physical Examination
    2 Body Composition
    3 Complete Blood Count (CBC)
    4 Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
    5 HbA1c
    Lipid Profile
    6 Cholesterol
    7 Triglyceride
    8 HDL -Cholesterol
    9 LDL – Cholesterol
    Kidney function test
    10 BUN
    11 Creatinine
    Liver function test
    12 SGOT
    13 SGPT
    14 Alkaline Phosphatase
    15 Total protein
    16 Bilirubin
    17 Gamma GT (GGT)
    18 Uric acid
    19 Calcium
    20 Vitamin D (25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Total) (NHS)
    21 Digestive tract cancer screening (CA19-9)
    22 Liver Cancer Screening (AFP)
    23 Colon Cancer Screening (CEA)
    24 Prostate Cancer Screening (Total and Free PSA)
    25 Testosterone
    26 Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV IgG)
    27 Hepatitis B Virus (HBs Ag)
    28 Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (Anti-HBs)
    29 Anti-hepatitis B core (Anti-HBc)
    30 Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV)
    Thyroid hormone
    31 Thyroid stimulating Hormone (TSH)
    32 Free Triiodothyronine (FT3)
    33 Free Thyroxine (FT4)
    34 C-Reactive Protein(CRP) High Sens.
    35 Fecal Occult Blood & Inflammation Screening
    36 Stool Examination
    37 Urine Examination
    38 Chest X-Ray
    39 Electrocardiogram (EKG)
    40 Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
    41 Fibrosis and fatty liver screening (Fibroscan)
    42 Exercise Stress Test (EST)
    43 Vascular Screening Test (ABI)
    44 Echocardiogram
    45 Smile 3 Package You can choose only one CT Calcium Scoring **Not recommended if you have already had a coronary artery stent or coronary artery bypass surgery.
    46 Ultrasound Doppler Carotid arteries
    47 Royal Grand Ward 16th floor E Building (Lounge)

  3. Am Male 63, Not fit, don’t think unfit, slightly overweight (who isn’t haha)
    Last time I had a decent medical checkup was maybe over 7 years ago now . .


    Ok Live Pattaya so a few Good Hospitals
    My Blood sugar levels have recently spiked, am really unsure of the reason, but that would be a must for comprehensive checking, but also while I do this am thinking to have a full and complete as possible full checkup to test Heart, arteries, Cancers and as much as possible, as any early pickup of anything is better than late . . 


    Nearly all the hospitals appear to have comprehensive checkups for males 50+ but at greatly varying prices ?

    Does anyone have recent experience and could recommend a good service in Pattaya Please ?

    I am not bound by price, and that is not a sticking point, but then again I don’t want to just pay so much more is possibly needed ?
    Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated

    • Like 1
  4. They used to notify you of replies, that has stopped, plus support would normally answer within a day, but now nothing, its coming up to renew a paid ad i have, but not going to renew if the site is not working (I know listing/Ad still there so people can see, but if any reply you have to log in and contact them direct) Not good

  5. Anyone else having problems recently with Baht & Sold ? As in not receiving message replies to paid adverts placed ? Up until recently you would have any messages automatically forwarded to your own email address, this last few Months this has not happeded at all and i have missed replies ?
    Contacted support twice with no reply . . . 

  6. On 2/19/2022 at 10:53 AM, mran66 said:

    I was rejected in RGB few weeks ago as had 2x Pfizer, was told to wait 6mo from last one.

    Rode to Memorial hospital and got Moderna on the spot. Left 1650 bath less in pocket. Quick and easy.


    However I have understood that this 6mo requiremet would not be applied any more, not sure thought



    Did they give you all the needed paperwork so it was added to your Vaccine Records ?

  7. Genuine Question, Employed by a registered Singapore Company, and paid from Singapore Head Office, but work in other Countries
    I am paid Gross, no Tax or anything showing . . . 
    Am i liable for Tax ? Although my contract is they resposible for Tax
    Employed/Contract Company Registered in Singapore, Salaried Monthly from Singapore (Transferred into another foreign Bank) Only go head office a couple weeks a year
    I am concerned about this and would like to know as had many differing views

  8. 14 minutes ago, Sunmaster said:

    I have 2 accounts, one linked to an ATM card and used for all online purchases (PC and phone app) and one without ATM. The one without ATM is my main account, which fills up the ATM account as needed, with amounts of 10-20k. 
    If anything happens, they can only access the ATM account and potential losses are contained.


    Exactly as i have done for the last 20 Years, Good Move

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