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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. "Also, the hospitality of the local people leaves much to be desired, especially concerning unfair service." -That wasn't my experience.

    I spent 9 days in Myanmar over Songkran. Yangon, Inle, Mandalay, and Bagan, from guesthouses to 4 star hotels. The service I experienced was the same or better as other places in the region, and the hospitality of the people was much better.

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  2. Interesting, and I also agree that windows will do well. Learning from past mistakes, Windows 8 will likely see Microsoft rising back to top thanks to it being used on PC's, notebook, tablets, and phones. Intergration, convergence, synergy...mmmmmm.... nerdgasm!

    It will be interesting to see how Nokia pushes the hardware too. While currently it is aesthetically pleasing, a geek such as myself needs the cutting edge specs to match.

  3. IIt's not only wealth, but also status.... and not just of the accused, but also the victims. The 8 mini-van victims, the lao girls, sadly they were no more to Thai society than a few lines of ink and a moments outrage.

    Without knowing more details, I can not see any benefit of sending this boy to prison. Prison will not make him a better person, in fact quite the opposite is likely. Juvenile will not be fun, and maybem, just maybe, the young man will grow up to be a useful member of society.

  4. So what's it going to be:

    A) Thousands of young Thais missing out on jobs to better educated English speaking neighbours.


    B) A massive loss of face by backtracking and making some bullsh#t excuse for not joining the 2015 intergration.

    To be honest, the way things are going, I don't think it would make any difference if they waited until 2020. I think being thrown in the deep in might be just what Thailand needs. While it might take some time, it might force the nation to finally get its act together.

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  5. As I wander over the footbridge that connects Sukumvit Soi 13 to Soi 12, I always have to restrain myself from yelling at the 2 or 3 policeman who are always there standing around or sat down at their little table. Not 1 metre away is a stall selling fake viagra and similar pills, next to that various illegal sex toys etc, then DVD's, and so on, and so on.

    It's not that I care they sell that stuff here, it's that Thai officaldom pretends that they do.

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  6. My company is just reducing overtime, not having staff work on Sundays, and looking closely at employee numbers. I would be surprised if anyone is taking home much more money at the end of the month, although they might find themselves with more free time. Given the long hours most labourers work this might be good for their overall health.... assuming they don't spend that extra time spending the extra money they haven't earnt due to this increase.

  7. I work in Hi Tech Estate and the work on the dyke which will eventually circle the entire complex has begun, although it will not be finished by the time the rainy season comes.

    We have moved a lot of our most valuable/sensitive equiptment to the second floor as a precautionary measure, and many of the machines we have bought are now more easily able to be moved. We are also maintaining a back-up site in Chonburi.

    Our facility in Malaysia has doubled capacity.

    The mood here is not optimistic, with a lot of companies gone already. As you can see from the above, we are not relying on the government at all.

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