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Posts posted by Katipo

  1. For kicks I am going to give it a go anyway next time I am refused a perfectly reasonable average journey having waiting in the heat or soaking rain for 30 minutes. Especially those ones who don't even bother to say anything and then get really angry when you dont close the door properly.

    Agree completely. Will get out my phone, take a photo, and then busily send the details to the website above.

    If nothing else it will delude me into thinking the driver will get punished and help release my anger.

  2. "Direct or indirect censorship, as well as the social engineering of soap opera content, is based on the belief that people as viewers and readers are not mature enough to be able to tell right from wrong and may emulate bad examples that appear on the screen."

    Judging by the number of real people who act in a similar fashion, I really have to wonder if they can, or even want to. Just read the daily newspapers for the worst examples.

    Using TV to help introduce/reinforce positive social norms cannot do any more harm than the endless stream of the absolute garbage that are Thai TV soap dramas, and in my opinion, if done correctly, can definitely do some good.

    • Like 1
  3. I work at the Hitec Industrial Estate, and we are told the dyke will be over 90% complete by November before the floo....oh wait, dam_n! ermm.gif

    How will your logistics function when you become an inverted aquarium?

    Will the staff have canoes?

    We still have the canoes from last year.

    In all seriousness, the dyke is to protect our capital more than anything. We have a site in Malaysia which has been set up to take over regional production should another flood occur. Still, if it did happen, that would pretty much be the end of all industry in north Bangkok/Aydudhya region.

    • Like 1
  4. Assessment as to whether Thailand underperformed is a moot point, but interesting looking at one of the medals to GDP ratio for individual countries.


    Facinating that. You might be interested in the Guardian's alternative medals table.


    Being from NZ I rather like to view the 'per capita' table wink.png (mind you, we didn't do too badly whichever what you look at it)

  5. I still enjoy Koh Samed. While I agree it is suffering under the strain of the ever growing tourist burden, there are still lovely and relatively quiet spots to enjoy. Having said that, cutting back on the number of bungalows and restaurants, many of which are eye-sores, can only be a good thing.

    I am not familiar with either of the 3 mentioned above, and suspect they are small establishments with little or no financial clout. I bet we don't see the recently built, very ugly, and almost certainly illegal 5* Paradee Resort knocked to the ground for example.

    • Like 1
  6. Standart dinner situation, nothing to write about cheesy.gif

    Why the hell carrie a shit gun like a Uzi around? It's as effective as a knife, you can't hit shit with, it unless you stand 2meters from the target, because of the short barrel and high rate of fire...well or of cause, if you fire it, while having dinner with people, you can hit them biggrin.png

    Your average table is less than 2m across, so it would therefore seem idea for dinner time assassinations.

  7. It pains me that someone has to endure that sort of loneliness, especially as ones health starts to fade. I can not even to pretend to understand what circumstances lead him to this point, but can take comfort that his loneliness is over.

    Looking at his backyard and pool however, it's clear that he is a man who appreciated beauty and took comfort in creating serenity. RIP.

    • Like 1
  8. Finally a victim's family will get some closure. Poor consolation for losing a loved one, but much better than most receive.

    Now let's hope that this signifies some winds of change. That thugs and criminals see that targetting foreigners will not be tolerated and carries serious consequences. Let's hope the only reason these two were punished was not because they didn't have deep enough pockets or friends in high places.

    Let us also not forget that everyday 1,000s of Thais are targetted by individuals and various mafias alike.

    While this verdict should be celebrated, there is still a very, very, long way to go.

  9. Does anyone want to start taking bets on whether greed and stupidity causes a temporary halt to BTS services at some point in the near future? I'd like to think it won't happen, but then I'd have never imagined airport closures due to water mismanagement and sit-ins.

    Yup, my thoughts exactly. Either that or the efficient BTS will slowly get eaten away and we will be left with a totally inefficient shadow of it's former self.

    It's all about the money and the in your face greed of Thai politicians. Absolutely shameful. Except no Thai appears to understand the concept of shame.

    Yes & no. Policitians feel no shame for their for their wrongful actions. Yet if you draw attention to these actions, they will deny them and accuse you of being the one to bring shame to them. Yeah, I know. <deleted>! blink.png

  10. 40% is owned by foreigners and non-farmers. So this could mean 39% has been bought up by rich Thais (Chinese?) with 1% bought by foreigners? Nothing like the fresh smell of scape-goat in the morning. At least they go one to elaborate a ever so slightly more deeper in to the article I suppose (after everyone has already seen the pretty graphs and pictures and made up their minds).

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