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Posts posted by thehelmsman

  1. On ‎3‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 9:09 PM, huangnon said:

    I have my 5yo at REPS almost 2 years now (Nursery to Kindergarten 1&2). He seems to enjoy the classes a lot, and is doing the same sort of stuff that kids in International schools of the same age are doing. Good facilities, and mostly good teachers so far. Basic reading (Thai & English) and numerate skills I am happy with.


    The kids de facto spoken language at REPS is mainly Thai, due to the demographic of pupils being mostly full Thai nationality. My 5 yo is fluent in both languages, due to the fact that I reside here and we speak only English at home. I do know people that work offshore or on rotation overseas that were not happy with their kid's proficiency in English when they returned from the work site to here, and have since sent the children to full International schools (Garden or St Andrew's) after withdrawing them from REPS.



    My 5 yr. old daughter will be starting there at REPS in Ban Chang in May. Garden is too expensive and feel REPS will be good for us. Visited there once and saw they had numerous foreigner teachers.

  2. The wife's uncle died in a small Isaan village. He lived down a very dark dirt path. A few days after he died the drinking was still going on which I was partaking. The one son shows a picture of him taken recently and it showed very vividly a pair of skeletal hands on his shoulder as if his dead father was standing beside him. Think what you may........is it possible.....


    One villager swore the dead uncle came to his house and asked why he had gone home so soon after the party.....


    During my drinking I had to wiss in the woods, when I returned I went under the house and knocked under the flooring. This was still talked about days after.

  3. 1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:


    Firstly, we haven't even got through the first month of the year and you're thinking of yourself in the TV POTY?

    Secondly, you obviously want to be included in the POTY.


    Man......that is so sad in so many ways.

    What's sad is that you found not a shred of humor in my post. Instead you found the need to get all snippity. Lighten up just a tad.

  4. 14 minutes ago, eefoo said:

    Very confusing title as I always assumed that "being pissed off" WAS an emotion. Reading the (very vague) post though I'm left wondering if you actually meant "emoticons"?

    I apologize for not correctly spelling emoticons correctly and for leaving you wondering. Please don't hold it against me for this years POTY award.

  5. RE is going to end up screwing up a good thing. If they would keep the same retro style but increase the size and HP they would have a winner. So many new bikes in 2017. the Honda 500 Rebel is good looking. But I for one am in love with the retro look.

  6. On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 2:56 AM, zeichen said:

    Perhaps if you knew how to order, you might not fell so superior to other foreigners.Guess what you are.  Learn how to order in Thai and be specific in what you want.


    Perhaps if you stopped ordering only western popular thai dishes like green curry and tom yum, you might be satisfied.  Go off and explore, I am certain you will find good food that is up to your notion of what thai food should be.


    Stop blaming others for your shortcomings. Sounds like you are another poster that feels he is the special foreigner and deserves to be treated like a thai even though you are the same as every other foreigner here. 


    Pompous is the only word that can describe your post


    Rest assured Tom Yum is not just a western favorite. In deep Isaan this is still a favorite.

  7. On ‎12‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 11:53 PM, Laughing Gravy said:

    I don't doubt it has happened. What I would question is why it has taken you 14 years to join Thai Visa forum?

    Perhaps he's been living his life without the mean spirited comments on TVF......perhaps

  8. 3 hours ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:







    Of course, replies like this are to be expected.


    The topic of the thread is what is the most hospitable thing a Thai person has done for you.


    I have provided the appropriate reply.


    Unlike every single gf that moved to my place in Canada, a Thai woman offered me a place to live one week after we met and two years before we got married. I know this rubs some people the wrong way.... especially the ones being taken advantage of, but I am pretty proud to say that my gf of 2 years and my wife of almost a year never asked me for a single baht.... not even for the wedding. 


    So, to summarize.


    Yes, I am proud of this.


    Yes, I do have high standards.


    No, I am not a "spunger" or was that supposed to be a sponger as I do have my own healthy income. ...


    ... and yes, I am a keeper and so is she.



    If you are not a tattooed sex tourist, I can hook you up with some of her friends from work. All beautiful mid 30's women working for an international company. Let me know..... plenty of women like this around and no need for jealous posts.


    Kind Regards,







    You see jealousy where their is none. You post in a certain manner as to welcome such comments. Some would call it trolling, but aren't all comments given with the purpose of getting others to react.


    I find your comments humorous, keep up the good work.

  9. 42 minutes ago, wildewillie89 said:


    Unless you're far from home, so most Thai and I guess farang would prefer to pay the 400, rather than having to travel all that way again to pay the fine and collect your license from the police station. 


    The times I've paid, it's done on the scene. Park and go to table, sign ticket and pay.

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