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Posts posted by arick

  1. On 9/3/2021 at 1:06 PM, Freddy42OZ said:

    I paid for my shots because I'm under 55 and didn't want to wait (and the cost was only about 3600 THB). 

    First shot was SinoVac and second AstraZeneca.   The actual process of getting the shots was very well organised although they were not really set up for English speakers and I only saw one other young Western bloke there.  Quite a lot of Thai Indians, but mostly Thais and very few old people, so I guess the oldies were getting free shots and it was all younger ones who were paying.

    You paid!  Iam under 51 and I didn't have ro pay. It's free AZ to anybody in the living in the district or registered at a hospital giving the vaccines. 

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  2. 6 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

    It’s  very concerning that politicians worldwide have become experts on vaccines that are being used without long term trials, they are being used under emergency use. There are now law suites popping up in the USA about the use of Remidisver.

    Don’t know if I spelt that right, the USA had the highest death toll and lawyers are saying that that drug shouldn’t have been used and was causing kydney failure, and more that I can not say, we’re going to have to watch that space , 

    The USA love sueing don't you remember PM Theresa May when asked what Trump said. She replied laughing he told me to Sue the EU. 

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, stupidfarang said:

    In Chumphon expats started to get the Pfizer jab two weeks ago, either sms or telephone calls were made to expats who had registered online months before. Some expats had not been contacted but word of mouth by other expats helped to get the message out and the local team of doctors and nurses were brillant, it was only for expats, some wives hoped to get the Pfizer but were turn away. Thai people are getting the Chinese jab first and I think the AZ second. Thank you USA for donating the 2million plus Pfizer shots

    Thank you Europe for making them.  The USA just hoarded them. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Will B Good said:

    You have to feel for these poor souls, some could have lost a good proportion of their life's savings....but what were you thinking?


    As someone said 555 rai was a clue.

    I know one who has lost over 1 million leuros and only half was in the New Nordic. This is not going to be the last one. It just happens not to have a pending court case yet. And a farang CEO Why in the hell I don't know. More to come watch this space. 

  5. 6 hours ago, KHY0307 said:

    we are not close to downtown, will go to the hospital this fri.

    asking only because the price from the bkk hospital is 130k and we felt shocked abt it.

    if it's 50-60k it very reasonable.

    thanks for reply!

    Just go to a government hospital proably around 3 to 5000 baht. If a c section maybe 10,000 don't go to bkk hospital. I bloody liver dissection at the University hospital is just 112,000 baht with private room. 3 hours operation. You can have it at home and just hire a mid wife nurse! For 1000.

  6. Everybody in the village is getting second dose on Sept 3rd. Some people have had their second does already. My second AZ is for Sept 15th I ask the hospital director if I could change my date. Because I have a Court date and she said it would be to difficult to change the date. I was given a card and a number after my first dose. Other people have been given a green form with their second date along with other details like the vaccine batch ID etc... 

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