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Posts posted by game4shame

  1. Coldplay are not my cup of tea either - thanks for the recmmendations, I'm checking them out. I have to find new music every now and then.

    Neeranam & Jockstar,

    another band you might be interested in is 'Driveblind'. They're from Aberdeen and are signed to a major American label.

    big things are expected very soon. :o

  2. I just downloaded some music from a band called Snow Patrol, who I've never heard of - I recommend them.

    They were getting a bit of air play here in the states awhile back. Only heard the one song, but it was good. Reminded me of Coldplay. I wonder, Coldplay and Snow Patrol, are the trying to tell us something? :o

    Snow Patrol are fairly big in the UK. I think they consist of a couple of Northern Irishman and a couple of Scots, but dont know for sure.

    not really my cup of tea tbh. predictive and bland.........just like Coldplay!! :D

    just my opinion of course. :D

    new bands ive liked the sound of that spring to mind are:


    arctic monkeys

    kooks (ive only heard one track but sounded ok)

  3. I noticed it was down - I thought my boss had traced me on the forum and blocked my access to the site!!! :o

    thankfully, that's not the case..............yet!! :D

    that wouldve been catastrophic. :D ( I need to get out more! :D )

  4. Seems prety straight forward and simple what she is thinking.

    A. She would prefer not to keep having sex with you.

    B. She still wants you to look after her financialy and keep a roof over her head etc.

    C. In order to keep this financial security she would like you to live with her and keep her in cash but have sex with someone else and make you think that it is her who is doing you a good turn.

    Sounds like a cunning girl though not the first to have trapped farang this way.


    I can see where 'English Noodles' is coming from, although a tactful reply wouldve been more suitable. :o

    I thought the same when I first read your OP but I bit my lip.

    I hope Im wrong. :D

  5. aah, the novelty t-shirts - where would we be without them?!! :D

    'good guy goes to heaven, bad guy goes to Pattaya' is a personal favourite. :o

    doubt many Thais would wear that one though.

  6. Women want a good seeing to

    yeah but our version of a "seeing to" might be a bit different than yours and that's the secret :o

    2 minutes of sweaty bump n grind followed by the male passing out, on his back, starmanned, complete with tongue hanging out?!! :D

  7. I just feel terrible. Always needing the toilet for a number 2, no energy, sweating.

    sorry if it offends you but I was pissing myself at the graphic explanation of your problem!! :o

    I usually have a similar problem although I cant recall blood, but unless the blood's substantial, probably just your ring's screaming from all the arse wiping :D.

    I put it down to:

    thai beer - Chang particularly

    holiday diet

    local water - ice, cleaning teeth

  8. Is it illegal to carry around a taser (stun gun) and use it only for defence purposes only? For example, would I be arrested for using a taser to protect my self when I'm surrounded by a group of gangstars that are about to beat me up?

    <deleted>? :o

    surrounded by a group of gangsters about to beat you up? what makes you think thats going to happen mr optimism personified? :D

  9. Still not convinced it will work. Especailly in the old man pubs.

    correct, time will tell I suppose. :o

    Ive not actually been out to a boozer since the ban kicked in. Ill let you know how I get on. :D

    that stage of a drinking session, when a ciggy is chained every 15 mins or so could prove pretty awkward!! :D

    the body will thank me for cutting down the smokes in the long run. :D

  10. Dont think it will change much unless they also serve food.

    that would be the sensible option - a ban on smoking in food-serving pubs only or a balance between smoking and non-smoking pubs, but its a comprehensive ban mate. :D

    The councils are employing smoking officers to police the ban!! :D

    I thought it would never work but apparently it's being adhered to.........

    .......by the smokers that are still going to the pub that is. :o

    when the boozers start going out of business they might re-consider. :D

    but if it stays, in the long run it will benefit the nations health. generations to come will take it for granted.

    the jury's still out. :D

  11. that could be a good laff on the other big brothers - fish out of the water ploy. Watching a train wreck..... :D

    I think they've already done swap's on the UK one. Cameron did a swap with a South African BB contestant. I think Anouska went to Oz too.

    The farang does not know a word of Thai


    Thai contestants know very little English


    Flirting with the girls





  12. heading to Pattaya for the first time in a couple of months, I like my live music so i'll have to check the blues factory out. :D

    I think the fine print in the sponsorship contract also calls for large discounts on drinks for TV members !
    Thanks very much, :o

    I'm sure i could work something out regarding TV members.

    ive got an idea, 60% drink discount for all TV members.....................

    ...............then an extra 40% if they finish the drink!!! :D:D

  13. The class are hanging the term's paintings on the wall one day, when little Sally accidentally stabs her hand with a drawing pin. Blood is running and little Sally ends in tears.

    Seizing the opportunity to test their First Aid knowledge, Mrs Smith the teacher asks the class how sally can deal with the wound.

    Little Johnny raises his hand:

    "maybe Sally needs to get some Cider miss?"

    "Cider Johnny? what on earth would she do with cider?" said Mrs Smith

    "well, my big sister told me, whenever she gets a prick in her hand, she likes to put it inside her." replies Johnny.

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