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Posts posted by game4shame

  1. could be an idea for the forum admin/mods to devise a 'w*nker' emoticon!!! :D

    and before I get slated its not directed at anyone on this particular topic !! :D

    Im just thinking of the times when you read posts then sit back and think '............whaaaaaat a tosser'!!! :o:D

  2. what you going to do? take it back for your cash? LOL. you pay out cash in Thailand for anything and that cash is gone. everyone has no refund policy.


    TiT :o:D

    ......on the other hand, you can get convincing replica clothes/trainers etc for peanuts. :D

  3. congratulations!!!

    yet another pointless post to up my total.....................153 :D

    Donz - first to 20000? have you never heard of the likes of britmaveric?!!! :o 7734 at present. now that is dedication. :D

  4. Has anyone married and now wishes thet had a Pre-nup agreed?

    Anyone marrying in the near future, who is definatley getting one done or definatley not?

    Anyone been divorced and so glad they had the pre-nup, or divorced and wish they had got one done?

    Your thoughts...

    A lotto win you're hiding from the future Mrs Rj 81 per chance?!! crafty!! :D:D

    Im not married but I think a pre-nup would have to be put to your future wife with caution - you don't know how she could react, will she think you dont trust her? will she think you suspect she's gold-digging? etc etc :o

    a touchy subject IMO.

  5. congratulations sadman. :D

    PS the only reason im posting here is to up my count!! :D

    i sometimes wonder where members with several thousand posts find time to sleep!!! :D

    yeah i know exactly what you mean - unless this forum is for expat insomniacs and ive been missing the point up till now - -

    461... :o

    gonna take me ages to reach 500 :D

    another pointless post to up my count!!!

    149 :D:D

  6. Sure I would come, I found my sweet BG 14 years ago, and we are still happily married


    poll rules

    straight blokes only

    if you're in a relationship, pretend you're single

    if you live in Thailand, think back to when you didn't

    I have not gotten this many laughs out of one thread in a long time

    glad someones enjoying theirselves!!! :D

    if only id taken the time to state the rules at the outset :D .....................serves me right for doing forum polls in work time!!! :D:o

  7. some of the most intelligent, successful and articulate people I know dont have degrees and, personally, I would never judge intellect on academic qualifications alone. :D

    Thats exactly how I feel abot it. Thank you, that was the perfect way to sum it up for me as well. :D

    my pleasure :o

  8. Why is it that everyone thinks people just come here for the easy availablity of the bar girls. SOME people come here for the place and the Thai paople and way of life. So yes I would still come here if all the girls ignored me. And it is a blessing not to be hassled by girls when all you want is a beer to wash away the dust from a long days M/bike ride around a beautiful country. And for the record I'm single / hetro and think women are the most divine things created. Cheers all H2oDunc :D

    dont know why but ive been reading this post over and over and its getting me annoyed!! :o

    who, exactly, thinks 'people just come here for the easy availablity of the bar girls'? where is that stereotype mentioned in this topic?

    and why are 'bar girls' highlighted? we're discussing Thai women in general, no-one mentioned bar girls specifically!! :D

    this is a poll, a light-hearted poll, on request from and accompanying the naughty nightlife thread.

    there are no right or wrong answers. as well as the poll being requested, I thought it would be interesting to see how important the Thai women are when deciding to visit and how honest straight blokes are on this forum. :D

    people who vote 'no' dont necessarily visit Thailand only for women (me included) but - as i imagined - would re-consider visiting if the women showed no interest in them.

    rant over :D

  9. Touchy touchy. Must be the weather

    all good humoured!! :D

    ok, ill admit, im ever so slightly p****d off I messed up by forgetting to list poll rules!!!! :D

    straight blokes only

    if you're in a relationship, pretend you're single

    if you live in Thailand, think back to when you didn't



  10. Why is it that everyone thinks people just come here for the easy availablity of the bar girls

    chill out mate :D this poll was meant as a bit of fun and to accompany the naughty nightlife thread (i suggest you read it first).

    no-one's criticizing or stereotyping. :D

    everyone else that voted 'Yes" is lying! :D


  11. If you are single, why would you want to go to any place, Thailand or otherwise, where the local women were totally disinteresred in you?

    this poll is done purely on request. interesting to see how honest we are!! :D

    suppose im trying to help the OP of the naughty nightlife thread determine stats on tourists visiting for the main reason of 'Thai women'.

    the naughty nightlife thread showed plenty of people would go without go-gos/shows but would they go without the Thai women? :o

  12. Sure I would .... maybe being gay has something to do with my answer though
    Already have a gf, so this may skew the poll as well. :D

    see below:

    but the blokes that are in relationships have to imagine they're single when voting.

    few yes votes already - forgot to say, no straight girls or gay blokes allowed to vote

    please alter your votes as necessary!! ie gay blokes, straight girls cancel out your vote and blokes in relationships re-consider your vote!!

    I should have cleared up the rules at the start!!! this could get messy!! :o

  13. If everybody is 100% honest with their vote, the results should be interesting, providing that there are enough diverse participants. TV does seem to be top heavy with happy couples, which might sway the poll.......Let's see :D

    but the blokes that are in relationships have to imagine they're single when voting. :o

    few yes votes already - forgot to say, no straight girls or gay blokes allowed to vote :D

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