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Posts posted by game4shame

  1. As requested following on from the 'naughty nightlife' thread!!

    Be honest now :D I was - just imagine being on a night out and the girls blanking you completely!!

    ................it would feel...................just like home!! :D:o


  2. i think the OP is trying to scope out the real sex tourists on the forum but, I think im right in saying, even the most blatant ST's come to Thailand for reasons other than just sex - sex and the weather or sex and the people or sex and the food or sex and relaxation etc etc etc.

    suppose the point im trying to make is, if they wanted only sex then theres usually variations of sleaze alot closer to home.

    more often than not, sex visitors come for other 'respectable' reasons too and probably would still visit if the go-gos/shows stopped. :o

    take away the go-gos/shows and there'd still be Thai girls looking for western men (whatever the reason) as well as all the other reasons we love the country - climate, people, beaches, food, 'respectable' nightlife etc etc. :D

  3. how would you define 'naughty nightlife'? :D if you mean go-go bars and shows then yeah i'd visit without those. there'd still be thai girls with farang blokes in bars though, paid or unpaid - does that count as being naughty? :o

    A more thought-provoking question would be 'would you still visit if Thai women showed absolutely no interest in western blokes whatsoever?' :D:D:D

    but anyway, I think its a bit of a pointless question. some reasons in previous posts eg

    -the tourism revenue generated from 'naughty nightlife' seekers would be sorely missed

    -its only tiny areas of the country where its rampant

    -its unlikely its going to totally disappear

    -without go-gos/shows, Thai girls will still show interest in western blokes for whatever reason - financial or otherwise

    etc etc etc. :D

  4. ....put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :D:D

    Well…what was the reason behind this?

    1) no opportunity?

    2) No money?

    3) To him, an A is just three sticks?


    4)Simply …..just plain lazy!


    BKK90210, I dont want to get involved in a debate so maybe we should just agree to disagree!! :D

    some have the opportunity for university but dont feel its relevant for what they want from life. :D To me that's more practical and cost-efficient, individually and nationally than others who go to uni for the wrong reasons then drop out or fail!! :o

    some of the most intelligent, successful and articulate people I know dont have degrees and, personally, I would never judge intellect on academic qualifications alone. :D

  5. addiction is gonna get me sacked!!! - ive already been clocked in TV forum about 5 times this morning at work!! :D

    I get a relentless craving to tab from work screens to the forum every 10-20 mins!! im sure there's a magnetic field between my middle finger and thumb to the tab and alt keys!!! :D resistance is futile!! :D

    then again, getting paid to scan TV forum............does it get any better?!!! :D ( :o I really am such a sad little man!! :D )

  6. How about a joint venture in LOS?. We could train Thai staff to be diligent?.

    'The Further Educational Institute for Diligence'

    ('Serving the modern workplace').

    Could be a money maker you know

    mmm............ive got a much better 'joint venture' idea.......how about you..........pay me.............. to keep my mouth shut re your tax dodging!!!! :o:D

  7. this made me chuckle:

    You moved away from Samui, why don't you move away from this Samui Forum as well.

    no chance !!!

    having too much fun here winding you lot up. :D

    Taxexile's posts are more casting bait than intended malice imo. Too many people are biting!! :D:D

    but the observer 10000-prostitute-gangland-hel_l drivel & certain members' vindictive Samui bashing is wearing thin :D

    if you dont like it dont go there. simple. :D

    try a more law-abiding, tranquil surrounding..............like Pattaya for instance. :o:D

  8. Should I be worried about my unpaid parking fines in the UK?

    No, They only go after people who commit serious crimes. The only reason they were arrested is because the countries where these people were wanted informed the Thai Police.

    I think OP was being sarcastic mate!! :D:o

  9. I have been around, TV is by far and away the best... BUT ... I spend too much time here.. I know, Iknow,, get a life TP... the thing is .. I ENJOY IT

    Do you spend too much time here ... or can you strike a balance? or are you GLAD that you have this outlet?

    Personally I would never want to get banned... I've come close a few times but I have "moderated" myself and intend to be around for a long time yet.

    How do you feel... are you ADDICTED to Internet forums or not? (Be Honest)

    TP :D

    definitely addicted to TV now. spend near enough all day at work tabbing in and out between TV and work screens and usually an hour or 2 at nights or weekends!!

    only seems to be in the last few months ive taken a real active interest, before then the urge would come and go but at the moment i never seem to be away from this forum!! its just good to keep in touch with whats happening when you're not in the country and to discuss things you cant with any of your mates/family/workmates who've not been there. :D

    was just thinking in the car what I would do if the forum was discontinued!!! :D:D:D thats when it hit me......I really do need to get a hold of my life!!! :D:o

  10. I better not tell you where I work!!!

    Same same!.

    and you better not tell me where you live!!!

    BKK far enough from Samui?. Aberdeen - why we are nearly neighbours.

    Almost, sort of thing.

    saeb, you're safe mate - i dont get paid commission..........so i really dont care!!! :o

    just call me mr reliable employee 2006. :D

  11. Northern cyprus for starters.Its well known in the london underworld that this is the new costa del sol..Northern Cyprus is not recognised as a country by the UK so there is no extradition treaty in place!!!

    If you don't mind the long haul flight,why not try columbia??

    Columbia? :D probably safer at home in the nick. :o

    i think ill go for northern cyprus if the need ever arises!!! :D

    thanks for the reply btw. :D

  12. I often wondered if Thailand was a country where you could be 'untouchable' if wanted for a crime in your home country. By the looks of this thread thats not the case.

    Ive got a vague idea some south american countries are a safe hiding spot?

    or, if the crime in your country - say UK - is serious enough, can you be caught anywhere?

    no ulterior motive here, just wondering. :o

  13. After my help me thread it seems some people think I would be a burden to Thai society, can I get some votes on this please im my 'What would most likely be a burden to Thai society??' poll.


    Errr.....does corruption involve the avoidance of vast amounts of tax money?.

    Before I vote like.... :D

    I better not tell you where I work!!! :o

    and you better not tell me where you live!!! :D

  14. It appears that most persons who have achieved success in the world of ideas are cynical about formal education. I think these people are a select few, who often achieved success in spite of their education, or even without it.

    For the rest of us, including me, neither geniuses nor hopeless fools, formal education is a useful thing – to be able to approach problems with logical spirit, eager, open mind, and a rationally skeptical attitude, and most importantly the ability to listen/read to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.

    Formal education is worth what you think its worth to you or to me. The whole object of education to me… is.to develop the mind. Being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't. It's knowing where to go to find out what you need to know; and it's knowing how to use the information once you get it.

    In my line of work, as an architect and urban planner, I absolutely need to have a formal education, without it my future/career is non-existed. I can not work in these fields without the formal education. And I can not also work with coworkers who without the formal education in the same or similar fields. The principal goal of education in my line of work is to be able to create and capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done!

    I know that education is an admirable thing to me, but I also acknowledge and well to remember from time to time that something out there that is also worth knowing can not be taught. I also understand that some young nitwits were produced in our schools system…. is because they have no contact with anything of any use in everyday life

    BKK90210, no harm intended in previous posts, you don't have to explain yourself to anyone :D .

    I just found it strange that you think a degree is essential for your ideal man.

    put it this way, say you have fallen madly in love with someone, he's perfect, got the looks, everything else you could ever want from a man, then you find out he doesnt have a degree.........would you finish with him just because he didnt go to university? :o:D

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