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  1. Yes, but don’t you want to be looked after?
  2. Over 60% of US workers are college educated. In the US people (except leftists) generally do not want the government to look after them.
  3. I think I have the extra RAM card and a few other things for it around somewhere
  4. He had to pardon over 8,000 people because Trump
  5. She sounded pretty hate on the news shows, a real celebrity.
  6. I think it great that Trump is attempting to remove all the DEI nonsense from the federal government and all the schools that accept funding from the federal government and all the companies that do business with the federal government.
  7. So why should we take advice from a woman whose whole life is dedicated to convincing people that there is a fairy in the sky that will take care of them.? My Daddy’s favorite book was Michener’s Hawaii.

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