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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. Did he bring up CornPop? He is definitely as sharp as he’s ever been. I’m surprised he does not take the Montreal cogitative assessment test like Trump did just to shut everyone up. He has a speech impediment, not Alzheimer’s. .
  2. You should send that to Kamala Harris. she believes Tara….
  3. I pay as I go, and it is not that expensive. Insurance for individuals should never cover preexisting conditions.
  4. Which will bring all the western issues you hate. How much does a ferry cost in Thailand, and how much does one cost in Europe? I’ve been driving here since 2000 and don’t find it that bad. While I generally agree, there are plenty of areas in the US with friendly, happy people. I used to love CA, I wouldn’t move back now on a bet, unless I lost my family. Yeah, it gets better when you learn to let go of stuff. People deserve a living wage. When a kindergarten teacher makes $80k for 100 days of work, what should a plumber make? I like that immigration in Thailand tries to keep track of “visitors”, we could use a lot more of that in the US.
  5. Well, it’s still cheaper to be “Puttin’ on on the Ritz…” here, than it is at the Ritz. This looks just like a typical group one sees in Bangkok:
  6. Of course he does, and the media will run cover for him.
  7. Yeah, the Revlon job offer for Monica is a much better comparison.
  8. Would it not have to be both? Can you point out a balcony?
  9. No. I think what he’s saying it that as the “Immigration Chief”, he’s is only concerned about crimes committed by non citizens. See how that works?
  10. If he was basically dead, and the ventilator was keeping him alive, how is it the wife was going to take him home to die? Would he not just die when the turned the ventilator off?
  11. He had $3M in crypto, but by the time they found home it was only worth $50K….
  12. So they wanted a blond and got a red-head. Up to them right? But it’s really up to “them”, it’s up to her.
  13. What about the other 99% So if the baby has a finger missing you would cull it?
  14. For example? Surly you can provide a list…I I thought not.
  15. What might they learn? Abortion has been and continues to be legal in the US.
  16. Yeah, he could have been on drugs
  17. You should buy a hospital. We need more people like you to step up and help.
  18. Is “American” a race? When you allow people with tickets into a ballgame, and disallow people without rickets you discriminate against non-ticket holders
  19. It is discriminatory, but how is it racist? Just as requiring Chinese citizens to have have a visa, but allowing US citizens in with just their passport is discriminatory, but it is not racist.
  20. Actually, dual pricing is common in the US as well.
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