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Everything posted by mogandave

  1. Yeah, in the US you can just pick a ballot out of the trash, fill it out and drop it off. No one is smart enough to have an ID.
  2. In ‘74 or ‘75, (I was in high school in SoCal) my buddy bought a ‘67 Shelby/Ford GT 500 for $1,400, I remember thinking he got burned. Last time I saw talked to his sister a few years ago, he still had it.
  3. And spattered…. Good thing he didn’t call them crazy, it’d cost another $70M
  4. Got it. You can’t be inconvenienced, but you are pushing change that disproportionately hurts the poor.
  5. The only thing not on the table is that individuals be held responsible for their actions. Amd remember the left pushing sex ed as the be-all-end-all for out of wedlock pregnancy and STDs, yet both have skyrocketed.
  6. Wait, what? Biden is against birth control?
  7. Using solar and batteries, you have to have twice the capacity of solar, because how ever much power comes out of the batteries at night, must be put back in during the day. Using wind and batteries, you have to have twice the capacity of wind, because how ever much power comes out of the batteries at night (when the wind typically dies), must be put back in during the day. Backing up solar with wind and visa-versa, you have to double capacity again. Again, How long do we want the battery backup to work?
  8. You said “first off”, I just assumed something else was coming.
  9. Why not explain it? If Los Angeles depends on Phoenix for power when it rains, vice-versa, then both have to have the capacity for both.
  10. So you have to have five times the capacity. Twice the capacity of each wind and solar, and once capacity of fossil fuel or nuclear, correct? And how many weeks of battery capacity?
  11. The last time I renewed my drivers license, I only used the old license and pink ID
  12. No, in the morning the batteries have already bee. used for 10 hours. But yes, as long as you have fossile fuels and or nuclear to back it up it’s great.
  13. Do your part and turn off your air conditioner and quit driving.
  14. And how long, and how much power does it take to charge them? Still, at 100 hours, if it starts raining in the morning, and rains for three days it’s done.
  15. And as has been shown countless times, the articles you link to generally do not include what is driving costs. Every solar and or wind installation must be backed up with fossil fuel or nuclear. How many days/weeks/months of capacity should a a battery backup provide?
  16. This must be why the cost of electricity has plummeted…
  17. That’s fine, but why should I have to pay for it?
  18. I saw quite a few when I was working. Saw a few in the bank the other day. That said, most of the shops are for tourists.
  19. Well if you saw it posted on here literally thousands of times it must be true. And he did have millions of Democrats killed last time, right?
  20. How about Ilhan Omar or AOC? They seem really smart for Democrats.
  21. You’d get better value from vents and a fan in the attic unless you already have them.
  22. Looks like Alan Ritchson wants to keep working in Hollywood. Still pushing the same old lies huh?
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