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Stubby last won the day on November 2 2017

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About Stubby

  • Birthday 12/17/1959

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    Bangkok & Hong Kong

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  1. Thanks, Jack. The first thing I did was search Google images, but to no avail. The battery stays in fine with black tape, but the sensitivity of the spare remote is so poor that you almost have to touch the bike to work the alarm. The original could be activated/deactivated from inside the house with all the doors and windows shut. I've given up on it, and will replace the system with another at some point ;) Stubby
  2. Here's a video quoting the WHO from over a year ago:
  3. Thanks, papa al. I already did that. I found some systems with similar-shaped remotes, but they weren't the same product. This is mine, a no-name system, but despite being anonymous, it was working great, and even included luggage alarms.
  4. Good morning, bike enthusiasts. My bike is kitted out with a pretty decent alarm system. Unfortunately, the remote control fell off the key fob while I was riding. I have a spare—of sorts—but it's missing the battery door. I can hold the battery in with tape, but the other issue with the spare is that you have to be right on top of the bike to activate and deactivate the alarm. WOT, NO BRAND? Well, I can't find a brand name anywhere on the system. So, my question is this: does anyone have experience with universal remote controls for motorcycle alarms, or will I simply have to replace the existing setup with a brand new one? Thanks, in advance. Stubby
  5. AARG! THE PLANET'S BURNING — CULL THE COWS AND RUN FROM THE MONKEY POX! Some argue that a high percentage of illegal migrants are climate refugees. And if they're running from "global warming" they could find themselves freezing to death in the UK, like so many of the poorer pensioners do each year. Yet, everyone keeps banging on about how the earth is on fire. It's not! It's another fear tactic used by the global elite to push yet more draconian laws to control the ant farm (that's us, by the way). But did you know that every year, the cold kills almost ten times as many people as heat? [1][2] Surely, the British people are right to have serious concerns. I mean, why would anyone welcome so many "undocumented" young men being put up in hotels and hostels across the length and breadth of a green and pleasant land? Who are they? Where do they really come from? And…. why are they really here? I think what we're seeing is just the start of the anti (Illegal) immigration protests. Let's just hope that the next wave of demonstrations pass off peacefully. 1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/interactive/2023/hot-cold-extreme-temperature-deaths/ 2. https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(21)00081-4/fulltext
  6. Thank you, Soomdae. So, it sounds like you can keep trying if you fail, until you pass, which is useful. Someone told me a while back that if you fail, you can't do the test again for another two weeks. It appears they were wrong or misinformed. That would have made it awkward seeing as each residence certificate is only valid for 30 days.
  7. Thanks for all your replies, everyone. It makes sense now. I thought that I was probably needed to download a different app with a different name. @Soondae, I already signed up for that site. I thought there might be an option to practice and watch training videos. It seems not. From what I can see, I have to just do the test, but I was hoping to do a little prep in advance. I'm told there are 500 questions in the database, and you get 50 random questions to answer. I hope it's not too difficult. I mean, it's been a zillion years since I had to sit a test for anything. @alesaldana Thanks for that link. I'll read through the most recent updates later ;) I'll post here on my progress, as it may prove useful for others. Stubby
  8. Hi, Folks. It was suggested to me to download the DLT QR License App, where I can watch the training video at my leisure. Downloading the app is straightforward, yet it's all in Thai. Does anyone know if I need to search for something else (like a different name) to get the English version? Or is that no longer available? Thank you in advance. Stubby
  9. Thank you, Novacova, that's very useful ;) Unfortunately, the app is only in Thai. It's English in Google Play Store, but Thai after download. I'll see if the video is available on the PC.
  10. Hi, Folks, I've just enquired to an agency about the current driving license renewal document requirements. It seems they're the same as five years ago. However, they did say I have to sit a CBT test this time. I've never had to do a test before, so I called a friend who has recently got his first Thai driving license. He said there are 50 random questions and some of them are quite tricky and don't always make a lot of sense. Does anyone know if there is anywhere I can do some mock tests to prepare? Furthermore, how much prep is actually required. Surely, it can't be that difficult with so many new drivers on the road every month? That said, 50 random questions against a ticking clock does sound quite daunting. Stubby
  11. Thanks, Prubangboy, I'll have a gander ;)
  12. Hello, Chiang Mai Expats. I'm most likely going to move in the New Year. I usually go through an agent when looking for properties and will probably do the same this time. Even so, it doesn't hurt to ask local expats for suggestions. I live in a single-story, 3-bed, 2-bath detached house in a moo baan. I've been very happy here for the past few years but fancy a change. Being able to jump between properties and locations is one of the joys of renting. I would prefer to stay in the Hang Dong area, but I could change my mind if the right property comes along elsewhere. If anyone knows of any new-ish developments that I might want to consider, please let me know. My budget is between 12-15,000 THB/Mo. Thanks in advance.
  13. This is just a quick update in case anyone is interested. A helpful member here messaged me and said I should contact Red Ride in Chiang Mai. So I did. The owner, Glen, arranged a car and an English-speaking lady driver for me at short notice. The rate was very reasonable. And the 7-hour round trip was a safe and pleasurable experience. We arrived just before lunch, so there was that awful "Please come back after 2 pm" response, which we used to grab lunch and coffee. The actual process to change the name in the Green Book took less than three minutes, and then we were heading back home. It's been a bizarre experience, but at least it was a scenic trip void of drama. Stubby
  14. Thanks for the tips BMT. I have toyed with the idea of not bothering, but I'd prefer the bike was in my name. Otherwise, I don't legally own it. Not only that, but should I ever get caught on camera for a traffic offence, the fine will be delivered to the address of the previous owner. That's not really fair.
  15. I doubt that, Connda. The girl at the information desk went to confirm her assumption with her superior before informing me of the inconvenience. It is quite an inconvenience, too. But if there's one thing I've learned in Thailand, it's not to let stuff like this eat too far into me.
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