Went in for a couple of stents. "Coded" during the anesthesia, going into cardiac arrhythmia, then crashed. Doctors called my sister saying they didn't think I was going to make it. Being the contrarian that I am I was compelled to prove them wrong. Woke-up the next day feeling like I'd been run over by a train; 12" line of staples in my chest, the fortunate recipient of a triple by-pass. Walked out of the hospital six days later.
My luckiest NDE was in Colorado in 1976. My GF and I had paid for a camp-site in a campground in a river canyon. We then drove our van up into the nearby mountains, exploring old mines and ghost towns.
The steep mountain roads and high altitude caused my van to overheat, fortunately near a lake. We waited at the lake for it to cool down enough to put cold water into the radiator. By the time we were able to do that, it had started to get dark, then it began to rain so hard, we didn't dare drive down the steep dirt mountain roads to get back to the campground.
We spent the night in the van, heavy rain pounding on the roof.
About 6am, we were suddenly awakened by pounding on our van...it was a park ranger.
"What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded. We told him what had happened.
"Well, God was with you because everybody in that campground is dead! There was a flash flood last night and the whole canyon was wiped out"
This was the 1976 Thompson Canyon Flood: 144 people died that night. If our van had not overheated, it would have been 146.