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  1. "What??? You expect us to pay back the money we borrowed???...555" Not an unfamiliar theme. One reads many stories about predatory loan sharks but I'd call many Thai borrowers predatory as well.
  2. What's amazing is that some twit didn't run over try to get a selfie with the big cat. That would have been interesting.
  3. What is really sad is the many on this forum who find amusement in the misery of others. In truth, it speaks more about their own miserable lives.
  4. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/oggi-mc2-mc2-plus-i372570299-s4497846765.html? I've had this OGGI MC-2 machine for 4 years now, daily use. What sets it apart is it comes with 3 adaptors so you have the option of Nespresso capsules, Dolce Gusto Capsules or fresh ground coffee. The capsules are great if you are in a hurry, especially the Dolce Gusto which I much prefer to the smaller Nespresso. When I have the time for a great cup, I can fresh grind whatever beans I chose and have a rich and very satisfying cup. Purchased online, Nespresso capsules run from B10 to B30 each, Dolce Gusto usually a few baht more.
  5. It well may not be so much WISE declining as it, along with almost all transfer agencies, are coming under huge governmental pressure both in the EU and USA. Cybercrime has become a prime time issue and transfer agencies such as Wise are often used as conduits for money moving. Both the US and EU can shut them down any time they want so WISE and others like it have no choice but comply with demands for customer data. I have little doubt that is what is at the center of all the current delays and issues.
  6. Went in for a couple of stents. "Coded" during the anesthesia, going into cardiac arrhythmia, then crashed. Doctors called my sister saying they didn't think I was going to make it. Being the contrarian that I am I was compelled to prove them wrong. Woke-up the next day feeling like I'd been run over by a train; 12" line of staples in my chest, the fortunate recipient of a triple by-pass. Walked out of the hospital six days later. My luckiest NDE was in Colorado in 1976. My GF and I had paid for a camp-site in a campground in a river canyon. We then drove our van up into the nearby mountains, exploring old mines and ghost towns. The steep mountain roads and high altitude caused my van to overheat, fortunately near a lake. We waited at the lake for it to cool down enough to put cold water into the radiator. By the time we were able to do that, it had started to get dark, then it began to rain so hard, we didn't dare drive down the steep dirt mountain roads to get back to the campground. We spent the night in the van, heavy rain pounding on the roof. About 6am, we were suddenly awakened by pounding on our van...it was a park ranger. "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded. We told him what had happened. "Well, God was with you because everybody in that campground is dead! There was a flash flood last night and the whole canyon was wiped out" This was the 1976 Thompson Canyon Flood: 144 people died that night. If our van had not overheated, it would have been 146.
  7. What tire brands sold in Thailand are considered to be the most durable and reliable? Conversely, which have you learned to avoid? I have a new (to me) sub-compact hatchback using 205-R16 tires that probably have 6-9 months of use to go so time to start educating myself. Easy usage around town. Rarely exceed 90 on the highway. In the Pattaya area, any dealers that stand out for service?
  8. Doesn't show that at all. He faked his ID in 1997, long before birth & death records were fully computerized and put on comprehensive databases. Today, nearly impossible to get a passport that will pass modern biometric and AI reinforced Immigration checkpoints. Most passports have hidden verification codes. About the only way is to go to a very corrupt nation and buy citizenship and a Passport. The days of searching graveyards for the headstones of dead kids are long gone. The fact they were able to finally identify and nail this guy shows how far the technology has advanced.
  9. Read the article again. It specifies how much each idiot was paid.
  10. Unfortunately, the people caught are just dumb mules, so desperate for small money or to get out of debt that they ignore the risks. They were probably assured that customs "Has been taken care of: Don't worry, we have a person inside. You won't be stopped." Duh. Interesting that a Brit was caught entering the UK from Thailand a few days ago with over 35kg of weed. I wonder how he got through Thai scanning with that much in a huge bag.
  11. I hope if he survives he gets no pain medication whatsoever as he lays handcuffed to a hospital bed with his broken bones. Let him live with the consequences of his idiocy
  12. Two suitcases that size and weight are almost certain to be checked as customs is always looking for cigarette smugglers off of Thailand flights. Ten years ago, a Brit neighbor of mine used to finance his trips to Thailand smuggling ciggies back to the UK. He had a friend with a tobacco shop who would always buy his whole load. He finally got busted twice in a row and had to pay a pretty big fine. No Jail time, though.
  13. CANDIA Butter is an excellent French butter sold at Makro. It has a more pronounced buttery flavor than Anchor in my opinion. I had both in my fridge and did a side by side taste comparison: Candia by 2 lengths. Both ORCHID and ALLOWRIE sell "blended" butter alongside regular butter. You need to check the label carefully, always about 40% less expensive.
  14. This is actually common. In the 1970s I drove for a taxi company in Brookline, Ma, a wealthy suburb of Boston. We used to get called to mansion of a VERY FAMOUS sports team owner. A maid would bring out a shopping bag full of clothing and we would take the bag to one of several high-end clothing stores, like "Sak's 5th Ave". We would give the bag to the store manager. The bag contained items shoplifted by the man's wife. It was a special arrangement. Store security would follow her around, taking note of whatever she stole. The store would notify the husband who would direct the maid to gather-up the stolen goods and give them to us. This would happen regularly, about once a month. They aren't millionaires, they're BILLIONAIRES!
  15. Great example of "What goes around, comes around." Corrupt, amoral cop done in by other corrupt, amoral cops. Family wants sympathy. Hopefully they'll get as much sympathy as "Joe" gave to his victims. Karma at it's best.
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