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Everything posted by Fiskebolle

  1. I don't see the point of posting stamps, if the dates on the stamps have already been posted. The color of stamp or where the stamp has been added in my passport does not matter. Let's stick to the data previously provided. Aside of the stamps I had another question regarding the bank statement... Would IO allow me to present 2 bank statements covering the entire 15 months period (e.g. 1 statement for the first 10 months) and the other one for the remaining months? That way I can proof that the 800+ K THB has been on my account since date of 1st extension up until date of renewal for 2nd extension?
  2. Unfortunately not received any answers yet so far I was looking for. All the info and particular questions have been posed in initial post. Would I be able to get a statement covering previous 14 months from bank? Or Would a 12 months statement + 2 months statement (or 2 x 6 months statement work) and be accepted by IO (Chaeng Wattana - BKK) to cover the entire period then? Thanks! FB
  3. Dear Aseannow members, In addition to my previous post, below inquiry for advise regarding required 12 month bank statement for 2nd annual extension of stay (based on retirement). FYI, 800+ K THB has been left on account 12 months untouched up until day of application for extension of stay. 1st annual Extension of stay (approved on 31st of May 2024) - Permitted to stay (renewal date): 13 Aug 2025. Extension of stay done with agent... A bank letter and bank statement is required by IO for doing so. I heard that I can start the renewal process 30 days prior to renewal date. So let's say for easy calculation, let's say I'd apply for the extension of stay on 1 Aug 2025. Now the questions I have regarding the bank letter and statement are; 1. Should the bank statement start showing balance as of 31st of May 2024 (date of approved 1st extension of stay) and balance showing up until date of 2nd renewal date (01 Aug 2025)? If so, then this is actually a 14 months bank statement (not 12 months). Would my bank provide this? I'm with Krungthai bank? Does the bank statement provided by bank show balance of each month or total on day of requesting it? 2. Also I have not made any printouts of my bankbook during the year. Reason because there have been no transactions (no debits or credits). Hence, what's the process in this regard? Will I need to make a small deposit on account on day of actual renewal and make then a print of the bankbook as of that day? Reason why I ask, is that my first annual extension of stay had been done with agent. And planning to do this one myself... Thanks again in advance! Best regards, FB
  4. Got it, but the tabien baan would have been sufficient enough for that reason alone I guess.
  5. A few OP's in this tread have mentioned that the Pink ID has benefits in regards of property tax on condo they own? Can anyone elaborate on this please?
  6. @BigStar Are you able to elaborate what the benefit of the pink ID would be in regards of property tax? Thanks trying to weighing up the pro's and con's here of having one...
  7. Dear Aseannow Members, Was hoping for some advise from you on below. Please only serious reactions, thank you. I will need to assist my parents with their extension of stay (based on retirement - 800 K bank method). Their first annual extension had been done by an agent when they were renting a short term condo during their short stay in Thailand. Due to health issues both parents had to leave Thailand and remained abroad for the remainder of last year. They are now planning to come back to Thailand (1 month prior to expiration date) to renew their annual extension of stay. I, myself am living in Thailand and would like to assist them with the annual renewal of extension of stay (without help of agent). The idea is that my parents will live for 3-5 months or so at my place (currently renting myself). I guess I will need a TM30 / 90 days reporting and rental contract when doing their annual extension of stay (this apart of the bank letter/statements etc, which is not really the issue here). What I'm actually concerned about are the following; 1. Last 90 days reporting - I can not present this, since my parents have not stayed in Thailand for longer then 90 days *(due to health issues). The TM30 is not a problem, as I can do this myself when they arrive in Thailand*(at the website of immigration - I have an account as housemaster). Do you think the lack of 90 days report is going to cause an issue here, while I have TM30 instead and can proof that parents had to leave the country due to health issues? 2. I remember for the initial Non-O (and first extension of stay) the IO was requesting a rental contract. Would this be something they will request again? As mentioned before, I would like my parents to stay at my place, but the rental agreement however is registered in my name. Would this cause a problem? Or how to deal with that? Do I need to write a letter stating that I (the rentee) is allowing my parents to stay / live with me? Would that be sufficient? Are there any official documents/forms for that? Any other things/documents I should consider / prepare, given the above circumstances/ situation my parents are in? Thanking you in advance! FB
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