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  1. BOOST tourism?!? It's already MOBBED!!!
  2. Rumour is the judge gave him 1 week jail for the threat and a further 7 weeks for the mullet, hence 8 weeks total.
  3. Are we not allowed to call a spade a spade anymore Mr Lammy?
  4. Put the f*ing window in! It really does show that money is valued higher than life sometimes in LOS
  5. Actually maybe not. A reckless, speeding truck driver killed my driver and 2 foreign customers. He got a 5000 baht fine and was back driving the next week!
  6. 20 years ago, I was sleeping off a hangover from Christmas Day. I should have been teaching a discover scuba diving course at Phi Phi that morning but luckily my customers had cancelled. The Mrs had left early that morning on a bus to visit her Dad. I went onto my laptop to check my email and saw many people on a Thai expat forum talking about an earthquake in Bangkok. As the morning went on, my neighbours started talking about a hotel collapsing and a big wave hitting Aonang. We jumped on our bikes and rode the few minutes to the beachfront to be greeted by the strangest sight - a few longtail boats on the road, lots of sand. As news of a Tsunami started to spread, we were thankful we lived a few mins drive back from the beach. Not knowing how far the Tsunami had gone inland, I was so worried for the Mrs, and contacting her was not easy as mobile signal was hard to get. Eventually, we connected and she came straight home. The following day, a group of us rented a speedboat and helped some injured friends off Phi Phi island and on our return to Aonang, heard that help was needed in Phang Nga, so we rented a pickup and drove there immediately. The hospital was a scene of chaos, we did our best asking injured patients if they needed anything, but there were already many volunteers there. Realising our help wasn't needed here, we asked one of the rescue workers where we would be more useful...they told us to go to a temple, Wat Yan Yao in Takuapa, near Khao Lak as they had little help there.... On arrival at dusk, the scene was like NOTHING you could ever imagine. Truck after truck coming up the dusty road, all of them indicating to turn into the temple. All of them loaded with dead bodies. We looked on in disbelief, and realising that this is where we needed to be. The smell was indescribable. A French guy came running out of the temple - through his basic English and our basic French, we understood that he had been co-ordinating things at the temple as there were no police or army assisting until that point. As the sun was already set and there was no electricity, we decided it would be best to return to Aonang, get some more volunteers, food and clothing and return the next morning. That is what we did for the following few days. Carried bodies of victims young and old between the various areas of the temple: arrival, holding, ID by DVI teams until finally into chilled containers. To be honest, we were lost, didn't really realise the enormity of what we were doing, but carried on as it just felt right. 20 years have passed but my heart still breaks for all of those whose lives came to an end that day, and half of my heart will always live in Thailand. We learnt so much during those few days....but most importantly, humans can be amazing when they pull together in the worst of situations x 26/12/2004
  7. nothing new, we had flights from Warsaw direct to KBV for the last few years
  8. This would be like a carrot to a donkey for the Red Bull escape artist...surely then the rozzers would haul him in, right? Right? 🐖✈️
  9. Incredibly sad and tragic. As is standard in these situations, there will be a knee-jerk reaction. Something like "PM orders inspection of all buses" Never any pre-emptive measures. Normal people suffer through lax enforcement
  10. I just flew up from Krabi with 3 checkin bags with airasia totalling 40kg for 1400 baht extra
  11. 3 months?! I'd rather fly, thanks
  12. Vile. I bet their lawyers cost more than the 50k!
  13. Can't they just tell the Chinese where they are? Problem solved!
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