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dick turpin

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Posts posted by dick turpin

  1. Don't worry no such problem with the reds.....we drove from Chiangmai to Bangkok and back the only problem is being stopped by police for speeding at 130 km..

    which is nonsense...settle it with 200 baht....and this happened every trip we made....happy driving

    Out of interest how long does the trip take you am told it is about 8 hours.

    is there a good overnight stopping point if there is only one driver

  2. who cares man....... I mean really......... thanks for that Thailand!!

    Have to wonder though.... what foreign advisor is on the payroll...

    you wouldn't think the local government came up with that on their own..... who do I send the thank you note to??

    Better yet, can i get the email of the English ambassador who put this in affect...

    Hey bro you ain't takin no personal messages...you scared of the white boy

  3. Looking to buy one rai of farm land to build house,

    need to provide elcetric supply, is about one kilo

    from highway. Nearby farm house has an electric

    supply strung along a picket fence, which farmer

    says I can connect to, but my builder says this is a

    dodgy option.

    Anyone gone thru this experience, looking for the

    cheapest option

  4. Know the feeling - went into a go-go bar the other evening

    and of all the lovelies on offer I had to pick the one with a

    twin sister and ended up having to go for a threesome.

    It really is an unfair world out there.

  5. After about one rai of land to build house upon.

    Looked at some farm land which the owner is willing

    to sell off in one rai plots, but the plot I favour faces

    onto a small lake.

    The owner argues that if I want to buy this plot I have

    to "buy" the water aswell. There are a couple of concrete

    posts in the water which denotes where his property ends.

    My arguement being that like roads on a property in which

    several people maybe be buying plots, water is also common


    Any thoughts out there?

  6. BBC today...

    UK petrol prices could hit a record high of £1.20 a litre in the next few weeks, according to the AA.

    Increases in the wholesale price of petrol since January are to blame for the rise in forecourt prices, the motoring organisation said.

    It urged the Chancellor, Alistair Darling, to postpone the introduction of a planned 3 pence rise in petrol duty due to come in on 1 April.

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