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Posts posted by TheKeeNok

  1. sterling was 75 to the baht just 5 years ago, and was 90 at one point, never saw that but keep hearing about it

    Never ever will you find the baht that high against all the important and infuential currencies again.

    I understand folks dream and wish this to be so....but it ain't going to happen.

    Recent history will tell you that the baht is manipulated domestically to benefit on behalf of Thailand. Which makes sense, doesn't it?

    GIven that you're confusing high with low, I suspect you're the same as Darrell in not knowing what you are talking about.

    Let me ask you this, and please answer clearly so a simpleton like me can understand. HOW exactly is the baht manipulated domestically? And, if it is possible to do that, why didn't the Government or the BoT manipulate the baht when it crashed during the 97 Asia financial crisis?

    People keep talking about this shady manipulation as if it's a reality, but noone backs it up with explanations. Nor do they explain why in a country so dependent on both FDI (Thailand being a manufacturing hub for numerous Japanese and Korean companies) and international tourism, what possible motive the Thai government has for keeping the Baht so strong?

    I am not professing to be an expert, but cant central banks buy and sell their own currencies in order to weaken or strengthen them? Of course they are battling against the global finacial market againjst which they dont/wont have much influence. I think the amount of influence a country has over manipulating it i currency is also dependent on how big theri currency reserve is.

    I would guess that in 97 thethai govt tried to intervene, but the limited amount of cash they had on had was no match against international players like good 'old Soros and his fund.

  2. One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal. smile.png

    I smell a troll with an agenda.

    Hmmmm Just because I look like a troll does not make is so!! Me? An agenda? Dude, I'm just retelling a story that was told to me by my sister when she worked in a property management office. You think there are no religious types that are a little off?

    So sorry if I have hit a nerve of some sort! jap.gif

  3. Ulysses G. I'm jsut relating a stroy that was told to me! It is a funny story! Why do you find this story so hard to beleive? hmmmm interesting! Dude, neither my sister nor myself are prone to telling lies!

    BTW: I am spending a lot of time online cause Im recuperating! I dont spend nearly as much time online like this smile.png

    Just sayin...

    Peace brother :)

  4. Many of these missionaries create "Homes for Disadvantaged Children" or orphanages. Just imagine how vulnerable these children are and how easy it is for them to inject a new religion into these childrens minds.

    Christians are generally not aggressive, there are exceptions as in every religion, some are bothersome and most will leave you alone when asked to do so, if it weren't for the orphanages and homes established by missionaries most of the kids they take in would end up either dead, begging on the street or trapped in prostitution, the orphanages usually do introduce the kids to the bible and the associated teachings, but if the child is adopted out to a family from another religion, such as Buddhism, which would be highly likely, then the new family would then teach the child the religion they follow. The religion I would be concerned about taking in children is the one that heavily indoctrinates children, you know the one that bombs police stations, hospitals, markets and others, at least by being taken in by christians the kids receive an education that follows the corriculum and are taught to be a responsible member of society. Whether the kids actually end up or if converted remain christians is their own choice, no one will put the threat of execution on them if they choose a different religion.

    Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

    One day a CE came to my sister's office. At first the CE was all smiles, and friendly until she was told that there was no soliciting. The CE left and as she made a pass of the office she screamed out,while pointing at my sis an a co-worker, "CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL!". My sis and her co-worker just laughed. Yea, CEs are pretty normal. :)

  5. Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

    The ills of Nigeria are more easily laid at the feet of Shell Oil, a decidedly non-evangelical organization. The current ills of the Middle East can be laid at the feet of what was once known as ARAMCO, another non-evangelical group. The ills of the Caspian region can be laid at the feet of BP, a group overwhelmingly led by Church of England adherents. The evangelicals are not the problem although due to their limited understanding of Christianity and shallow depth of their theology they are quick to align themselves with the far right corporate oligarchs.

    I have not seem much impact upon the larger Thai society from well over a century of concerted evangelical activity. The few Thai Christians I know attend the wacko Thai evangelical churches, both in Thailand and in the US, where the religion is more a form of animism, as is Catholicism in South America. Yet some are my good friends, although I know when to excuse myself from their presence and I know not to engage them in theological conversation as their understanding of their religion goes no deeper than "I believe and accept Jesus as my savior". There is seemingly no need for values or ethics as long as one believes, amen!

    Now I, an a-theist, have been befriended by some of the longest serving evangelicals in Chiang Mai, and I find them to be good people whose conversation I enjoy. I have also met some younger evangelicals who I found outright distasteful. But put together they have had a relatively good impact up north, especially regarding health, such as McCormick hospital and the entire modern dental infrastructure in Chiang Mai (although I am not sure if the Adventist are evangelicals), and education with Payap University and its generous scholarship programs aimed at minority youth. So like a few others here, I take them one at a time, ignore their peculiar beliefs, and judge them on other, more important factors.

    A good buddy of mine is a christian pastor. Has a Phd in theology. Smart guy! He makes a distinction between evangelical christians and christian evangelicasl. He's not one to push his faith on others, but if asked would like me to convert or believe.

    Sorry, but the CEs I've met in LOS are pretty darn narrow minded. It just blew my mind away! Repeated images of Palin, The Tea Baggers and political right wingers kept flashing before my eyes! It was surreal!

  6. On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


    'nuff said!

    Once again, right out of the Pot of Misinformation and Ignorance.

    The CEs have not highjacked the US Political System, though they do have an overweighted say on Republican Policy - Is this evidence of scheming Christians?

    Well no - It was the Republican Party who came up with the idea of aligning itself with the Christian Right (A great deal of which is not CE) in an attempt to gather a block vote. This alignment happened on B Bush Jnr's watch - The Christians Right did not produce J Bush, Palin of the Tea Party - The Republicans did.

    There is of course within the Republican Party a body of thought that opposes this alignment with the Christian Right - The idea that the Christian Right have some permanent grip on the US Political System is unfounded nonsense.

    But then we are back in the shallow end.

    christian right put GE Bush into his second term! Good job! TeaParty tries to portay itself as "an everyman's" "grass roots" party, but in reality is funded by rather wealthy right wingers! Hypocrites, but that's not new. :) Huge rise in debt, sub-prime, wall street. Good job right wingers! CEs! CEs have had a profound influence on GE Bushs second term re-election. Drinks all around! or whatever else you wish to pass around...Im up for it!

  7. Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

    Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

    The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

    Interesting point you make about christian TV networks as I have just returned from my wifes village after a short visit. Having cancelled my Truevisions there it has been replaced by the local satelite offering which is limited to 4 english language channels, 3 of which are CE. The other english channel was Russia Today so I would guess anyone looking to improve their english using these channels is either going to end up spouting the bible or some anti-american rhetoric.

    3 CE channels hmmmm...now why would that be the case? Who would have been behind such a move? 75% of the english channels offered onlocal sat are CE themed?

    Spread the goodness!


  8. Some of you condemning these religious folks don't seem to be bothered much by the commercial operations of some wats or the money making opportunities of selling amulets. All I know that if I was in a car crash and lying by the roadside, one of those holy rollers would stop to offer assistance, while the rest of you naysayers would drive on by. You might have a different attitude if you knew what many of the legit groups do. Perhaps before condemning, one should go and have a look.

    Willadmit that someof the points made are true!

    The points about the amulets and wats may be true, but similar claims can be made about the CE tv networks, and mega churches in n,america!

  9. We should have another forum in here where the mods can put the recycled threads like this one.

    Sorry the OP has had some negative experiences with overly zealous Christians. All worldviews have adherants that push too hard rather then represent their opinion by living what they profess. It doesn't make it right to hate them all.

    Hate is a very stong word! I simply disagree with what motivates their actions! :)

  10. A Thai takes care for somenbody who is family OR pays sufficiently for all is my experience since I started to do business there in 1977.

    YOU think there are Thai's who will take care for you when you do NOT have sufficient finances at a certain age ? Or.. when your mental situation is, you have to give her / him full attorney over your bank account? My idea: it will not be "cleand off" and you are put outside, or at the max 50 mtrs away from your embassy !

    Thailand is a nice country if your fysical situation and your bank acount are still fit enough. Without bnoth.. better NOT to be on the mercy of the Thais.

    Remind: as farang you have only one right: to leave your money there as quick as possible, and then.. leave !

    I would actually take issue with this.

    In my experience of living here - on and off - since the mid seventies, (maybe around 20 years in all), I have found Thais no better and no worse than any other race of people.

    There are evil, money grabbing, selfish, uncaring people everywhere, and I suggest that if you reside in a redlight district or in an area which has a preponderance of foreign, mainly wealthy tourists in any country, then you will encounter a similar bunch of conmen and criminals.

    Some years back, I used to know a Brit in his 80's, quite infirm, who lived in a small room in Prakanong, Bangkok on extremely limited income. His only income was a UK pension that had been frozen over 20 years ago, and even then he hadn't qualified for the full amount.

    He had no wife but I was quite amazed to find that there were several Thais - in particular one middle aged lady, who did what they could for him. They had known of him in better days and hadn't deserted him when he was in his final years. They were not wealthy Thais but they came by regularly to clean his room and feed him and take him out occasionally. It was quite touching to see.

    This is by no means the only example of Thais - often with little themselves - who have reached out to farangs in distress. Thais can be very compassionate and are always helping each other and occasionally they will help a foreigner who is in distress or has fallen upon hard times.

    I have even been helped myself by complete strangers during my drinking days when I have had accidents,or when I have run into spot of bother.

    In fact I would go as far as to say that Thais are more likely to put their hands out to a stranger in trouble - Thai or foreigner - than their counterparts in the west. Most westerners just refuse to get involved and walk away when someone has a problem.

    True.An English co-worker once told me how me hewas virtually broke, family problems. He was in a taxi and telling his woes to the driver. The driver tookpitty on him and gave him 200bht!

    On my very first visits to Pattaya I found myself without cash outside of a bar after closing time. My buddy had wandered off and was robbed at knife point! Came back to the hotel the next morning! Well, I there with no means back to the hotel.but a bar girl simply handed me 100bht?(was awhile ago)

    Anohter time a "friend" gave me 15K and NEVER asked for it back! Granted she did hail from a wealthy family.

    There are some very kool Thais!

  11. TheKeeNok has exposed himself as being rabidly anti Christian.

    The interesting point to note is the "Rabid" bit - Very few people are "Rabid" anything, those that are usually have some deep rooted reason for being so - it is something in their personal psychology that makes them "Rabid" not necessarily anything to do with that which they are "Rabid" about.

    So as we see, TheKeeNok rants (and it is a rant) about Christians in Nigeria - OK Nigeria is not Thailand related, but let's forgive him that for a moment so we can at least consider the point that he misses - It is the Christians who are the victims of ethnic and religious cleansing in Nigeria.

    If we lay the economic map on top of the oil map on top of the ethnic and religious affiliation map of Nigeria it becomes very clear why the Muslim forces in Nigeria want to attack and remove the Christian population from the 'Oil Rich Regions" of Nigeria.

    TheKeeNok neglects these economic and 'oil' reasons behind the Nigerian conflict and blames the victims of the violence for..... well ..... being victims.

    TheKeeNok ought perhaps do a bit of a better job analysing the roots of the Nigerian Conflict or, if he wants to realise a real tangible reward for analysis - examine what it is that drives him to his Rabid views of Christians. The answer will not to be found in Christians or Christianity - The answer will be found in TheKeeNok's own head.

    I dounderstand that religion serves a purpose. People find solace in it. Religion has played a central role in all civilizations throughout history. There are religious wackos within all religions. Chrisitans in themselves are ok. It is the christian evangelicals who want to "spread the word" and change what has existed for thousands of years is what I find to be wrong. Rabidly anti-christian? LOL I disagree with CEs, but rabidly? Fanatically? Hmmmm fanatically anti- christian..hmmmm I think fanatic evangelical christian has a better ring to it. LOL

    You ever notice that whenever you speak to a CE, not your regualr christian, that their eyes take on a certian possesed look? They seem so driven by what they deem to be the truth that they are block out all other alternatives. This leads to very illogical thinking by CEs. Some might be led to believe that CEs are simply a little, ummmm dense?

    As I have stated earlier help the poor! Heal the sick! But don't offer them in exchange the hearts,minds and spirits of those that you are attemptng to "help". But that what CEs are ultimately after are the hearts,minds and spirits if people. Devious!

    My child is starving to death! Oh, you will give him a cup of powered milk (cost 5cents) and all I have to do is hand over my heart,mid and spirit? Hmmm 5cents for the hearts,minds and spirits of people. Someome is coming out ahead! How much did the natives sell Manhattan Island for? hmmmm

    On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


    CEs should continue spreading the word and with theirblinders on. Gud luck to them!

    If CEs in Nigeria were not trying to change the status quo violence would not result. I don't read about organizaions like the Red Cross or Docs Without Boarders being involved in the violence. What is it that the CEs are doing that brings them into violent confrontation with the Nigerians? Let the Nigerians keep their own hearts, minds and spirits.

    Delusional CEs. LOL

    'nuff said!

    Peace my brother! smile.png

  12. TheKeeNok has exposed himself as being rabidly anti Christian.

    The interesting point to note is the "Rabid" bit - Very few people are "Rabid" anything, those that are usually have some deep rooted reason for being so - it is something in their personal psychology that makes them "Rabid" not necessarily anything to do with that which they are "Rabid" about.

    So as we see, TheKeeNok rants (and it is a rant) about Christians in Nigeria - OK Nigeria is not Thailand related, but let's forgive him that for a moment so we can at least consider the point that he misses - It is the Christians who are the victims of ethnic and religious cleansing in Nigeria.

    If we lay the economic map on top of the oil map on top of the ethnic and religious affiliation map of Nigeria it becomes very clear why the Muslim forces in Nigeria want to attack and remove the Christian population from the 'Oil Rich Regions" of Nigeria.

    TheKeeNok neglects these economic and 'oil' reasons behind the Nigerian conflict and blames the victims of the violence for..... well ..... being victims.

    TheKeeNok ought perhaps do a bit of a better job analysing the roots of the Nigerian Conflict or, if he wants to realise a real tangible reward for analysis - examine what it is that drives him to his Rabid views of Christians. The answer will not to be found in Christians or Christianity - The answer will be found in TheKeeNok's own head.

    I dounderstand that religion serves a purpose. People find solace in it. Religion has played a central role in all civilizations throughout history. There are religious wackos within all religions. Chrisitans in themselves are ok. It is the christian evangelicals who want to "spread the word" and change what has existed for thousands of years is what I find to be wrong. Rabidly anti-christian? LOL I disagree with CEs, but rabidly? Fanatically? Hmmmm fanatically anti- christian..hmmmm I think fanatic evangelical christian has a better ring to it. LOL

    You ever notice that whenever you speak to a CE, not your regualr christian, that their eyes take on a certian possesed look? They seem so driven by what they deem to be the truth that they are block out all other alternatives. This leads to very illogical thinking by CEs. Some might be led to believe that CEs are simply a little, ummmm dense?

    As I have stated earlier help the poor! Heal the sick! But don't offer them in exchange the hearts,minds and spirits of those that you are attemptng to "help". But that what CEs are ultimately after are the hearts,minds and spirits if people. Devious!

    My child is starving to death! Oh, you will give him a cup of powered milk (cost 5cents) and all I have to do is hand over my heart,mid and spirit? Hmmm 5cents for the hearts,minds and spirits of people. Someome is coming out ahead! How much did the natives sell Manhattan Island for? hmmmm

    On a borader scale look at how CEs have hijacked the US political system! GE Bush? Republicans? Tea Baggers?LOL I meant Tea party? Sarah Palin?


    CEs should continue spreading the word and with theirblinders on. Gud luck to them!

    'nuff said!

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