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Posts posted by TheKeeNok

  1. Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

    Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

    There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

    The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

    Absolutely agree! smile.png

    Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

    Your view of recent history is a bit skewed.

    Most of the violence took place after anti-religious leaders came to power (many by force) and kicked out the CE missionaries so they could have a free hand in stamping out local evangelical congregations, who were a philosophical threat to their inhumane regimes.

    So you feel that the philosophy of the Nigerian gov't needed to be changed and it was the job of CEs to bring about this change? Very, very interesting!

    Nigeria has one of the most promising economies in all of Africa. I don't think Nigeria, or any other country needs UNWANTED outside influences. Nigeria has always had its problems, but with the CEs trying to upturn the apple cart the situation has just gotten worse! CEs come in trying to manipulate and change what already exists thinking what they are offering is better. This is simply not the case! CEs want to help? Let them try sans the moral and religious preaching. It's not like Nigeria is living in a moral and spiritual void!

    Peace brother!! :)

  2. Perhaps Thailand should remain the reserve of criminals on the run, sex tourists, missfits and loosers.

    Certainly if you had the mind to look for people who ought not be allowed into Thailand Christian Evanagelists or indeed any faith groups would not be the top of the list.

    There are large numbers of disabled children dumped in orphanages, the stateless, people suffering from HIV/AIDS and the off spring of the sex industry who have nowhere to turn but to the help, food, accommodation, education and health care provided in Thailand by people of faith.

    The OP no doubt makes his contribution and is nothing but a boon to Thailand.

    Absolutely agree! smile.png

    Love what the Christian Evangelicals have done to African nations like Nigeria! Where ever the CEs have gone in Africa you find religious conflict! GOOD JOB! Check out the tyeps of buildings that get burned down! The lasting legacy of CEs!! smile.png

  3. 'kee nok' sounds about right

    Jerk Chicken!!! LOL It's gud stuff!

    For all you who don\t know, Jerk Chicken is a Jamacian dish! Grilled chicken in an AWESOME sauce! Served with rice and beans!

    Try something different otherthan bangers and mash!! There is more to life than just mince and Soi Cowboy!!! LOL

    Should not be surprised by the responses! TIT! Where quality people come to live!! <--That's me! smile.png

    Peace brother!

  4. TV Watchers,

    How do you all feel about the many different religious groups vying to convert the locals? You have the Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and Christian Evangelicals! I personally find the CEs the worst of the bunch. Have any met the CEs who work out of schools in Pak Chong? "Reaching out to the unsaved"

    I am not religioua, but realize it serves a purpose for many!

    The Mormons make me laugh! smile.png Love their "uniforms"

  5. I would like my ashes to be kept. Not too concerned with the bones. I understand the ashes can be processed into green gem-like stones!

    My concern is whether the monks will get my ashes mixed up! When they cremate bodies do they clear out, ashes and all, the "cremation box/area/whatever" fully before another body is burnt? I ask because I have seen monks smoking away lookin bored as hell during funeral ceremonies. I expected them to take on a more dignifed posture during the ceremony. I worry that they will take on a "mae pan rai" attitude and not care so much whether the ashes get mixed up or not. More so since ashes don t appear to play an important role in Thai funeral ceremonies, or am i wrong?

  6. Field Marshall/Premier Plaek Phibun Songkhram of the 1930's and 1940's Siam/Thailand was a deep romantic of contemporary Fascism. Such contradictory policies, as they applied to Thai culture, were greatly implemented throughout the society.

    Would be of great interest to those who might not be familiar with this brief segment of contemporary Thai history.

    I imagine a large part of this was due to the Japanese influence on the Kingdom at the time.

  7. true expensive? They have non stop promotions. Right now they offer me the knowledge package + 80 extra channels for 100 or 299 per month(forgot exact ammount but its peanuts and 3 years contract), free installation and only 1k baht deposit for the satelite which you will own after the contract.

    you get almost everything except 1 movie channels that plays the same movies 24 hrs a day. Its cheaper than cable and you get more than cable with better quality

    Knowledge package AND and additional 80channels for 299 a month? Is this monthly price valid for the entire three year duration?> If its ture, thats an AWESOME deal! when will this promo end? Hook me up dude!

  8. Thai neighbour (Malaysia) is way more 'generous', offering 10 years unlimited re-entry, free business activity, land and housing ownership and free movement of your money in and out.

    In return for a deposit that is double (or quadruple for the under-50s) that of the Thai requirement.

    As I said, for what you get for just 800KB deposit, Thailand is quite generous.

    I've always wondered about the Malaysia boosters. If it is such a good deal, how come more people from TV aren't there?

    Because it is a place full of ethnic and religious tension, and overall not a very attractive place to be.

    Street food is great! I feel its noticably safer than street foodin LOS. Yea, ethnic tension for sure! Once asked for some ICE in a rather nice bar and the Malay dude scowled and told me to go outside and buy my own! Was totally shocked!! the chinese dont give a rats ass as long as they can make an extra RM. There are some gu points, but LOSis better to livein.

    Yea, Malaysia does have a retirement program, they've had it for many year,but the number of ppl who have signed up arent even close to what the govt had expected!

  9. Retired, OYO residence, no work, no business, no marriage, no sex tourist, no child abuse, financial conditions resolved...

    So, instead of visa runs, I am offered a 'security' of yearly renewable non O retiree plus 90 days reporting. Bliss!

    A 1-year retirement visa extension in return for just a 800K deposit (or proof of income) seems quite generous to me. Most countries wouldnt give you as much or would want you to show (invest) much more money.

    The 90-day reporting is a pointless nuisance but it isnt actually difficult.

    wai.gif Thai neighbour (Malaysia) is way more 'generous', offering 10 years unlimited re-entry, free business activity, land and housing ownership and free movement of your money in and out.

    Compare this with uncertainty of retiree's stay in Thailand and you really forget the pointless nuisance of 90 days reporting as well as any invitation to invest in Thailand, wherever it comes from.

    Those who 'invest' into marriage - good luck to them. But it isn't investment in Thailand. And we al know the risks involved anyway.

    WPFflags.gif In any case, I like it here, I am here, I comply with the rules. But don't ask me to like them. And don't think I am not at risk (meaning my money). Does it have to be this way?


    Malaysia is OK. KL superficially is great. The people are another issue. The Malays feel entitled. the Chinese are greedy selfish <Snip>. Im always warned not to take out my mobile in Indian areas by INDIANS! Malaysia has somenoticable social tensions. Thailand is way easier to live in IMHO

  10. This Link provides Bangkok Bank's credit card requirements. For a foreigner it basically boils down to having a work permit and adequate income which appears to be 15,000 baht at Bangkok Bank. Expect other Thai banks have very similar requirements. Now, based on some TV posts it appears some some foreigners have apparently get "unsecured" credit cards even without a work permit...just the long term visa/extension of stay and adequate income...but I expect the folks have been the exceptions. The card issued is a standard "unsecured" credit card with a certain credit limit.

    Now pretty much anyone can get a "secured" Thai credit card which is secured against a sum of money you place in a savings account with the bank. That is and for example, open a saving account, put 100,000 baht in it, and let the bank use that as security for issue of a credit card with a 100,000 baht line of credit. And actually whatever secured amount you go with/deposit, I think the secured amount has to be higher than the credit limit given (i.e., 150,000 baht deposit for 100,000 baht line of credit). Keep in mind you won't be allowed to withdraw any of the 100,000 baht until you pay of the card balance, cancel the credit card, and may have to wait another 30 days to get access to the money again. Apparently some banks add another 30 days or so in case any late credit card charges hit the card account as some businesses may not immediately process a charge against a card....that has happened to me a couple times over the years with my western/US credit cards (but can happen with any credit card transaction) to where a certain charge don't hit the account for weeks.

    Gud info, tanks!

  11. A tale of two Brits. I was sitting at a coffee shop in a "not tourist" town last evening waiting for my GF. A Brit came in chatting with the 6 lady members of the staff. I couldn't hear what they were saying but the Brit had the girls convulsing in laughter for 30 minutes. He was a good looking guy, tall, athletic build with an infectious smile and easy laugh. The girls were early 20's coffee shop employees not bar girls.

    Later an older, really older, fat Brit came in with his 18 year old Thai wife and toddler. The lady was a bit too fat to be Thai pretty and her face a bit too broad and brown to be Thai pretty but she was a stunner anywhere else but Thailand and a happy stunner. The child was beautiful. No other word for it. I don't know what combination of genes did this but the baby could have been on magazine covers. Happy kid too. The coffee shop girls mobbed the child and were asking mom a hundred questions. There was no doubt in my mind that any of the coffee shop girls were up for marriage and making babies that night with the first Farang with a smile that walked in.

    Not just Thailand but China and Japan too. Asian women are getting more independent. Money can come with a husband or be a substitute for a husband. Sex has always come easy in this part of the world and now independence is also coming easy as education and opportunity increases.

    As much as I have tried to imitate Thai men I realize we are all leftovers from a previous age. The ladies are not going to put up with that sh** for much longer.

    There is also a fair bit of pressure through society and the popular media to have western features. Light skin, nose and eye jobs. Half Farang actors.

    A lot of Thais think half Farang children are attractive.

    Half the commericals on TV advertise skin whitening creams. It\s the same in the Philippines. You can tell some have gone overboard! They look like freakin ghosts!

    Can you imagine such creams being sold in the west? :o

  12. Women want security for their offspring or potential offspring. it's biological. $$$, food,shelter. All women want a guy with $$ to some degree. Some are blatant money whores.

    I read about a female contestant ona chinese dating show who said "Id rather cry in my bmw than laugh on a bike with you!" my god! shocker!!! maybe lol!

    An example of an utterly shameless $$ whore! Wham bang, right in ur face!!! lol AWESOME!

  13. Some prices have gone up, some have gone down, some have stayed the same. The main problem in Thailand is that the Baht is overvalued, which makes many things cost more here than they would in Europe, and that is just plain silly.

    A strong Baht makes imports cheaper. Around 20% since about 2 years ago.

    Instead of lowering prices, importers and shops just cash in the gain. But you can be sure, once the Baht will weaken again, that would be reason enough to raise prices.

    What do you figure the true value of the Bhat to be?

    What do you figure the value of the bhat to be when the USD crashes?

    Needn't be too concern for the Baht when the US dollar collapses, for by then the Chinese Yuan will have secured it's place as the [largely] principle exchange rate standard. These events will be more advantageous to Asian currencies on the world's market than not.

    Shall I bring all my $$$ and convert them into bhat?

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