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Posts posted by Crossy

  1. As you've discovered Thais and us Brits drive on the left, here all similarities end.

    There is a Thai 'Highway Code' although I've never seen an English version, apparently it's perfectly legal for motorcycles to go the wrong way on a dual carriageway!!.

    Just watch what the locals do, if you don't feel safe (turning left on red [not always legal BTW] for example) don't do it.

    Apply your UK skill set and always check your left side mirror for motorcycles and trucks before turning and you will be fine :o


    It is YOUR responsibility to check the stamp in your PP is correct and yes, you would almost certainly have got stung for the overstay.

    Example. One one of my few border runs (I'm in and out a lot on a non-o) one lady had previously got 33 days on her visa exempt entry (in error). She arrived on the last day of the stamp, it was noticed and she got stung for 3 days overstay, no amount of pleading would sway the officer (rightly so of course).

  3. Whatever happens she's going to have problems getting out of Thailand with a PP without an entry stamp.

    Assuming she has:-

    Old passport with old name

    New passport with new name

    Document connecting the two names (marriage certificate).

    I suggest a trip to immigration, I'm quite sure they can fix the problem, probably with loads of the red stuff (both tape and tea money) but I see no alternative assuming her old PP has been cancelled.

    BTW immigration cannot transfer visas, only entry/exit stamps and extensions. To get the visa transferred you have to visit the issuing consulate or just go and get a new one :o

  4. Thanks for that lite beer

    very helpful i have my bank statements with me over here also and on line banking so i can get latest statements

    do you know how long is the waiting period ie one week :o ( yeah i know its thailand )

    Just to clarify your position.

    With a multi-entry non-o you can go in and out as often as you like until the 'must enter before' date. You will get a 90 day permit to stay on each entry. If you make your last entry the day before the 'must enter before' date on your visa you will get a final 90 day stay, so your 12 month visa is good for up to 15 months in Thailand :D

    Apply for your extension within 30 days of the end of any 90 day period, there's a whole bunch of paperwork needed none is complicated (your wife is part of the paperwork).

    On application you'll get a 30 day 'under consideration' stamp, go back after 30 days and you'll probably get another 'under consideration' stamp, on your third visit you may get yet another stamp or the full 12 month extension (from the date of application IIRC). During the 'under consideration' period you may get visited by the police to verify you live there and are with your wife.

    EDIT Once you have an extension of stay you MUST get a re-entry permit before leaving the country or you'll have to start over :D Yes you can get a work permit on this visa type :D

  5. I have done it at bangkok airport (upon departure) and also at ayaranapatet/Poipet (cambodian border). and also at rayong (manymar/burmeese boarder)

    Try it now and you may well find that Cambodia won't let you in (signs to that effect in the Thai side immigration shed).

    There are also credible reports of people being taken off the border run buses at checkpoints on the way (even on only one day overstay), being locked up and deported.


    easybullet3, you are either incredibly naieve, incredibly stupid or incredibly both, but as others have said 'up2u' it's your business, but please don't advise people to follow your modus-operandi.


  6. Thanks for that explanation.. does that mean that the ministry of foreign affairs could be approached? I'm asking hypothetically as I'm going back to the UK in any case, but I can't help thinking about those people working here who simply might not be able to "go back" to get a reaplcement visa...!!

    Interesting thought, not heard of anyone trying the MFA.

    On the other point, anyone working here with a work permit and a half decent salary will have an extension of stay based on their WP, immigration CAN replace that in the new PP :o

  7. Sorry it happend.

    As for the immigration office replacing a visa, I am afraid, they cannot. Visas are issued by consular offices abroad reporting to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs whereas the immigration-office comes under the Interior Ministry, and has no records on visa.

    Yep, this ^^^ is how it works.

    Immigration can only replace items that they have entered. ie entry stamps and extensions of stay.

    The visa itself can only be replaced by the consulate that issued it :o

  8. I have read all pages on this topic but can please someone tell me exactly what paperwork if any you need to present to immigration to obtain residence cerificate/proof of adress.One post said verbally tell them and write it down for them.Is this right ?

    Most (all?) immigration offices will now only issue this letter if you are doing 90 day reporting, take your lease or other paperwork showing you live there.

    The other (expensive) route is a letter from your embassy, I believe that edwinchester was mis-informed by his Land Transport office when they told him this was no longer acceptable (nothing unusual there).

    If you have a work permit you can get away without the letter.

    You could try the 'letter from the amphur' route that ed used it obviously works wherever he is :o

  9. If costs are high to ship, what problems would be associated with driving it there ? China, Russia Hungary, Austria, Switzerland Germany, France route. About 13000 k ? Has anybody done or contemplated such a drive ?

    People have driven Tuk-tuks to Europe on several occasions so it's obviously possible.

    Cars may be more problematic on the import/export paperwork in the multitude of countries en-route. Certainly a lot of research and planning is required.

  10. Abosolutley no problem with NW, when i left UK, i gave them my forwarding address and get my statements monthly, no prob with flex card either,

    So whether NW were being cautious because you have a UK drop-off adress and your flex card is being used in Thai,

    Having a bank statement with my Thai address certainly helped the other day when i had to pick up a large parcel from the local post office.

    Interesting, when I asked (three years ago) I was told in no uncertain terms that a Thai address was not acceptable :o Maybe I'll try again :D

    My card (almost) never gets used in Thailand, I use my BKK bank account. NW just get used to pay my Barclaycard and a few on-going UK bills. My offshore payments always go to my Luxembourg account which then gets used to top up NW occasionally.

  11. I get no kick from Champaigne, but I certainly get one from my PC!

    Bought it from Liberty Computers off 2nd Rd.

    Told the owner there about it to which he replied "Yes, we always get that here. Don't worry".

    What should I do ?

    A very common problem, caused by poor or non-existant earthing :o

    Read this site http://www.crossy.co.uk/wiring/ particularly this page http://www.crossy.co.uk/wiring/2pin.html and come back with any questions/problems :D

  12. As Victor Meldrew would say 'I cannot belieeeeeeeeeeve that anyone would suggest a deliberate overstay as a way of saving what is, in effect, a trivial amount of money'.

    A few, or even one year ago maybe it would be workable, but with the recent tightening up of immigration rules trying it would be foolhardy and could cost you a two way flight if not allowed to board or not allowed in by immigration.

    Just waaaaay too risky.

  13. After closer inspection ALL the outlets appear to be two pins, what on 'earth' were they thinking? (and this from Thailand's 'leading' developer, Sansiri) I have the sparkies coming around on Saturday, I'll get the digi camera out and will post pics at that time.

    Looks like we have some work on the horizon. They apparently hooked up the ground for an a/c unit in another room to the same ground wire the water heater used.. could that be an issue?

    BTW Crossy your website is very informative and easy for non-techies like myself to grasp. Great job. Mods?? I think there needs to be a sticky to it somewhere. This information could save lives.

    Typical Thai I'm afraid, two pole outlets save 30% on wire :o

    The grounds should all go to a ground bar in your distribution board / consumer unit and thence via a nice fat wire to a ground stake. A new construction should also have a MEN link between the incoming neutral and the ground bar. I suspect that you've got two 'grounds' tied together but not actually grounded :D

    This thread is referenced in the useful information sticky, unfortunately there were so many sticky threads at one time that the real threads were in danger of ending up on page 2, so the descision was made to put all the links in one thread. Just takes the occasional post to bump this onto page 1 :D

    I really need to maintain the website properly. Another sparks (Elkangorito) provided a lot of the info and I've still got some of his drafts to sanitize (de-tech), it's just finding the time :D

    EDIT You may want to print this diagram http://www.crossy.co.uk/wiring/CU-2.jpg to show the sparkies and compare with what you've actually got :D

  14. If it's a buffet breakfast why tip? After all, you are providing most of the service yourself (even in some establishments getting your own tea/coffee).

    If I'm paying 250 Euro a night I expect all normal service to be included.

    The bar and/or restaurant in the evening is a different matter :o

  15. The passport number is in place of the Thai ID number (เลขประจำตัว), which is found on the second line up from the bottom inbetween the date of birth above, and the place of issue below

    Do remember that the 'ID' number on your DL does not change on renewal even if you have a new passport (which will have a new number).

    When I got my 5 year DL in January the nice lady recommended that I retain a copy of my current passport (which now expires before my licence) to 'make renewal easier'.

  16. For regular visits a non-o (multi) from Hull is a good plan.

    If he wants to remain in LoS long-term he should be able to get an extension based on living with his Thai child, there is NO financial requirement for this extension :o

    Check out this thread http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=117250

    EDIT He is currenly in Thailand? He may have time to convert his current visa, at a minimum he should be able to get at least a single entry non-o in KL or Penang and avoid the hassle / expense of a trip to the UK.

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