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Posts posted by Crossy

  1. In Ireland automatics are for old people and boring executives. One difficulty here is finding a car with manual transmission that still has the higher end safety features. Often the manual versions are very poorly kitted out!

    That's pretty much why I didn't buy a Fortuner, you can't have all the nice bits (leather etc) with the diesel engine and manual box :o Actually you can, but they have to rip the car apart and put in the flash bits, rattles here we come.

  2. Thanks lopburi, so if he goes to a consulate in Penang or any other bordering country he can pay and get a tourist stamp there? 30 days?

    Mike. Your friend should take a trip to Penang, there he can obtain a tourist visa good for a 60 day stay which is then extendable by 30 days at immigration.

    He MAY (reports vary as to availability) be able to get a double entry tourist which will give him two 60 day stays each of which are extendable by 30 days.

    Once the TV is used up, he can do 3 more visa waiver trips before having to go to Penang again.

  3. Moved to forum support.

    What keyword are you using to search so we can check it? Also, are you using the Search in the top right side or the Google search box? Sometimes a topic may get renumbered or deleted/moved and if the link is no longer valid and will go to the forum portal page.

    Thanks for replies. The top right Search tab works but not the easily-spotted (and useless) left-side box and 'Search Forum'. Why have 2 separate search facilities instead of one prominent one which works? And the Google link is redundant; everyone has their own search engine in Favorites already.


    As previously noted the nice easily spotted box WORKS for me. It would be really helpful to admin if you could let us know the search terms you used in order to investigate thoroughly :o

  4. If switching to high octane gasoline does improve mileage, you might find that your engine, or its

    control systems, need repair.

    Yeah, I remember reading that, BUT, assuming the mileage on 91 is reasonable (ie it's not drinking it) I don't really what can be broken that makes things BETTER :o

    For most of my engineering career when stuff goes wrong things usually get worse!!

  5. Hmmm, at 3m or even 10m the signal should peg at 100% on its second time round!

    I suspect your wireless card is dead or at least somewhat deaf. Time for a new one :o

    If you're having the AP on a different floor, I'd go for a USB wireless, then you can wave it around on an extension for best reception.

  6. How about a little thought experiment?

    Many, many years ago when I did my own car maintenance (when cars had contact points and carburettors) one thing we learned was that the ideal ignition timing for maximum performance was having it advanced to such a point that the engine knocked then retarding ever so slightly. The distributor had a nifty vernier screw to make the job easier.

    So, modern engine management systems working in a similar way, advancing the timing until the knock sensors trigger, then retarding it just a smidge. This being a real-time operation, constantly adjusting the timing and fuel mixture for best performance.

    Now let's increase the fuel octane rating.

    I know that my old cars would let me advance quite a bit more before knocking if I put 4-star in the tank rather than my regular 2-star. If I ran it like this on 4-star the car definately went better.

    Our fancy engine management systems have more variables than just the timing, they adjust the mixture (and also the valve timing in VVT engines) as well as monitoring the RPM, air flow and exhaust composition.

    Maybe, just maybe, that's why our OP is seeing a performance improvement using 95, the engine is actually sensing the better fuel and adjusting itself to use it.

    OK people.... flames on...... :o

  7. I wouldn't put anything except fuel in the fuel tank :o

    OK, on a high mileage vehicle I might use some injector cleaner but not on a regular basis.

    Putting ATF (Auto Transmission Fluid) in the fuel tank?? Probably not wise, see above for fuel system cleaner.

    BTW If you have a noisy gearbox (manual) or back axle, stick a whole banana in complete with skin, quietens things down a treat :D

  8. Well, at 41 'real' votes and 2 nulls, it's overwhelmingly 'auto'. Seems everyone has an auto car and there's twice as many autos as manuals in the other categories except 4x4 pickups (about equal) and 4x4 large estates (4:1, must be all those auto Fortuners).

  9. my car runs on 91.

    once, because the 91 had run out at the station, I went for 95. got quite better mileage and acceleration.

    since then I mostly get 95, even though the manual says the engine is made for 91.

    anyone does the same?

    and ruined the engine?

    Well it won't hurt the engine unless you're using Gasohol 95 and your car's fuel system is not compatible.

    I'm intregued by your assertion that you get better economy and acceleration using 95, is this just a subjective observation or can you back it up with figures??

    Certainly, when I went to school (a while ago) there were lots of advertising campaigns saying that putting 4-star in a vehicle designed for 2-star was just throwing money away.

  10. This might be a little late if you're car is in the shop already. It's the body shop that will give you a loaner.

    That's how it works in the UK, you either get a replacement vehicle off YOUR insurance company (if you have a policy that provides one) or the body shop may lend you a banger.

    Either way, you're unlikely to get anything of the other chaps insurance :o

  11. Nope, not even slightly.

    AFAIK they are not automatic or even slightly 'Smart', being controlled in the same way as the traffic lights, coppers with switches.

    As I've noted before, I believe these signs are merely a vehicle to make the paid advertising shown next to them legal.

  12. Do I need to get a visa, if so, can I apply for a 2 months visa on arrival without any problem at the Thai immigration(border) at Poipet (Aranyaprathet)?

    Or can I get a 2 months visa at the border in Pedang Besar?

    And what are the visafees?

    Yes, you need to get a visa of some sort as it seems you've used up your 90 days worth of visa exemption. Visas are only available at Thai embassies or consulates, NOT at border crossing points.

    Have a look at the various threads regarding tourist visas from Penang, KL, Singapore etc.

  13. yeah, that was a slip of the finger, 60A not 60V of course.. common sense really that the black is carrying 220v and white is neutral, I'm just used to seeing two hot wires carrying 110v a piece and a neutral... no sign of a ground though, cant say I'm suprised, but will certainly entertain the idea of adding a good solid grounding rod to my new build... will take a look at your site, thanks again for the advice and the welcome...\

    That's why we're here :o

    At least you're aware that we are 220V 50Hz. It's about now when the "I plugged my ????? in and smoke came out, is the electricity different in Thailand" posts start appearing. Easily done though, the outlets are just too similar to the US.

  14. Gents,

    This is my first visit to ThaiVisa.Com having just registered. I had been searching the internet for information about Thai Residential wiring codes.... ok, control your laughter please... but was pleasantly suprised to find such an in depth discussion related to wiring issues in Thailand. I am not an electrician, although have worked as a building contractor in the past, so have a better than average knowledge of general construction related issues. You may have already covered this in the 21 pages of posts submitted so far, but I have as yet not had time to plough through them... I am up in the sticks, NE of Khon Kaen and although I know that Thailand has a 220v service, but the house I'm staying in, close to the area I am going to build, has a 60v 250v Inter Fuse box fed by one black and one white wire... if they are both hot, where's the neutral... any ideas? or perhaps an explanation as to why this may be the case?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time to respond...


    :o John, to the madhouse we call Thaivisa :D

    OK, your intermediate box (I assume it's a 60A 250V fuse) has two wires, Thailand tends to use the US colour codes, BLACK is Live (or Hot), WHITE (or grey) is Neutral. With luck you should have a nice GREEN ground wire :D

    Have a look here http://www.crossy.co.uk/wiring it's not been updated recently (been way too busy) but lots of good information from myself and our tame certified sparks (Elkangorito).

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