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Posts posted by womble

  1. It ain't my cup of tea, the fish don't have far enough to run, it's far too small. There are some beautiful fish in there and some bigguns, but there's no challenge. If I wanna catch fish that way I go Bung Sam Lan where you catch all day long.

    Personally I prefer more of a challenge and also to fish in a more natural setting.

  2. Tell the wife. She will more than likely pay it back so they don't ever find out.

    Huge loss of face for her, so i'd imagine she'd pay it.

    You will be forever indebted to her, thats if she ever forgives you.

    You should never gamble other peoples money, lose your own house or car if you like, but using funds that don't belong to you is criminal.

    IMHO you deserve jail.

    I've got a filthy gambling habit myself, but I always use my own money.

  3. All the advice above is bullshit.

    All people who buy bars get rich, at least here on Samui. The staff is cheap and the profits are great. Not only that, you get to shag all the girls who work in your bar as, er, hostesses for free anytime you want. You can drink all the beer you want for free too. You will be looked up to by all who come into the bar since you "own a business," which makes you a big swinging dick around here. Other bar owners will become your friends and will cooperate to help you with your business as you help them by organizing "pool nights" and "get drunk in each other's bar" nights. This way you will be spreading the love.

    At the end of your stand in Samui, you can jack up the fee for "the bar is 'worth' such and such" on top of the key money and rent and all the rest. Never fear, if you wait long enough, there will be another rube, just as gullible as you were to buy the whole kit an kaboodle.

    LOL :o

  4. Are any of you guys interested in starting a TV fishing club? If so let's work something out.

    Sounds like a good idea................


    Just got a boat, so if peeps wanna chip in for fuel........................

    Shore fishing

    Best places are off the rocks, first bungalow in chaweng is ok, also chong mon on left side of beach, it's easy to get to the rocks, not too much climbing.

    You need to go at high tide tho.

    I was using soft plastics the other day and had a few small hexagon grouper.

    What we need to do is find somewhere to get livebait, then you'll catch better fish.

    Need to get matey with a prawn farm owner!!

    Hi Womble, what boat did you get?? Any photos to share with us?

    Live mantis shrimp are a very poor bait. They are too spiky, just try holding a live one for a few seconds! Live white shrimp I would guess to be a great bait.

    When it gets calm I like to run out to the FADs to catch the best live baits. Plaa thu, plaa kraw and sardines are easy to take near the surface using a small sabiki rig. These fish are way easier than live squid to keep alive.I have some plaa kraw in my livebait tank that are still going strong after being in there for 3 weeks already. Just need to remember to feed them!! Tied on to the FAD you can catch dolphin,tuna, mackerel and billfish.

    From koh Tao the nearest FADs are only 6 miles out, maybe the same from Samui heading north east into the deeper water?

    The boat is a 16ft catamaran, no pics at moment, but it'll be in the water in a couple of days, i'll stick a pic up when it's in the water. It's small but fast, 40 mph+, also a pretty stable platform being multihulled. It also has extra fuel tanks, over 100L in total, so has a range over 150 miles, although you wouldn't want to stary to far from shore being only a small boat.

    The plan is to fish Ang Thong where it is sheltered, we can camp out or stay in the bungalows and have enough fuel for a few days.

    I'm not sure where the FADS are around samui if there are any. The water here is extremely shallow, unlike Koh Tao where is id deeper. Here you have to go 25+ miles to get to anything over 15m!

    If we get a clear spell we may come to Koh Tao for a few days, what price is the fuel there? The FADS sound fun, would like to check them out.

    Which tuna do you get and what size? I'm guessing skipjacks only correct, no YFT? Also what size are the dorado?

    So mantis shrimp are no good then, I won't waste my money on them then...........

    Better get matey with a shrimp farm owner then on samui.........

    Better still find out where the best spots to get livebait are, and get yer bait for free.

  5. I'm going to BKK to buy some stuff to send back to UK to make some money. Makes sense to do this as cheap as possible in order to make as much profit as possible. simple really.

    2,500 x 2 = 5,000

    1,000 x 2 = 2000

    save 3000 baht.

    Or perhaps he is looking to spend the 3000 baht that has been saved on some 'recreational activity' whilst up in the smoke.

  6. Yeah on a boat they use lights to bring the squid in. Live squid is candy to fish, it's an excellant bait.

    The problem is keeping them alive. If your on a boat it's ok, you can keep them in a livewell.

    Shorefishing though you couldn't use them as they will not keep in a bucket. They attack each other and squirt ink and then die. It's hard enough keeping them alive in a livewell.

    I seriously think getting some live prawns from a prawn farm would be great. Prawns are easy to keep also.

    I have seen mantis shrimp alive at the fish market, they would be a good bait, pricey though.

    Live prawns fished under a float off the rocks would be pretty deadly I reckon.

  7. Are any of you guys interested in starting a TV fishing club? If so let's work something out.

    Sounds like a good idea................


    Just got a boat, so if peeps wanna chip in for fuel........................

    Shore fishing

    Best places are off the rocks, first bungalow in chaweng is ok, also chong mon on left side of beach, it's easy to get to the rocks, not too much climbing.

    You need to go at high tide tho.

    I was using soft plastics the other day and had a few small hexagon grouper.

    What we need to do is find somewhere to get livebait, then you'll catch better fish.

    Need to get matey with a prawn farm owner!!

  8. Yep, they couldn't be much more inefficient if they tried.

    To call it effective.........

    Well, that's the funniest thing i've heard all day.

    Thailand is starting to fall behind the rest of the world, and will continue to do so at a faster pace if they carry on the way they are.

    Hopefully I can get whats left of my $ out and then i'll just sit back and watch with not a care in the world.

  9. I work with a U.S. firm that specializes in providing, securing and renting bandwidth on secure systems and am available as a consultant whould someone need to rent rather than buy. Actually no need to change Satellite systems, just make sure that the delivery method is secured.

    I think this thing has more to do with the kickbacks connected to a B6G deal rather than secure communications. Surely they are well aware of VPN technology...

    They must think everyone is so dumb..........................

    It's as simple as securing the signal. No need to spend 8bn on a new sat.

    This stinks of opportunist corruption.

    Nothing changes in Thailand, everyone looks out for no.1 The only thing that changes is the players.

    Bring back Thaksin please.

    Better the devil you know.

  10. This government is a complete joke. The country is falling to pieces by their own doing and the best they can come up with is ridiculous rules on morality. ie. Alcohol advertising and sex on TV.

    These old farts do not live in the real world and they are patronising the average Thai person. If people copy the clothes worn on TV and those clothes are sexy, how does that lead to more sex crimes? There is absolutley no evidence to suggest this. Devient preditory sex offenders will offend regardless of whether someone is wearing a short skirt.

    I thought this government were supposed to be getting us to an election as quickly as possible, it seems all they can do is come up with these stupid new rules that are not needed.

    The sooner we have an election the better as this country is going to the dogs.

  11. Well thats some promising news. A bit of pressure does amazing things.

    I think the generals are finding politics to be a headache and want out ASAP.

    You are right that they are not doing well,


    If you look back through modern Thai history you will notice that the army does not usually give up power as easy as that.

    The army are constantly meddling in politics, and don't expect this to be the last time.

  12. Having a bad day Tax?
    not at all womble ! :o

    but when someone posts an arseful of <deleted> like

    and truth be told i reaslly couldn't care less what they charge for their drinks.

    perhaps if 10 to 15 baht on the price of a beverage affects you so adversely, travel is an expense best avoided altogether.

    then i believe a firm challenge is called for.

    Fair Enough.........

    I do agree with you, maybe a tad harsh, but we should never stand for overcharging of any sort any where.

  13. and truth be told i reaslly couldn't care less what they charge for their drinks.

    perhaps if 10 to 15 baht on the price of a beverage affects you so adversely, travel is an expense best avoided altogether.

    so its perfectly ok for the staff at he drinks counter to add on 10 or 20 baht to the regular prices of food and drinks depending on the perceived naivety of the customer , and for the staff to pocket that money.

    its nothing to do with 10 or 15 baht , but with honesty and respect for tourists and customers.

    it's idiots like yourself , t.s. , that should avoid travel , because all you and your ilk achieve by allowing yourselves to be milked so easily of your money by passively condoning this theft is the perpetuation of the belief held by many thais that it is ok to fleece foriegn tourists and you bring down the derision of the staff on yourself for being such an easy and uncomplaining victim.

    in being such a simple , sheepish and compliant victim , you only make it harder for others to get a fair deal in this country.

    it is most certainly yourself that should stay home.

    Having a bad day Tax? :o

  14. For giant snakeheads in the reservoirs you need a very strong rod and a reel with a decent drag locked up. If you give them any line you will lose them in the trees underwater, it's a short brutal fight with the snakehead often the winner.

  15. Ok, if you are going to Koh chang this is what you should do.........

    Get a weight with the hole in the middle and thread the line through it, have the pointy end pointing down. After that put a bead on the line. Then tie a swivel onto the line. You can use many knots, I recommend the Uni knot, very strong and easy, use for tieing hooks, swivels etc, also can use double uni for joining lines.

    Now take a piece of line about 2-3 foot long, tie a hook on one end and tie the other end to the swivel. Bait up with a long strip of squid or oily fish such as tuna.

    Find some rocks that have deep water infront, not a beach or sand area. cast out a little but not to far as you will lose your stuff in the coral. Tighten the line and wait to feel the bite, when you feel the bite strike.

    Also go to buy a prawn lure, 1 hr before the sun goes down start casting and retrieving the lure, you should catch a few squid. You will notice that most squid are caught in a 10-15 min period as the light is fading.

    Good luck!

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