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Posts posted by womble

  1. “I’ve only been here a few hours, but after having a drive around all the villages and down the mountain roads I’m already 100% sure I’ve made the right decision,” he said. “Who knows, maybe I’ll even get a few more [investors] here…help spread the word.

    Is it not unusual for even highly paid footballers to buy somewhere after only having seen it for a couple of hours and not comparing it to anything else? Surely it is. Even though they have stupid amounts of money, I would have thought that if it was their money they were spending they may be a bit more careful with it. Mind you it's only around a months wages I guess.......

    The part where he says who knows I may even get a few more investors, doesn't that sound like he's trying to impress and fulfil his side of the bargain.

    He's definatley saying too much here and talking to TV, property publications etc.

    Now way would he do that for free.

    Womble if there any truth in that , well it's called PORTFOLiO. What a shallow world we live in.They wouldn't gine a S...T where they buy,they highly paid advisors can manipulate whatever they like.

    I was thinking more towards..........

    Perhaps the agent has been told he gets a bigger commision if he gets Joe Cole (or any other big name) to take a property at a reduced rate for plugging the developement.

    So Joe has got one maybe for cost of construction, agent has got a nice commision and the developer has lots of advertising.

    No way would he spend so much of his leisure time giving interviews to property mags and 3rd rate tv travel shows unless there's something in it for him.

    Hope he got it for free, but the fact it's a penthouse, maybe he had to pay something?

  2. “I’ve only been here a few hours, but after having a drive around all the villages and down the mountain roads I’m already 100% sure I’ve made the right decision,” he said. “Who knows, maybe I’ll even get a few more [investors] here…help spread the word.

    Is it not unusual for even highly paid footballers to buy somewhere after only having seen it for a couple of hours and not comparing it to anything else? Surely it is. Even though they have stupid amounts of money, I would have thought that if it was their money they were spending they may be a bit more careful with it. Mind you it's only around a months wages I guess.......

    The part where he says who knows I may even get a few more investors, doesn't that sound like he's trying to impress and fulfil his side of the bargain.

    He's definatley saying too much here and talking to TV, property publications etc.

    Now way would he do that for free.

  3. Although not English, I have spied a few Premier League games in my time and can hold an EPL conversation for a few minutes :o

    Joseph "Joe" John Cole is a professional footballer who plays for Chelsea of the English Premier League and the England national team. Wiki bio.

    But, again, just curious as to the source of the info that this is a hoax. Not that I would be surprised, but again, its easy enough to post anything on a board like this and claim it as fact.

    It's not a hoax, just saw Joe Cole on destination Thailand plugging the developement he has "bought" into. Sounded like he has been "advised" by an overseas property agent to buy into it. The way he was plugging it seems like he got it for free.

    He kept saying the agency take care of his overseas property investments, so eigher the rich and stupid are being tricked into buying here by their agents or they are getting a deal in return for plugging the merchanside.

  4. Unless they have changed the law , all the bars will be closed.

    What law?

    The one that says the bars must close. :o

    Shortly after the coup they announced that bars from now on would be able to open on Royal Birthdays.

  5. I ate at Coco China House the other day. Probably one of the worst meals I have had on Samui in my 2 years and expensive. I was steaming mad when I left. :o

    Food there is crap!!!!

    Jing is the only Authentic HK Chinesse food. The chef is from HK.

    Coco china house is more like Thai/chinesse, but cooked badly, yuk!

  6. Mixed marriages, mixed blessings

    By Montakarn Shutt, dpa

    in Bangkok

    Thailand is fast becoming the land full of foreign son-in-laws, with the number of cross-cultural marriages rising at around 10 per cent a year. But they don't always live happily ever after.


    Following up on its reputation as the Land of Smiles, Thailand is fast becoming the land full of foreign son-in-laws, especially in the Northeastern region of the country where provinces such as Udon Thani and Roi Et top the list of domiciles for Thai ladies married to Western men, mostly from Germany, Britain and Scandinavian countries.

    A 2006 study on cross-cultural marriages of Thai women in the Northeast, Thailand's poorest region, funded by The National Culture Commission Office investigated the risks and consequences such marriages pose to cultural and traditional values in Thai rural areas.


    Thai women's rights activists have been lobbying hard to change the country's unfair family laws, and they recently succeeded in changing Thailand's rape law to include marital rape. They are now planning to draft proposed legislation that would provide more legal protection for Thai women with foreign husbands.

    Bangkok Post

    read article in full


    Whats the bet that any changes in law only apply to mixed/thai marriage and not thai/thai.

  7. Maybe choking fumes, gridlock, and dull urban landscapes are in style.

    Or more likely, the Travel and Leisure readers assume Bangkok is exotic and exciting but have never actually been there.

    I would defo put Bangkok in top 10 cities, regardless of the fumes.

    It's cheap, lots to do and see, great culture, food and nightlife.

    That is why people return time after time.

    I also love Barcelona (which should be on the list), but would get bored quicker, it may look nicer (generally), and have less gridlock, but it still wouldn't beat Bangkok in my top 10.

    Bangkok is certainly one of the worlds most fun and exciting cities and deserves it's place at 3. Personally out of all those cities in top 10 it would be top of the list for me.

  8. Take Panama off the list............

    Panama is not what it was, since the election the new government has made it very clear they are anti foreign real estate investment and not welcoming expats who wish to live long term.

    They are also talking about reversing all the tax incentives put in place to attract foreign investment. Visa rules have already been tightened.

  9. Don't like the way he implies he escaped two weeks before a death sentance was to be carried out. He hadn't even beed found guilty. Also foriegners are not executed in Thailand even when given a death sentance, they rarely serve more than 15 years, often far less even though sentanced for 50 years + or death.

    Not sure why so many members think it's ok to serve your sentance then write a book, but not ok to escape and write a book. If it's a story worth reading and interesting then he should be rewarded for telling it. He'll come unstuck one day in the future, for eigher something he has done in the past or some crime he will commit in the future.

    Sounds like he has a history of being a wrongen'.

    I'll be reading it anyway.

  10. there are alot worse places to live than samui.

    quality of life is not too bad if you have enough income to savive on.

    i find it pretty save. if you hang around the dodgey crowd and play with matches then u might get burnt. don;t hear much complaints from the middle class forangs that berry themslef in a house in the hills.

    maybe i wrong but i know alot worse places to live. just would be nice if we didn;t have to run ino and out the country like yo yos to do visa runs then have the chance of them being refused.

    it was on the business news that thai economic growth is slowing right down.

    many big building been abandoned half way through contraction due to govment issues. time now is to buy while house prices are low.

    if you want to take the risk

    i know one lady that knocked off about 2 million off her house in lipa noi becuase she is desperate to sell to re-pay her loan from the bank.

    many people have borrowed to invest. now they just want there money back and interest to cover there loan.

    worth looking into

    half of that makes no sense. The other half takes great effort by the reader to make it make sense, please take time to read your post before posting.

  11. Actually it's a common part of many asian cultures that the man is expected to provide for the wife. Sin Sot is linked to this, traditionally that is the proof to friends and family that you can provide for her as well as or hopefully better than the level she has been brought up in.

    Whilst many middle class Thai ladies are happy to pay their way, this is a modern way of thinking, remember it's not long ago that very few females had high paying jobs and on the whole they are still heavily discriminated against in the workplace (arguably this happens throughout most of the world.

    So when your wife stops working who is going to support her whilst the childeren are brought up?

    Is this that different to the west in a traditional family with 2.4 children? Many mothers go back to work, but more often this is due to lack of finances due to the high level of costs of raising a family in the west.

    I hate the way many members link providing for you gf/wife/family somehow implies you are married to a bargirl who is fleecing you.

    Learn the culture, accept the differences and realise that after you accept and embrrace them it still works out cheaper than the modern western system,

  12. I for one am quite impressed that the charges have been brought, it may have taken a while, but knwing mr T's connections they Junta would have needed to make sure his cronies were transfered out of there judicial posts before bringing them to trial.

    They have waited patiently until they have sufficient evidence which naturally took a long time as Thaksin was so clever and devious at hiding the illegality.

    If the election is held early and Thaksin is punished providing the new constitution is acceptable things next year economically could be bright.

    Particulary if Abhisit makes it to be PM, he is pro globalisationa nd a modernist.

    Trouble is he is young and not seen as being someone without a large enough power base and respect from many thai's simply because of his age.

  13. A couple of weeks back when I went to the water department and noticed the road widening I asked my mrs why she thought it was being widened when other main roads in urgent need of repair were being ignored.

    She reckons maybe it's because lots of locals live on that road.............

    Perhaps Samui express could do an article on this???

    Why is a small road with next to no traffic being widened when main roads crumble and kill.

    We are normally told roads are not being fixed as no money available from highways department, obviously the money has been now made available but is being used in the wrong place.

  14. where did this come from...reference please

    Exactly, without details of the underlying analytical assessment and some kind of indications as to the relevance of the scores this is just a meaningless chart.

    Why is Brazil, despite massive deforestation, so much more sustainable that Spain or some other European nations?

    Most of their energy is produced through sustainable hydropower, although the recent lack of rain has meant a severe shortage of power in the short term only hopefully.

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