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Posts posted by womble

  1. Well... Nothing is simple in Thailand.


    The Commerce Minister doesn't agree with the Finance Minister. He has the lead on FBA amendment. And he wants to continue. For him, what said the Finance Minister was just an "opinion" !


    We could have assumed that Chalongphob's words, just after his nomination, would have an official touch.


    Therefore : if Commerce Minister continues, then it means that he as... a green light. Of the Prime Minister ?

    So to sum'up : more contradictions within the government. More Z-turn. More uncertainty. More mess.

    Who is running this country ? And what policies they pursue ?

    Yes and we all know what markets think of uncertainty.

    Great if your in the know and are taking out positions on the futures market though............... :o

    Once again a few get rich whilst the rest of the country gos to the dogs. :D

  2. I'm against fishing and spear gunning where people take away fish to sell, this is not a sustainable fishing practise, we should only take enough for ourselves to eat.

    Is fishing with a net more sustainable?

    Spear fishing offers a means of taking fish without so much collateral damage.

    Although spearfishing is done on a egular base in Thailand, as far as I know it's illegal
    As far as I know it is not illegal.

    By no means proof but the fact that you can buy spear guns in the sports deparment of almost all Central department stores suggests to me its n ot illegal. They don't sell hand guns do they?


    Well yes and no......

    Someone who gos out with a cast net, catches a couple of fish and takes them home for him and his family, that is sustainable. A 100ft Trawler that pulls it's huge purse seine net across the reefd picking up everything from turtles and dolphins to the smallest bait fish whilst destroying the coral, that is not sustainable. Similar to dynamite fishing, they will often decimate an area then move onto another.

    Spear fishing can actually be very damaging, people often target grouper, coral trout, snapper etc. These are resident on the reefs, and dissappear quickly if people kill to many. As I say it's ok to spear one of two, but spearing many and then selling them at market is not sustainable and a reef only holds so many grouper.

    The reefs in Thailand are not in a good way. Fish populations are low, particulary the table species, there are very few large groupers on the reefs, these are the first fish to dissappear. It's similar in the mangrove areas, they have been ruined. They should be full of barramundi, mangrove jack etc, but there are few fish other than those in the fish farms which have been cut into the mangrove, this is extremely damaging. The mangroves are the nurserys of the sea.

    One of the main problems is the Thais take fish of any size and will net up huge schools of baitfish, no baitfish = fewer bigger fish. The local fisherman really need to be educated, there are certain methods and rules which if they were imposed and adhered to then the fisherman would all make a lot more money.

    I was fishing a few weeks ago in Trang, the boat captain said there used to be loads of blacktip sharks in this bay, he then laughed and said him and a mate netted about 20 of them in one day, now you don't see them so often, he just ate them and gave them to his mates. He was proud of this. Now these fish pick off the weaker fish, they get rid of the bad genes, survival of the fittest etc. Sharks are an important part of the ecosystem. If he fancied eating shark one night and took one, fine, but netting every ###### shark that resident in the vicinity just for the sake of it is downright stupidity, particulary whne he makes his living from fishing. He also wanted to take all undersized groupers we caught. I made it very clear all my fish were going back excepts 2 for my dinner. He was not happy, I tried to explain that if him and his friends always put back the small fish they may actually catch a larger number of bigger fish with a higher market value. He didn't really seem to get it though. From my expericance talking to Thai's who fish it seems they have the attutude that if they don't take everything someone else may get it instead.

    Now I see many have started raping the waters in Myanmar Mergui archipelago, they've fished out the'r own waters, now they pay some bribes to go rape someone elses area. The worst thing if most of these guys are sport fisherman, but they take every bloody thing they catch, 50kg+ groupers which taste rubbish anyway. Soon there will be little left. They do it through greed, they sell the all the fish at market. When they get back to ranong. The fishing there will start to go downhill quick. I wish they would learn and respect catch and release so others can enjoy catching them again and also divers can still enjoy them whilst underwater.

  3. This sense of not wanting to be the bearer of bad news permeates many professionals throughout Asia, which is why I prefer to see an outside assessment on the alleged cracks that come from someone with no face to save if it goes wrong, and no political advantage to gain if it turns out to be good news.

    I doubt they would allow an independant team of foriegn investigators in to do a full study.

  4. Pulled this leopard catfish out of Topcats recently. Not always my cup of tea in the snese that I guess I prefer natural lakes/rivers but still, it's a great buzz when you catch a nice one.

    I may be a bit mistaken ,the world record cat that they have stocked maybe a NIGER CAT and not a LEOPARD CAT...as i first stated....it has a nick name.....something like alf or similar

    Think it's the red tailed leopard called Harry. Even though it may be a world record in weight, somehow it doesn't feel fair to claim it simply because it is no major feat to land it from a lake so small with no snags. Personally I would be more proud of a fish half the size from one of the rivers in S. America where they originate from.

    Having said that it is still great to have a lake here with so many large fish in it, unfortunatley for me having tried it a couple of times it's just not for me, I prefer catching fish in natural suroundings. Even if a lot of the time they are much smaller.

    Went out casting lures today in Ban Rak I had 7 grouper, the mrs had 6, Everydaysthesame had 1 :o , all fish were small Hexagon grouper. We fished the sand flat near Sabai properties, really nice spot, it was high water at 8am, we got there at 3pm and the sand bank was just starting to show, I reckon that sand bank could be quite productive at high water, especially on springs, you'd need a little dingy to get out there though at that time. We were standing on the sand in knee deep water casting over the rocks that surround it. Sand flats that are close to rock and other features are normally very good as crabs and other food for fish from the rocky areas go onto the sand and fish patrol the sands at high water for easy pickings. I'm hoping to try again at high water and maybe be lucky enough to get a small queenfish or travally. I got bitten off by a fair sized longtom, only had 6lb leader on, swapped to 20lb but couldn't get any more bites so switched back to the lighter leader and the interest picked up again.

    All fish were small but this was the most succesful lure fishing trip we have had in Samui so far. We were using small soft plastic grubs with small weighted jig head hooks, 6lb leader and 30lb fireline.

    fair play ta ya man...keep up the good work....i went beach fishing here in dorset ,u.k the other night,after a force 7 storm...caught school bass upto 3lb using ragworm in the rolling waves 50 yrds out...good scrap...good eating....think id much rather be back in samui fishin where your fishin......how did ya cook ya grouper?

    Try walking along rocky beaches two hours before and after high water and casting a dexter wedge lure. Study the beach at low tide and see if you can indentify any channels through the rocks. These often hold bass. I have caught Bass up to 8lb using this method, often hooking fish as close as 10m from the beach. Great fun on light tackle. And bass are a surperb eating fish.


  5. :o
    We need to find a friendly foriegn journo and get every incident into a tabloid.

    Now this may sound wierd but........

    I bet we could find a journo for the sun or news of world that would put this in for a small fee (corruption Thai style), if we club together, put a quid or two in each, I bet we can get a few stories in print.

    things will change very quickly when it gets into the international media!

    we are getting enough bad press what with rapes murder and the likes the thai police should sort this out otherwise our resorts and bar will be empty and then they will be layed off and finding new jobs picking coconuts as there parents not that long ago :D

    Perhaps if the country was shamed by the international press and pressure was put on them to clean up Phuket, Samui, Pattaya and other beach resorts, it might be better for everyone in the long run.


  6. They have already hinted that they will not be ready for elections in October. They have also just said that the constitution that is being written will more than likely be the longest ever in the world. They have no intension of giving up power just yet and they certainly want to make sure that when they do leave enough of their people are in positions of power that they continue to have significant influence.

    A new constitution is the last thing thats needed, there is nowthing wrong with the last one, and a new one will be no different simply because a constitution is useless if it is ignored by those in power and there is no one or no institution willing to hold them accountable for their actions.

  7. I read in other areas of Thailand, many have experienced police doing piss check and alcohol check..........

    Whats your experience on Samui.........??


    when they had the drugs crack down a couple of years ago they were testing many thais but left the tourists alone not happened recently to any body i know .what the police should do is go to the beach and check out any seller of hammocks or henna tattoos and they can stop the drugs getting to at least some of the tourist today offered it twice in a matter of yards when i told them what i thought of them got verbally abused in english and thai ... :D

    here we go again,

    drugs are bad, m'kay?

    say it out loud, drugs are bad.

    by the way OP, Urine testing is done here to find evidence of illicit drug consumption, it is almost assured that no cop on samui is looking for drunks on the road.

    So they do "urine' testing for drugs on Samui......have you experienced it or did you just hear rumors ?

    No they did, and only on Thai's. It hasn't happened for well over a year and it was only done in a few of the larger entertainment venues.

    They also only test for amphetamine type substances.

  8. It is called a tabien Khlang. Thai sp unknown.

    We are very busy right now so it will have to wait for another week or so.

    Another alternative would be to post in the Thai Language forum and ask some of the Thai writing geniuses over there for help :o

    Perhaps it would be wiser to get a native writer to do it, I cringe usually when I read important documents written by Thais in English, it's extremely rare that they can write them as well as native English. I presume the same goes Viser Verser.

  9. Apart from the spat going on about the choice of word used, is there a reason for the OP to ask the question?

    Yes, ofcourse............I do like to share a nice bottle of wine with my wife when we eat out on Samui........many times we go by a rental car....and it would be nice to know, how "safe" I am driving home.............And yes I know its wrong and bla bla......But I do know my limits and I do take taxis if Im over MY limits.......

    You sound like the sort of person Samui really needs.

    Maybe when you are stopped for driving while drunk you can tell the police to P--- OFF.

    It might be wiser to hand over a crisp 500 baht note :o

  10. I was under the impresion that bad language was against the forum rules.

    Obviously I am wrong.

    Are you taking the piss? It's hardly even a swear word, probobally less offensive than bloody hel_l.................

    The F word, the C word fine, but who's gonna get offended with piss?

    I've seen hundreds of posts on many forums relating to piss tests and not once have I seen anyone complain about the language and not once have I see it moderated.

    Maybe you should take a piss test. :D

    Be carefull.......maybe he will tell you to "pee pee of" :D

    Says a lot about the quality of posters here.....

    and it should read "pee pee off" :o

    I believe etymologically is comes from a french word pisser which is originally from an onomatopoeic colloquial latin word pissiare.

    I think it is now considered informal language, although in Victorian days and for a long while after it was probobally considered vulgar, they didn't much like anything connected to sex or body motions, which is probobally why some still deem it offensive today.

    I do not find it offensive, neigher would my mother, my grandmother or her mother however may have different feelings towards the use of the word.

  11. I was under the impresion that bad language was against the forum rules.

    Obviously I am wrong.

    Are you taking the piss? It's hardly even a swear word, probobally less offensive than bloody hel_l.................

    The F word, the C word fine, but who's gonna get offended with piss?

    I've seen hundreds of posts on many forums relating to piss tests and not once have I seen anyone complain about the language and not once have I see it moderated.

    Maybe you should take a piss test. :o

  12. The previous posts are very positive !


    Is it possible for one of you (maybe with assistance of sbk's husband.... :o) to make:

    1. A letter in A4 in English/Thai to explain the situation to all Farang (and Thai) employers to encourage their workers to register at the 'Tambien Amphur', as sbk explained ?

    2. A letter in Thai explaining the situation to the Thai workers/staff employees ?

    Surely their are also some larger companies (with Farang) who are employing a lot (maybe thousands) of construction workers.

    If someone could 'create' these letters in 'Microsoft Word', those letters could be sent to one another by email, print them and handed out to the staff/employees.

    In this way the real population of Samui/Phangan/Tao could grow fast beyond the 50.000 and even much more.

    But, I still think some of you must know some influential Thai on the islands (accountants/lawyers/doctors etc.); ask them to join and pay a visit to the Mayor/Nathon.....

    What do you think?


    And then we should get the letter printed in Community , samui express and other local media,where it can be cut out of and photo copied, and also have links to a sticky on this site or anywhere else where the letter can be downloaded. It is in everyones interest who lives in Samui to do this. We actually have a great chance here to hugely benefit our own lives and all those who live on Samui, KPG, Tao if we make city status.

    For once, us as farang may just be able to change something that hasn't needed doing for years.

    Farang employ a lot of people on these Islands. And I can't see the locals making much effort. You would have thought those in high up places on Samui would be making a big drive to get people signed up, so far i've only seen a few articles in Community adn now the countdown of how many left to go in the express.

  13. Womble - have enough gear on me to fund a thai for few years, but it goes on the plane with me. (laptop/dvd player/mp3 player/camera/jewelry) :o

    That's fair enough but there are many that couldn't, and an example of myself....... I often travel with a fair amount of fishing stuff, the reels (6) and a few other bits and bobs that are allowed in hand carry go in my bag ( big bag, these reels are not small), I then have laptop and a proffessional camera with additional lenses, I can't physically carry anymore, and that is more bags than I am allowed anyway as hand luggage although I always seem to get away with it.

    My point is that there are many of us with hobbies who regulary carry additional items that may not always be valuable in monetary terms but hold great value in the sense that our trip without them is ruined. So for me often the fishing stuff takes priority over certain other items that may actually hold a higher value in cash terms. As it happens the reels are extremely expensive, but even if they were cheaper models they would still hold the same level of importance to my trip and therefore still go in my hand luggage.

  14. Your generosity is likely seen by your staff as a weakeness and guaranteed you will be exploited.

    As for these two idioits who have been caught drug dealing stay away, you gave them your help and trust and they <deleted> on you. Learn your lessons fast or you will be the next asking to borrow money !

    Worst case – you turn up at the Police Station and some greedy Officer sees an easy way to make money by persuading the two culprits to say that they got involved with selling drugs because you made them do it in order to get your money back (or some other reason). The 2 chaps will probably jump at the opportunity if offered a deal by the police.
    they brought all this down upon their own heads , they must have known the risks involved , stay away from them , dont get involved with the police or courts , dont post bail , and dont visit them whilst they await trial.

    all it would take is one scheming policeman on the make to get you horribly involved in all this

    if you still feel the need to help them , then write off the original debt , but stay away from them.

    Sound advice.

    IT only takes one scheming policeman, of which there are many.

    Do not get involved.

  15. No you shouldn't.

    They have fallen behind in their payments, that means it's very likely they won't repay you this time. How do you know they were dealing drugs to pay you back? they probobally took you for a mug before, thought they could get away with it, now they use this as an excuse in the hope you will bail them out.

    I don't know them but from what you have said they are certainly of dubious charactor, they don't repay their loans and they deal drugs.

    I wouldn't help them at all and I certainly wouldn't feel guilty about it.

    Rice groul and a sore doot for the next few years.

    Som num nah!

  16. I employ 15, I might just give them a little bonus if they go and register.........

    There is less than a thousand left to go, I think we could easily get that done if we talk to all of our friends who own business. Just bewteen a few of us on here we have nearly 100, thats 1/10 of the way there already.

    I thought before you needed a Tabien Bahn, that is the excuse I have heard from Thai's for not registering.

    If it is as SBK says it shouldn't be too difficult to get them to register.

  17. Bumrungrad International, would prob be best spot. :o

    I would definatley go with Bumrungrad. Mrs Womble was retrofitted there and both of us are really happy with them. The Surgeon that did the op had worked there 20 years, and was excellant. Cost is around 70-90k, but that includes follow up visits to make sure all is well. The cost varies depending on type of implant, method of insertion and how long you stay in hospital (normally one night).

    Ask for Dr Somchai

  18. Report from the latest Samui Express newspaper, a Dane John Terry Petterson shot and killed in what looked like an execution, happened in December. A Thai shot and killed near the pier in Nathon 12th Feb, body of a Thai found under a bridge in Mae Nam he appeared to have been killed else where and dumped there. 3 people killed in motorcycle accidents on the 8th Feb. It's time to take care, I know this happens around the world but Samui is a small island and so much happening, and this is only what's in the paper, who knows what's not reported.

    Just wondering what your problem is with Samui, did your business fail? Were you ripped off? You could say exactly the same kind of thing if not worse for Phuket and Pattaya in recent weeks. IMHO they are all much the same in terms of danger, and if you go to any of the local forums on TV there will be people similar to you putting the area down and people who live in the area trying to cover up the faults.

    There are quite a few Murders in Thailand (mostly business related), and the roads are dangerous everywhere, it is not just localised to Samui, I will admit though that Samui's roads are marginally more dangerous than most other areas of Thailand, and there is evidence in accident stats to support this.

  19. Why would you leave valuables in your checked luggage? :o Anything of value goes in my carry-on with me on the plane.

    You obviously don't have many valuables.............

    Ofcourse you try to take as many valuables with you and carry on, but sometimes you simply cannot carry it all, it's not physically possible. Sometimes I find it really hard to choose which gets carried on and which goes in the suitcase. Luckily I havn't lost a bag or anything in it so far.

  20. After that will they add more toilets?

    I know you are trying to be funny....but I'll answer the question. From what I read, they expect to finish adding toilets in about 6 months from now.

    To me the Airport symbolises everything that is wrong with the nation. Had the money that went into peoples pockets gone into the construction you would have had a fine Airport, but what you have now is a complete joke.

    Why the need to retrofit? This costs considerably more, and shouldn't be needed so soon after opening. To forget to put enough toilets in is shameful, they were so busy worrying about who would get $ from the various concessions that they completely forgot about planing the interior. Walk around it and it is so busy, some areas are so thin you can barely get two trolleys side by side past each other.

    By the way i'm not knocking your country merely the individuals that hold it back at the expense of all the decent people.

    Until there are enough politicians that truly want to help the country and not themselves things will never change.

  21. sorry i should have known that the tides were lower at that time of year

    silly me

    basically it was impossible to snorkel at this time on the beaches they took me too

    they know this , i didn;t therefore it was a ripoff

    Snorkling around samui is poor year round, the waters around samui are shallow and the island is close to mainland rivers which means the water has estural effluent which basically effects the clarity. KPG is better than Samui, particulary the North Side, Koh Tao is very good as it is further out and surrounded by deeper water. South of Samui around Koh Tan can be ok certain times of year, but at other times it too suffers from clarity problems. The marine park apart from the farthest N. islands also does not have good snorkling water, lots of marine life, but you can't see it.

    Personally I would never bother with Snorkling around Samui.

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