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Posts posted by womble

  1. Where is the by pass runnung from to ?

    Starting in the north of Ban Makham and joining the ring road at the road to the Waterfall - 4 km together.

    I noticed they have already started to widen that road...........

    I wonder if there will be complaints from shop owners in Nathon, worrying about possible loss of trade.

  2. Don't wish to put a dampner on things, but did anyone see the original masterplan for chaweng lake?

    Now we can see what an embaressment that has become, so much money being taken in corruption the end result is after more than 3 years it is still unfinished and certainly nothing close to the plans originally drawn up.

  3. Is that necessarily a bad thing?

    Given that most of them have to wait a couple of hours to get a fare back into the city, it seems small compensation. Consider the alternative - you would find it impossible to get taxis agreeing to take you to the airport from the city if they had to sit there idly for 2-3 hours, waiting for a fare back.

    Seems perfectly reasonable and sensible to me.

    Oh no. Wait a minute. This is Thailand, so it must be a scam.

    Sounds fair to me, they do this in my hometown in UK to compensate taxi drivers for the long wait at the station.

    I think this is common practise worldwide when taxi's Q for a long time.

    Has anyone actually seen the Q for Suvarnabhumi where they wait at the bus station?

    It is seriously long........... I'd want more than 40 baht to wait that one out.

  4. I have read so many tales of woe and this and other forums, and I have ignored probably the most important advice and I need to find some help to stop me losing everything.

    I met a girl in Bangkok on the internet and yes she was an escort, but she was different, I have read this so many times before. I was aware that she had two kids from a Thai boyfriend who had abandoned her and the kids, I am pretty sure she turned to escorting/prostitution as she knew nothing else and she needed to support the kids.

    We really hit off and we spoke about possible marriage, and after two and a half years that's what we did.

    We decided to move to Hua Hin and buy a house there ready for my retirement at the end of July. Against all advice, and I know it's a regular subject on forums, I paid for the house and land and I allowed the house and land to be in her name, I did not protect myself, I think I was rather bulldozed and I honestly did think she was ok.

    We moved into the house early last year and from that stage things started to cool, to the stage that I had, and still have, doubts about her faithfulness. She is currently with me in the UK, and barely talking to me.

    I still love Thailand and even my wife and I still want a future in Hua Hin and with my wife, but I am seriously concerned about my future.

    I have concerns that when I come out in August she could simply bar me from our home, or even sell it in the meantime and I will have nothing.

    What I would hope to do is re-register the house in my name and have a lease on the land so I can protect my future. I have no intention of asking her to leave; I love her and the kids far too much and would build in protection for her and the kids if that was possible.

    I really need some advice and the name of a reliable lawyer. I know I have been naive and stupid, so please don't remind me of it.

    I have e-mailed Sunbelt for advice but so far I have got no response.

    Very sorry to hear you had not heard back from us. We are very concerned about client communications.

    We checked all the e-mail the past week and don't see anything in reference to your post and Hua Hin. Unless you have changed the city in the post to protect your identity.

    Can you please resend your questions to [email protected]

    We recommend for your gf to grant you servitude on the land and the house with a registered usufruct and supporting letter. She of course would have to agree to this.

    I will send you a pm. as well.


    Whilst I realise the normal proffesional approach of Sunbelt, I have been very dissappointed on the communication from [email protected] on several occasions. I have listings already and each time have wanted to change the listing, my last email several weeks ago is still unanswered. Previously I emailed Greg direct and his response was pretty quick, so the problem must lie lower down the chain of command.

    I do notice that many thai business are appaling on answering email, even farang owned business.

  5. Fo a good education you need a good teacher and a blackboard and some appropriate books. There is way too much emphasis on technology in education at the moment. So I'd have to agree with Thailand being somewhat cautious over jumping straight in just because soemone mentions the magic words "Information Technology."

    I couldn't agree more. In the UK you have kids who can't even do SIMPLE addition without a calculator, probably the same in the USA and other countries but WHY? Sure, use the technology, but at least get the brain in gear before doing so!

    I must say I have often been shocked at just how poor mathematic skills are here in Thailand by people who deal with figures day in day out.

    Go to any shop, buy something for 80 baht and give them a 100 note, 9 out of 10 times they will need a calculator to do this!

    Worst still I have seen exactly the same in government offices where people have university educations.

  6. There are various options depending on where you are.

    1.) Wireless - Lamai, Chaweng, Bo Bhut, Maenam, maybe a few other places. For information on this vist IT centre in Lamai on ringroad, the tall modern looking building. This does not require a phone line.

    2.) TOT phone with broadband - Visit TOT office nathon

    3.) TT&T phone with broadband, maxnett, they have office in Tesco Lotus Chawwng.

    4.) Satelite, very expensive and although always connected, you pay by the amount of mega bits you use each month. If you download music etc, you could easily pay over 6k a month!! And yeah like UBC it stops working in heavy cloud cover.

    You should only need satelite if you live somewhere where there is eigher no phone line or no wireless connection.

    Which area do u live in, some services are only available in certain areas, Satelite is available everywhere, but hopefully you could use one of the other options.

    I am moving to the Bang Por area , the normal telphone line gives a poor internet connection - If I upgrade to a broadband service will that improve things ? I am thinking of getting apple tv to download music plus video etc and , not being an expert , want the best option .

    Thanks for your advice so far - I will also contact the samui it centre near tesco to see what they offer .

    You will definatley need a highspeed connection if you want to download media, and unless you have money to burn satrelite is not really an option.

    I'm not even sure if you can get broadband in Bang por, or even wireless, you may be stuck with dial up.

    Best check with all the offices, they have been upgrading so you may be in luck.

    To get broadband through the landline you have to be within a certain range of their nearest box, not sure exact distance but it isn't that far. That's why many out of the way places do not have internet.

  7. There are various options depending on where you are.

    1.) Wireless - Lamai, Chaweng, Bo Bhut, Maenam, maybe a few other places. For information on this vist IT centre in Lamai on ringroad, the tall modern looking building. This does not require a phone line.

    2.) TOT phone with broadband - Visit TOT office nathon

    3.) TT&T phone with broadband, maxnett, they have office in Tesco Lotus Chawwng.

    4.) Satelite, very expensive and although always connected, you pay by the amount of mega bits you use each month. If you download music etc, you could easily pay over 6k a month!! And yeah like UBC it stops working in heavy cloud cover.

    You should only need satelite if you live somewhere where there is eigher no phone line or no wireless connection.

    Which area do u live in, some services are only available in certain areas, Satelite is available everywhere, but hopefully you could use one of the other options.

  8. I think it's on channel 7 22:10-23:00

    Tom Mintier has been one of CNN's main reporters for Asia, this could be a very good program, at least compared to the Bangkok post news which is embarressing.......

    Although you can see Pridiyatorn Jr. is a politicain in the making, the rest of that show are a disgrace.

    Anyway hopefully better things to come on Tom Mintier's program.

  9. Lastly forgive me for being a little cynical but does anyone really believe the TAT would actually admit to a drop in tourist numbers even if it was the case?

    They did report a sizable drop in tourist numbers after the Tsunamis.

    Ofcourse they did as they could use this as an excuse for increased budget to get the tourists back!!!

    And look at all the rubbish they blew it on!

  10. from the internationally proven professional management companys website.
    Renowned international football manager Sven-Goran Eriksson was a celebrity guest at a Bangkok briefing today to announce the launch of a new luxury residential development in Koh Samui, Thailand.

    xxxxxxxx Bay in xxxxxx, xxxx, on the island of Koh Samui, is a new luxury low-rise residential development with two beach front villas, four garden and ocean view villas and six duplex condominiums, located in a secluded beach position on the south eastern side of the island.

    One of the early, high-profile, owners is the renowned international football manager and former England national team coach Mr. Sven-Goran Eriksson.

    β€œThe opportunity to find a secluded resort home in Thailand presented itself recently in Koh Samui,” said Mr. Eriksson. . One of the great attractions for me is the security and confidence that comes from an overseas residential development that is operated and run by an internationally proven professional management company.”

    i cant wait until i bump into him
    cant see his seclusion lasting for long once the chaweng chavs start making his life miserable.

    have to wonder too about his messianic faith in the miracles promised by "international proven management companies " operating on samui.

    who cares when it's free!!!

  11. I am under the impression that you need some kind of permit to captain a boat in Thai waters.

    I might be wrong, and I cannot find any relevant links.

    To be legal , you have to obtain a licence fromSamui Marine Police, I spoke to the chief there,you can get away with it same as bike, but bound to get caught one day.You can't captain a boat for PAYING passengers,you have to get a licenced Thai captain.

    Womble it's fine getting a metal trailer,what about the hitch?Ramp?

    There is a ramp at Petcharat which is 500 baht per time.

    The boat yard by Bophut traffic lights will also drive your boat to and from boat yard and put in water for you for an additional 500 baht per time should you require help.

    Go there and ask for Kiat, he speaks decent English and will explain to you all you need to know.

    Regarding engines...........

    I think most people these days prefer 4 stroke, they are cleaner, quieter and more fuel efficient, however being more complicated they are harder to fix here in Samui.

    The decision that needs to be made is not which are the best engines, but which are ther best engines for Samui.

    As I said before speak to a few local mechanics, outboards do and will go wrong far more than inboards, so it's a matter of when they break down not if.

    I would make ease of repair my primary concern when choosing engines here in Samui.

    It's great to have quieter engines, or 250hp engines that do 40 litres per hour, but you'll have silent engines burning 0 lph for weeks on end if you can't fix them locally. You'll also have to pay 1000's baht to fly in mechanics if they are complicated and if you get a recuring problem this could become so expensive you can no longer afford the boat.

  12. You can have a metal trailer made, they are more expensive, but perfectly up to the job. The one for our boat cost 15,000 baht.

    For the GPS there is an attachment that allows you to take the screen away from the boat when you are not using it. That would be better than flush mounting it as someone could easily smash it out.

    Our boat has mercury engines, the boatyard here recommend Yamaha 2 stroke, easy to fix, they are by far the most common outboard on speedboats around these islands. That must be for a reason.

    My next engines will be yamaha.

    I am also far more inclined to listen to a local mechanic than a sales rep. If I were you I would visit a few boat yards and get their opinions on engines, afterall it is them that will be fixing them and not the rep.

    Stay away from 4 strokes on these islands, more complicated and more expensive to fix. In Phuket you can get pratically what engines you like, here we do not have that luxury. Stick to something simple, and if the local are using them, you can bet there's a reason why.

    Thanks Womble, wise words indeed!

    I really had not considered 2 strokes as I didn't think that they would be powerful enough.

    Having checked the specs it now seems like a good option but do you need an additional tank

    for the oil mixture? Presume that they are higher revving than a comparable 4 stroke and less economical.

    What a minefield!

    I really don't know much about engines, but I know this. 2 strokes are less fuel efficient, but also cheaper to buy.

    Some (like mine) you put oil in seperate tank in outboard engine itself. Others you mix the oil directly in the fuel tanks with the gasoline. Depends on make and model. I've heard it suggested that even if you have a seperate oil tank on a 2 stroke it is wise to put some with the gasoline just incase of a problem stopping flow from the oil tank. I believe it will make it smokier but having not tried myself I am not certain of this.

    I think you will not have a problem with power from a 2 stroke. What size boat are you looking at getting? 2 x 200hp or even 3x 200hp should give you plenty of power, they are thirsty though at about 70 litres per hour, per engine at max revs. Not good to drive at max revs though, very bad for engine life, and much better for the wallet to drive around 3500 rpm.

  13. You can have a metal trailer made, they are more expensive, but perfectly up to the job. The one for our boat cost 15,000 baht.

    For the GPS there is an attachment that allows you to take the screen away from the boat when you are not using it. That would be better than flush mounting it as someone could easily smash it out.

    Our boat has mercury engines, the boatyard here recommend Yamaha 2 stroke, easy to fix, they are by far the most common outboard on speedboats around these islands. That must be for a reason.

    My next engines will be yamaha.

    I am also far more inclined to listen to a local mechanic than a sales rep. If I were you I would visit a few boat yards and get their opinions on engines, afterall it is them that will be fixing them and not the rep.

    Stay away from 4 strokes on these islands, more complicated and more expensive to fix. In Phuket you can get pratically what engines you like, here we do not have that luxury. Stick to something simple, and if the local are using them, you can bet there's a reason why.

  14. There's still room for relaxation on monetary and fiscal policies : Finance Minister

    Finance Minister Chalongphob Sussangkarn said on Friday that there is still room for further relaxation of both monetary and fiscal policy.

    Speaking in a business forum, entitled "Toward Thai economic Recovery" held by The Nation, the finance minister also believes political uncertainty would subside over the next three months.

    He said the central bank had just in April reduced policy rate.

    But with inflation rate as low as 1.8 per cent as of April, still low compared to around 6 per cent the mid of last year, there is room for further cut of policy rate which is currently at 4.5 per cent.

    However, the rate cut decision depend on the Bank of Thailand, he said.

    In addition, the Finance Ministry would soon find way for tax measure to help boost economy. He said there are also measures to help boost other sectors including property when asked by some audiences of how the government would help prop up real estate sector.

    Chalongphob believes Thai economic fundamental is still strong and foreign investors are still confident in Thai market. Once political uncertainty subsides, the economy will recover.

    Source: The Nation - 11 May 2007

    If they revised the FBA and allowed foriegners to carry out business in sector 3 it would have a very quick effect.

  15. There is also an all weather protected marina with all facilities at Ban plai lem. They do not have fuel though.

    Thanks womble I will check it out. Do you know if they have pier mooring available?


    I think most of the pier moorings are taken, but i'm sure they could move one of the fishing boats for you to go there instead depending on what you were prepared to pay. If I were you I would use it a little and pay for a week at a time. Originally the owner wanted 6000 a month, we paid weekly and asked for discount a few times and eventually got him down to 3000 baht which we accepted. Small boat though, 16ft, single outboard.

    Definatley don't get inboard engines, or a large boat that needs to be slipped. Go for yamaha outboards and they can be fixed easily on any of the islands. If you do get inboards make sure they are Hino or some other make that is common here in the fishing boats. If you get fancy Catterpillars or MAN etc you will have a nightmare fixing them and you will have to fly mechanics in from Bangkok or Phuket.

    Also any boat you get make sure it can be launched from a trailer.

    Also don't forget that the best days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it!

  16. Anyone here have a trailer to pull a boat?

    Just wondering what the rules are.

    Do you need a licence. A Thai friend tells me police will want backhanders if I am to drive a trailer around, surely only if I need a licence?

    If anyone has info on this would be appreciated.


  17. so thais get charged this too ?

    If somebody had told me the cost for electricity reconnection was 600 baht, I would have thought that amount to be high, let alone 6000 baht!

    There was a Thai lady at the electricity office same time as me coming to pay her bill. As she had a private residence and her monthly bill was smaller than mine she was being asked for 500 baht.

    She was not happy.

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