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Posts posted by womble

  1. Don't forget though, this is not the trial, is is just preliminary hearings, the first of five. The court has until October 16 to decide whether to accept the case for a full scale trial. So he cannot be found guilty between now and oct 15.

    What do you think the court is saying by scheduling the deadline on the day after the elcetion?

    I'm not sure what way to take it.

    The court date was set long before the election date. I suspect that is why Thaksin was so insistent on October 15th.

    ah ok, that makes it clearer. I guess they could come to a decision before oct 16 though?

  2. Dark days lie ahead for Thailand and it's people as long as Thaksin hangs onto power and his ill-gotten wealth.

    General Prem spoke the TRUTH - good on him!

    Where do you people get this garbage? The man sold stock he owned in a public company and complied exactly with the Thai tax code just as the people who are attacking him have complied with it when they have sold stock in a public company. How in the world does that make his wealth 'ill-gotten'?

    As for General Prem strutting around in his soldier suit attacking the legitimacy of civil government...well, coup's come in all shapes and sizes, don't they?

    His wealth is ill-gotten because of what he did to ensure outrageous rises in the value of the Shin share price.

    Does the phrase policy corruption mean anything to you?

    Do you think it's acceptable for Prime Ministers to form government policy specifically to raise the stock price of ones own company? There are numerous examples that are so obvious it beggars belief.

    And you said it all, the guy isn't supposed to be selling stock, he's not supposed to be conducting business, he's supposed to be running a country for the good of the people, not himself and his shareholders. :o

    There's a whole lot more here than just tax avoidance. The biggest issues relate to the methods he has employed to raise the stock price. They range from questionable to down right illegal. The non payment of tax may or may not be illegal, it's certainly highly unethical, and there are some obvious questionable practises such a 'forgetting to fill in parts of very important documents'.

    You don't forget to fill in parts of documents on billion $ deals. Not unless your blind and seek no legal advise.

    Really, to try to imply that the sale of Shin was completly above board insults the intelligence of everyone who frequents this bored!

  3. Don't forget though, this is not the trial, is is just preliminary hearings, the first of five. The court has until October 16 to decide whether to accept the case for a full scale trial. So he cannot be found guilty between now and oct 15.

    What do you think the court is saying by scheduling the deadline on the day after the elcetion?

    I'm not sure what way to take it.

    I'm not so sure that these preliminary hearings are enough for end game, what we will see though is some ridiculous news stories along the lines of buying football clubs or assasination attempts to keep them off the front pages.

    You know the more I think about it, the more I think this election will happen, none of these cases against Thaksin will be concluded before the election, and he knows very well how to keep information away from those in the north and north east.

  4. I disagree with you to a point womble. I am starting to have a lot more respect for the Thai court. It is becoming increasingly apparent that Thaksin has not done any significant damage to the courts. Add that to the fact the King has put out the word to the courts to sort the mess out. Also add to that the judges have their own opinions about Thaksin but must rule on the letter of the law and not opinion. If the courts view the cases against Thaksin as tied to the crisis expect no delay.

    Thaksin has simply dug is own hole, and the courts will deal with that. If you remember Thaksin’s one size fits all insult about educated people, think how the judges feel about that on a personal level. As yourself about the educational attainment of members of royal families Thai and other countries, and you can see just how significantly deep Thaksin has dug his hole with that statement alone.

    The fact that he is making open attacks on Prem is utter insanity. Trying to make a personal statement into a political statement seems to be Thaksin’s game at the moment with prem and others. I don’t know how the Thais will read that but if they view attacking Prem as the same as attacking the royal house, then you can imagine the consequences. The attempt to separate the people from the King amounts to suicide.

    I think anyone siding with Thaksin at this point will jump in the hole with Thaksin and suffer the same fate. They must consider guilt by association with Thaksin as a reality.

    Thaksin has become a bad taste in nearly everyone’s mouth and the time has come to spit and get out the Listerine.

    I hope your right, but at what point does he reach a level where they won't tolerate him any longer, i'm amazed it's gone on so long, and the longer he gets away (or seemingly so) with it, the less I see any actual chance of removing thaksin. There are literally hundreds of ways to remove Thasksin should there be anyone powerful enough to stop him. The fact he isn't being stopped yet shows he still holds some serious power.

    The criminal court case with the American and the case relating to vote buying are the last chance. If as I hope and you imply these courts will do the right thing, then problem solved, unless he orders a coup. If these courts fail the country we are in for some very dark times.

    I hope you are right, and most of me wants to believe they will find a way to get rid of him due to the fact they have been told. But remember they were not told to get rid of him, they were told to sort out the election troubles. After a new government is sworn in, the courts would have fulfilled what was asked of them. They were never asked to get rid of Thaksin.

    So if he's found innocent in these cases and he is elected we are back to square one. I think that if people with enough power reallly want Thaksin gone he would be gone already, if he's survives till after the election then we have truly underestimated his power.

  5. Airport authority won’t hike rates until 2007

    BANGKOK, Sept 3 (TNA) - As an incentive to promote the use of Suvarnabhumi International Airport, the Airports of Thailand Pcl. (AOT) will not introduce new, higher rates on aircraft and passenger service charges until next year.

    AOT had initially planned to introduce new rates upon Suvarnabhumi’s official opening on 28 September.

    Airport tax for international and domestic flights will remain for the time being at 500 and 50 baht a person respectively. They will be increased to 700 and 100 baht in February 2007.

    The deadline for a 15 per cent increase in commercial airlines’ landing and parking fees has also been pushed back from later this month to April 2007.

    AOT President Chotisak Asapaviriya is confident that the decision will not significantly hurt the company’s earnings. In compensation, a greater number of passengers and flight traffic are expected to pass through the new airport, which should help bolster revenues.

    In the third quarter of 2006, AOT reported operating revenues of 3.95 billion baht and a net profit of over two billion baht, representing a 171 per cent increase from the same period in 2005. The sharp rise was due to a significant increase in passenger numbers and flight traffic.

    Nevertheless, operational expenses rose by nearly 260 million baht in the three month period ending June 30, due to the hiring of additional employees and marketing expenses incurred in preparation for Suvarnabhumi’s opening.

    The operational expenses were offset by exchange rate earnings as the baht tested six-year high against the dollar, and by a reduced corporate tax burden.

    On the Stock Exchange of Thailand, AOT shares closed Friday traded at 57 baht per share, up one baht for the day as investors remain confident that Suvarnabhumi will open on time. Four international test flights ended successfully Friday, improving investor sentiment.(TNA)-E007

  6. Some very wise words here from the member, particulary guest house.

    Make sure all your assets are safe and he can't get his hands on any of them. If he loses his money, people in Thailand often become desperate as they run out of money, the thought of going home broke is enough to force many into suicide, not saying this will happen of course, but it shows how desperate people can get in Thailand when funds run out, so 1st thing you must do is make assets safe.

    Secondly trust him to make the right decisions, maybe even let him know that you wish him all the best, but maybe he should try living there for 6 months minimum before he invests, this will give him a chance to get a few things out of the system. Most people go pretty mad in the first 6 months, and they also don't understand the way things work so investment is fraught with challenges. You need some time to figure out who gives good legal advise and who to steer clear of. Also he needs to learn and make the decisions himself, not use his brother experiance, he has no way of knowing if his brother is clued up or not, many people here think they know it all, and they're the ones that loose everything.

    Hopefully he will take time to learn the correct methods and contacts, and invest wisely and make some $ at the same time as having a happy life.

    You must make sure you are safe regardless.

    I think one thing you could do though that may really help him is send him some links to this site. There has been many problems with land in recent weeks, and there is a lot of info on this board. Send him the links so he can read them, then he may not be going into this land deal with his eyes completely closed. You could also send him links to eigher Sunbelt or one of the big international lawyer firms in bangkok that will give good advice, not cheap, but could save him from loosing everything.

  7. There's a huge underground gambling scene in Thailand, Thaksin has made it very clear he would like it controlled under law and legalised, no prizes for guessing who wins the concessions.

    If gambling was ever legalised here under Thaksin it wouldn't be done in a way similar to Singapore, it would more likley involve Owners of Chinesse casino's, possibly with someone similar to Stanley Ho, don't expect the vegas casino's here. I don't think Thaksin would like to see the money leave to westerners. I expect he'd rather run it all himself, if he couldn't then he'd use the expertise of the Chinesse.

    Also Thailand has a huge drug problem, has done for years, making people piss in bottles is not the way to improve things eigher.

    Killing drug dealers works well, the huge rise is street prices shows it worked to a certain extent, i'm not condoning it, but the price rise demonstrates it's effectiveness. Obviously it shows a flagrant disregard for human rights and the rule of rule. Something I believe Thaksin should be held accountable for and charged for state sanctioned murder. This should be a capital offence, it's not that different to enthnic cleansing really, the difference being these people are killed due to their involvement with a particular substance rather than a particular race or religion.

  8. The courts are passing the buck, no court wants to be the one to make the decision.

    I think they are hoping the criminal court will decide for them with the case with the american businessman. Judges are fully aware that whoever votes against Thaksin will not be doing them any favours with certain members of the thai business elite. On the other hand if they vote in favour of MR T they will be making enemies with the Old guard. No one ants to be the one making enemies, which is why the majority of cases get no where.

    TRT would like all cases held after the election due to bad publicity, obviously they'd rather none were heard at all.

    Expect them to try delaying the criminal case till after the election too. Then with an election win they will lobby in a way similar to the asset concealment case, although Prem won't be helping this time.

    If they can't delay the criminal case expect trouble.

  9. Hi Donz,

    Yes you are very perceptive, i did feel the need to get that out. :D

    Its just that i remember Thailand , specifically Bangkok, in the 1990's when Chuen Leekpai and Chavalit and Banharn were in charge and they really didn't care about interfering in tourists lives (or indeed Thai lives) they just let it all happen. Whatever.

    Bangkok was fun , fun fun. Now the last few times i have been back its much more dull, cant do this , cant do that , and all my Thai friends still there are telling me what an awful , controlled place its becoming.

    Anyway i'll say no more .. unless of course you want me to :D

    Dull because you can't take drugs? :D ?

    As others have said if you fancy a long holiday at the BKK Hilton just carry on "speeding".

    Are your Thai friends yaabaa dealers by any chance..... :o

    I don't think he meant taking drugs, but the new laws are annoying to everyone whether you take drugs or not.

    Thailand is more controlled and it is less fun in some ways. Having to go home at 1am unless you want to drink on a street side. Not being able to smoke in Public places (this is coming in nov 06, it's been shown in the royal gazette already, post dated.). Random drugs tests in bars, your night ruined just for being in a legal nightspot regardless of whether you take drugs or not.

    Difficulty being able to drive at night due to closure of petrol stations. Purchase of alcohol during day time difficult due to sales restrictions.

    Toned down shows in the nightlife areas. Not a big deal, but I have more fun looking at a girl in her birthday suit than a swim costume.

    However many things have improved since the 90's. Such as better nightlcubs, better music, more things to do in bkk, and much better shopping. Although many items still too expensive. :D

    It's obvious to all that control is greater now than the late 90's. IMHO that makes it less fun, although the city itself is better.

    If when Thaksin is gone enforcement of certain laws is relaxed, or new laws made to extend opening hours etc then I think Bangkok will once again be the most fun city in the world.

    I do believe we'll go back to how it was sooner or later.

  10. this is nuts...

    I agree: I have not taken any illegal drugs since I was a foolish student, 20 years ago.

    It does seem unfair, if you indulge in your home country, and then are detected in the L.O.S. by the B.I.B. following compulsory micturation into a test tube.

    Bad luck for THC enthusiasts: {it} has a long half-life: you need six weeks off the weed, to be negative in the wee'd.

    I wouldn't worry about THC at all ... it is a much more expensive and slow test ...

    However Meth/Amphetamines/Coke/andH all can test with a simple metabolite eyedropper test ....

    (meth is what is most commonly tested for .... yaabaa)

    Amphetamines clear your body in about 7 days, make sure you don't do anything for 2 weeks and you will be clear.

    The chance of getting tested is very small, they do do random tests, but rarely, and recently it's been mostly just staff in the bars, not customers. Better to be safe than sorry tho.

  11. I reckon the opening on sept 28 will go ahead with international fight from Thai air, other Thai airlines and a handful of the smaller broke internationals. The government will offer them a cheap deal to be there on time, an offer they can't refuse, thus having multiple international airlines flying on opening day and face saving all round.

    The bigger ones and the ones which care more about safety will wait until it looks safe and runs smoothly.

  12. They always acuse detractors of doing so for their own gain. They apply their logic that as someone is saying something negative about the airport they must be gaining financially out of it. Maybe they only release statements for their own gain, but others often do so in an honest manner to keep people informed.

    They are an advisory body are they not?

    The thing is that whilst their false statements may work on an audience that is spoon fed news through bias TV stations under close government scrutiny, it doesn't work on those in the who's job it is to consult with various sectors of the aviation industry in order to ensure smooth and safe running of the worlds skies.

  13. Yeah this is great, basically gives PAD a green light to demonstrate, I doubt Thaksin will be happy with this as he will now know that if he doesn't play ball with PAD and do something about the demonstrators getting hurt (which he won't), he will almost certainly face renewed street protests.

    PAD do not want an election, and the only way for them to stop Thaksin is through protests, should the courts fail. My bet is they would rather wait for the courts and then if things don't go their way then protest. They just gave TRT another 7 days to do something about the incident, they will probobally keep stalling, gauge public opinion for new demonstrations, and if the courts fails to convict Thaksin or if Thaksin somehow tries to stop the courts from sitting, we will then see protests.

    You can see how desperate Thaksin is for this election, the senate has now decided on the EC commisioners backgrounds, it was expected to go on longer, TRT must have lobbied hard and paid for some quick decisions, it wouldn't surprised me if the senate dragged it's feet on purpose in order to get payouts for finishing quickly. So now all they have to do is choose the 5, then we're on our way.

    End game is getting closer by the day!

  14. Trial flights at Suvarnabhumi Airport successful

    (TNA) -Two first international flights smoothly flew out of Suvarnabhumi Airport Friday in a trial which officials described as successful.

    One flight left for Hong Kong and the other for Singapore.

    Thai Airways International (THAI) and Airports of Thailand Plc (AOT) conducted test runs on all aspects of international flight operations, starting from passenger check-in and boarding pass issuance to the conveyor system.

    Passenger check-in took only 20 seconds per person while the immigration and customs procedures went without any problem, Transport Minister Pongsak Raktapongpaisal said, showing confidence that the new airport would be ready to serve international flights.

    Full-scale operations are scheduled for Sept 28.

    The only changes following the test, according to the minister, will be minor adjustment to security in the passenger terminal and aircraft handling in order to improve service.

    From today to Sept 28, various airlines will conduct similar trial flights. As an added benefit, airport tax for THAI clients will be dropped from now until the official opening.

    Chotisak Asapaviriya, AOT President, said the Australia-based Jet Star airlines will operate three daily flights from Suvarnabhumi to Singapore on Sept. 15.

    Flying Officer Abhinan Sumanaseni, THAI President, said questionnaires were distributed to all passengers aboard the trial flights and data obtained would be used to assess services for improvement before the commencement of domestic flights from Suvarnabhumi on Sept. 15. THAI intends to operate five flights daily from the new airport from that day.

    Somchai Sawasdeepon, General Manager of Suvarnabhumi Airport, said AOT will start phase-two construction of runways after the official opening.

    Two runways are operational while the third and fourth will be added in next project, said Somchai, adding that the new international airport should increase THAI’s annual income by 6-7 percent.

    Louis Moser, Joint Airport Manager QF/BA (Qantas and British Airways), said he believes the new airport will see a leap in growth in Thailand’s aviation, tourism and related businesses.

    Has anyone else ever checked in in 20 seconds, I know I havn't!

  15. I was being sensationlist, the Thai government is clearly not broke, but it makes a better title!

    However if they have to borrow huge sums to carry on the level of grassroots spending it may not leave the country in a healthy position once he is finally forced from power.

    I think a deficit was to be expected due the the world economic effect on Thailand.

    They will need to find money from somewhere though to finance futher projects.

  16. I cannot remember a "leader" so derided in Bangkok, and so dependant on up-country simpletons for support.

    That's because Bangkok doesn't hold the power anymore and the old Bkk establishment no longer gets their cut and they want the old system back. The upcountry people are not simpletons and you show your total ignorance about them and the North & Northeast, with your statement.

    Those north eastern counrtry folk are not as stupid as you imply, infact most know exactly what they are doing.

    I'm not a Thakisn fan, but the fact remains he has done more for them than the rest of all the governments before him combined. As far as they are concerned he is not whiter than white even though he may hope thats what they believe. Far from it they no he has fed himself rather well, but as long as he contunes to let them feed to they are happy. They care nothing for demorcratic principles or for the old style politicans that are cryting foul. The like the fact that they matter and are not willing to give up this new power they have found. Good for them, hopefully this will teach others that they have to consider the electorate as a whole as you can be held accountable at the elections.

    The problem here is that even if all these farmers could fully understand what Thaksin has done it wouldn't bother them as he is the best out of a bad bunch, the only one who gave them anything. every leader before him was corrupt to a certain extent, but they never fed the farmers as thaksin has.

    We all know that a leader like thaksin is no good for the country as a whole, but for sure these farmers are better off under thaksin. Media freedom, corruption nepotism etc, this can all be overlooked as long as the money keeps flowing.

    Whilst they may not understand complex economic models and formulas they do understand the difference between being given some handouts and being given nothing.

    Hopefully thaksin will be forced out through the courts, then whoever follows realises that the country folk must also be taken care of, if thaksin can be gotten rid of, maybe, just maybe Thailand will eventually be better off as the poor can no longer be annoyed and left to fend for themselves, otherwise it leaves the door open for another Thaksin in the future.

    Thaksins enormous yet dwindling power in my opinion is completely the fault of the old style political elite, if they had taken care of all Thai people as they were supoosed to the this would never have happened. It's a shame that thaksin is doing it for his own gain, he doesn't really care about the poor, they are just his pawns in the game to stay alive in power, however it should be noted that should the next leader fail to take notice of the poor, thaksin or someone like him could well make a comeback.

  17. Which genuine investor would invest even 1 baht in a company whose sole purpose is to own land that isn't used for anything but someone else residency?

    Or for someone else to speculate on. To have real investors they have to invest the money.

    So if you gave all the investors equal share of the money and they paid that money into the business account you have to show where the maney comes from.

    I really can't see them having the man power to scrutinse each and every property transaction so if you gave the shareholders the cash and they then pay the money into the account their account and transfer it, you would have slips to show the money came from them, I very much doubt they would be able to check where they got the money from, it's just too much work.

    I'm pretty sure that if you have a few bits of paper and it looks official all will be ok even if the pay in slips are over the counter without names on. In Thailand it matters more that you appear to be following the law, if you appear to you can usual bend the rules.

    As I say, I really don't see them having the manpower for this, maybe on large transactions, or ones where funds are suspect or criminal. Or if you piss the wrong person off!

  18. Credibility determines political future

    Business Day Editorial

    NEARLY half of the respondents in Bangkok and surrounding areas of the questionnaires sent out by Bangkok University this week said they believed that the car bomb set to kill Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on August 24 was a hoax, in order to boost sympathy and support for the embattled premier.

    Only 20.5 percent of the respondents said the incident was a real assassination attempt against Thaksin’s life.

    Moreover, 60.6 percent of these survey respondents were convinced that the government itself, through the metropolitan police, had orchestrated the fake incident for political purposes.

    Such survey results showed the caretaker prime minister and his Thai Rak Thai administration are now faced with a serious creditability problem.

    Political pundits theorized several reasons were behind the foiled assassination plot.

    Firstly, it could be the beleaguered premier’s illusion of his own power stability being eroded by strenuous campaign against him and his administrative system from the so-called People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) and other anti-government groups.

    Apparently, Thaksin and his aides from the National Police Department would like to prove that the bomb plot was real, not a ‘make-to-belief’ incident, and that the national leader’s life was in real grave jeopardy.

    Following the orchestration of the assassination attempt, support and sympathy for the caretaker prime minister is expected to rise among his grassroots supporters who are anticipated to wag a series of retheric war against the PAD and other anti-government groups.

    The second reason for setting a hoax car bomb could derive from Thaksin’s wish to tone down or illuminate press publicity about the legal cases concerning an American businessman’s lawsuit against him and the validity of the sales at stakes of his family’s Shin Corp to Temasek Holdings of Singapore, through a nominee company.

    The third objective of the hoax assassination plot would be to counter the old establishment of power in high societies and the military.

    Being accused of violating the kingship institutions many times, Thaksin could have felt that he had been unfairly treated by the ‘old power’ and so the assassination bid had to be directly or indirectly implicated to some senior or retired military officers.

    This was a reason why General Pallop Pinmanee was immediately stripped of his position as deputy director of the Internal Security Operation Command (ISOC). It could also be the reason why about 100 men from Ayuthaya province carried posters and placards to Privy Council Chairman Prem Tinasulanonda’s residence in Bangkok the following day, calling for Gen. Prem’s mercy to spare the life of the caretaker premier.

    It would not be too exaggerating to say that someone in the caretaker government have drawn Prem, a symbol of an extreme royalist camp and the old military establishment, into this assassination attempt.

    Whether or not the assassination plot last week was real or just a hoax, it reflected a deteriorating image of the caretaker prime minister.

    If the plot was real, it meant that the caretaker premier had created a lot of enemies, and one among these enemy groups plotted the assassination. But if it was just a fake assassination attempt, this could be interpreted that the caretaker premier’s popularity and creditability were heading towards the lowest ebb in the not so far future.

  19. biggest deficit since 2001, if Thaksin loses the economy the people in the north will turn on him. If there isn't money for handouts then people will soon get tired of him.

    First budget deficit in 4 years may be posted


    THE COUNTRY may post its first budget deficit in four years in 2006 after the government received less- than-expected revenue from taxes as the economy slows, a government spokesman said.

    Revenue will probably total 1.34 trillion baht ($35.7 billion) for the year ending September 30, about 24 billion baht less than projected in the budget bill, government spokesman Surapong Suebwonglee told a press briefing in Bangkok. The government had planned to balance the budget this year by spending 1.36 trillion baht of estimated revenue.

    Southeast Asia's second-biggest economy, which has been governed by a caretaker administration since February, may expand at the slowest pace since 2001 as high fuel costs and a political stalemate hurt consumption and investment, according to the central bank. Thailand is scheduled to hold a new election on October 15, its third in less than two years, after a court annulled the April 2 poll.

    The country had budget surpluses every year from 2003 to 2005 as economic growth boosted profits and tax revenue. The finance ministry's tax receipts and profit contribution from state-owned companies in July totaled 78.5 billion baht, 9.6 percent lower than the target, the finance ministry said on August 8

  20. .......

    This idea of using a shuttle is crazy, going to need 60+ vehicles an hour 24 hours a day, what a waste of energy :o

    I'm all for having the bus terminal remote, but taxis too?? Crazy!!


    Waste of energy????

    If it is organized well I can’t see any problems other than a small time delay. IMO there will come a time when we will not see any small vehicles at major airport ramps world wide.

    Yeah, but lets hope the option is better than waiting for a bus.

    It's a wate of energy for whoever is paying the fuel bill of the buses, unless ofcourse they are getting kickbacks from who ever holds the taxi consession from the main terminal.

    I think it's a huge inconvenience, it's like staying long term in Heathrow carpark, total nightmare. After a long trip i'd much rather jump in a cab as soon as I have my bags than add asnother 30 minutes on messing around waiting for buses. The less I have to carry or push those bags the better IMHO.

  21. in very basic terms, a regulator would look at if AOT was making more than what economists would call a 'normal' profit. Normally, the calculation is based on the CPI (inflation rate) minus (or plus) some sort of efficency factor. Given this is a new airport, the efficency factor is likely to be a negative also...new and high capital costs etc etc.....

    Remembering your maths lessons, two negative signs make a positive. So therefore profits would be well in excess of inflation.

    Hmm interesting, is there an air quango in Thailand? And are any regulatory departments working in a transparent manner, they certainly arn't for the telecomunications sector.

    Actually Samran I find this really interesting and I can see you are obviously in the know, could you tell us more of wht you know about the airport, maybe you have some stuff that will change the opinion of many towards the new airport. In your eyes will it be a force to be reckoned with compared to it's rivals in the region?

    I for one am not impressed at all with various aspects, but i'm hoping there will be good shopping and other facilities that will make it an improvement on the current airport. Also speedy electric walkways as walking so far in the airport now is a pain.

    If I have to pay more to use it with greater inconvenience i'm not happy, but if they are giving other services maybe it wont be too bad. My biggest gripe is getting the bus to get a taxi, I won't put up for a taxi scam, maybe get a taxi from departures, but I did read somewhere that they were going to stop meter taxi's picking up customers.

    Do you know who has the concession for taxi's within the main terminal?

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