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Posts posted by womble

  1. Yes the only great news is that it is clear that we live in a Banana Repuboc, where the judiciary sides with the most influential people. If Shinawatra is strong they chose him, if Shinawatra is attacked by higher forces they follow that. The Thai court is a big joke.

    Well this time they made the correct choise, these guys are so guilty it's ridiculous. So the courts arn't taking sides, they are actually making the right choise to get Thailand back on track.

  2. This is a strangely written article, firstly it states dismal worldwide interest, then it goes on as an almost sales like pitch article. Saying there are huge benefits, which there are not.

    Then says 100,000 people were initially targeted, I thought it was one million.

    One of the funniest parts is they have around 2000 members but now want to restrict membership to 7000!!! :o

    But for me, my favorite bit is the fact they are now going to double the cost of the card. Yup it's Thai economics at it's finest, forget about supply and demand curves, if you can't find customers, charge the idiots who do want the service double!!!

    This has to be one of the biggest white elephants in history, why don't they just admit defeat, they've wasted millions and millions of $$$$ on this one and will continue to flogging a dead horse.

  3. Elite Card still floundering

    In the face of dismal worldwide interest in the Thailand Elite Card, the company that issues the card, Thailand Privilege Card Co (TPC), plans to strengthen and unite its sales task force round the world, starting with its main market in the Asia-Pacific region.

    President Choksiri Rodboonpha said TPC planned to create a network of sales agents to boost its sales effectiveness.

    The Thailand Elite Card, which was launched by the Thaksin government in 2003, offers huge privileges to wealthy foreign tourists, including free first-class Thai Airways travel and VIP treatment upon arrival in Thailand, plus a special five-year, multiple-entry visa. It also provides discounts at hotels and restaurants.

    A lifetime Elite Card costs Bt1 million if the holder lives abroad, and Bt2 million if the holder lives in Thailand.

    When launched, the card was expected to attract 100,000 holders within its first year. But earlier this year, TPC said it had just over 2,000 members and was planning to restrict membership to fewer than 7,000 as a means of delivering better service, as well as more than doubling the cost of the card. Yesterday, the number of cardholders was said to be "more than 1,500".

    Choksiri said his company would hold training courses for its sales agents from 25 countries this year and then unify both its distribution system and its distribution standards.

    Choksiri said TPC would train and advise country and distribution partners about the establishment of companies and enhance their understanding of the card's membership benefits in terms of recreation, medical and healthcare and liaising with government agencies.

    Paitoon Pongkesorn, head of the executive committee, said Thailand was the first country in the world to offer elite membership services.

    "TPC now has more than 1,500 members, mostly business operators, industrialists and investors. They're a class of people representing a potential business community," she said.

    TPC is in the process of selecting additional vendors in Thailand. These include 10 golf courses, 10 spas and four hospitals. They will also become coordinating centres for immigration matters, international driving licences, visa extensions and work permits.

    "TPC is also working with the Land Department in studying land ownership," said Paitoon.

    Under the law, foreigners who want to buy a rai of land must deposit a Bt40-million bond for at least five years. However, she said TPC hoped to get Parliament to rewrite the law and switch the provision of the bond to buying an elite card.

    Derek Murphy, chairman of a new sales agency called Thailand Elite Australia, said that his organisation had begun marketing card membership on the Gold Coast, and similar campaigns would soon begin in Sydney and Melbourne.

    Suchat Sritama

    The Nation

    Chon Buri

  4. Property prices in Phuket tend to be higher than the rest of Thailand. Condos built to western specification cost from 65,000 baht to more than 100,000 baht per square meter.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!! Someone is being ripped off bigtime with these charges!!!!

    Simon - (Currently building to western spec at about 10,000 baht psm)

    I'm not being rude, but I don't think i'd want to see the end product. You cannot build to western spec for 10,000 baht psm, it's impossible. Western spec means western piping, western electrics, western everything, so you may have a western bedroom, a western kitchen and a western bathroom, but it doesn't make you house western standard. The windows will not be double glazed and much of the finishing will more than likley be shoddy. It's the finishing that they really are not good at here. They never tape up the light switches, doors etc, there's so many shortcuts they take that if your not watching them every minute of the day you will often end up with a messy end result.

    To build a house fully to western spec will cost you 20,000 psm +, More than likely closer to 30,000.

  5. Wouldn't surprise me if the appeal date was set for soon after the next election, maybe even the day after to make a statement. Then they might be found guilty but released on time served.

    Pure guesswork ofcourse, but the courts do have a habit of setting dates at times that seem to say something.

  6. A bit of a generalisation, but yes most of the locals arn't that up on enviromental issues. There is no eco tourism and little sustainable tourism at the moment. The natual beauty of the country especially in high volume tourist areas is quickly diminishing due to greed and excess.

    Maybe more Thais would use bins if there actually were any, how many public bins are there in the streets?

    Are there any?

    The only ones I see are outside 7/11

  7. This certainly does open up a new can of worms, I can't believe some politicians are already saying that maybe they still don't have to resign!!! And can still carry out the elections, some will never admit defeat.

    If there is a new selection process will there be interference by TRT???

    Should be interesting, who knows what the EC were up to in the last election, probobally much more than we know, Thaksin really didn't want these guys to go.

  8. Whilst foreigners are responsible to a certain extent for the mess the island is in, I truly believe the worst most short sighted developments are carried out by the Thais. Also for any dodgy construction which is made by a foriegner there will be many more Thais involved than foriegners.

    Here we go again blaming foriegners for all their problems, why can't they face up to facts and admit the problems stem from greed and the mindset that it doesn't matter where money comes from as long as you have it.

    You can be as corrupt as you like, but if you have money here you have respect no matter how you earn't it.

  9. Sudarat discloses reconciliation options

    Following the convincing defeat of Thai Rak Thai Party in Sunday's Bangkok elections, party deputy leader Sudarat Keyuraphan unveiled party's proposals to reach reconciliation with its opponents, including a proposal for Thaksin to take a political break.

    Sudarat said the three proposals have been floated and discussed in the party but have not yet been finalised as the party's stand yet.

    According to Sudarat, the Thai Rak Thai was willing to step aside for other parties in certain constituencies so that other parties would win MPs to help amend the Constitution, which would be done in a year.

    She said if the first proposal was accepted, Thai Rak Thai leader Thaksin Shinawatra would not accept the post of prime minister during the process to amend the charter.

    In the third proposal, she said, the Thai Rak Thai would invite all parties to send representatives to form a government of national unity and the Thai Rak Thai would assign another person to become the prime minister.

    The Nation

    Sounds like the best idea they've had for a long time, this really could help ease the Political situation. There must be a catch or maybe just perhaps there has been a deal struck behind closed doors and that has led to the new election date being set on oct 15. Basically saving Thaksin face.

  10. If you used a proper lawyer you wouldn't have a problem. The lawyer would make it clear that the land is national park or whatever else. He could then advise you that should you wish to pay under the counter to encroach you do so at your own risk.

    Problems like this normally arise when people pay under the counter knowing full well what they are getting into. They think because someone has been paid they are safe. Reality check.

    Now many of the buyers who were buying off The Peak may not know, but a decent lawyer who carries out the due dilligence properly will discover the fraud.

    I personally have discovered access problems and ownership problems on land that I have nearly bought where many others went on to buy. The reason I discovered this and others didn't is because I chose to use a bangkok lawyer from a reputable firm where others chose the cheaper local option.

    I think the "expensive" Bangkok lawyer was a bargain!

  11. In my opinion high end golf equipment, fishing tackle, snooker tables etc are all luxury items.

    All of the above are more expensive here than elsewhere

    Many electrical items are more expensive here, although cedrtain items are getting cheaper. Got to emporium and look at the kitchen and home stuff on the top floor, prices there are very expensive compared to hk and singapore. This items include household items from well known companys such as alessi.

    Also look at items such as cosmetics, perfume, and pretty much all brand names imported from outside Asean.

  12. Well, I just found out that it is true that Crispin is a member of that motorbike gang, ofcourse that doesn't make him guilty of the other charges, but it does make it more likely.

    I'm not sure about what Mr scared is saying, sounds like a load of crap, and from what i've heard Pete is innocent except for maybe renting a property without knowing who to. Unfortunatley it looks like crispin is involved which is the last thing I would have expected, but I have this info from a reliable source, so i'd be surprised if they were wrong about his membership to such a gang.

  13. I can't imagine shoppers from the Galleria in Houston, or any number of other First-World, fully developed countries, flocking to Bangkok just to get luxury goods. In the 1980's, when my kids went to high school with the daughters of a nouveau-riche athletic shoe family, the girls went week-end shopping in.....Rome. The rich billionaires of Mexico City are not known for flocking to.....Thailand.

    Prices of luxury goods are pretty much the same all over the world, once converted to home country currencies. Hence, these days a trip to find cheaper Gucci, Louis Vutton etc., is a waste of time (and money). The upscale malls in Bangkok cater primarily to wealthy Thai's and Asian tourists, who take a short trip to Bangkok, see the sights and do some shopping (reclaiming the VAT at the airport).

    I'm guessing you are not a buyer of luxury imported goods otherwise you would realise that most items are much more than 7% more exspensive than elsewhere. On top of VAT there is other taxes which are very confusing indeed. The tariffs varey hugely, eg some sporting goods may be 20%, whilst other similar sporting goods for the same sport may be 30%, 40% or more.

  14. All of these new shopping malls are heading for a spectacular crash, there simply isn't enough customers and never will be. Thai's fly to HK and Singapore to buy goods available in Paragon.


    because of the outrageous prices due to import duties.

    They better change a few laws if they are serious about attracting all these customers from other Asian cities, they simply won't be attracted by prices that are 30%+ higher than elsewhere.

  15. I've known Crispin and Pete a long time, both are honest decent guys, and have successful businesses. Gangsters they certainly are not, and it must be utter rubbish that they have been involved with transfer of 3 billion.

    Anyone who knows them will know they are innocent, this is so obviously brought about by politics. Unfortunatley they couldn't have picked two worse people to frame as there are so many people who will vouch for their honesty.

    Some high ranking idiot official probobally took one look at Crispin and thought all Thai's would fall for him being a biker gangster. Which is true cos they do judge books by covers, unfortunatley as we all know it's what lies within.

  16. I flew in January. We war 8 Person. The price was 5100 Bath plus 300 Bath airport tax. We leave the Airport at 8:00 clock AM and we been back at 12:00 AM. Great! If the will fly again, I will use this way to do my runs.

    .....if it ever runs again that is...... :o

    What do u mean?

    Is that supposed to be funny, I'm guessing that you are happy at their missfortune of not getting the license to land on the sea and run the business as it was initially intended.


  17. If they are domesticated then no problem with them being sent to Australia, Thailand has many domesticated elephants that would indeed be better off being properly taken care of in an Australian zoo. Many elephants in Thailand are well cared for, unfortunatley many are not. Elephants on the streets of Bangkok should be banned in my opinion.

    If the Elephants are wild then the shipment should be stopped and they should be returned to their natural habitat. Anyone involved should be prosecuted, heavily!

  18. Thaksin files libel suit against Democrats, seeking Bt1 billion

    Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra filed a civil defamation lawsuit on Thursday against the Democrat Party and its leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, seeking compensation of Bt1 billion.

    Representing Thaksin, Noppadol Meewattana filed the suit with Trang Court. The suit also charged other Democrat executives: Suthep Thueksubhan, secretary general, Kobsak Sapawasuk, a party committee member and Thanin Jaisamut, an MP.

    The suit alleged that that the group accused Thaksin in their speeches in Trang province in March this year of cheating taxes in his sale of Shin Corps to Singapore's Tamasek Holdings. Their claims damaged Thaksin's reputation, so the court is requested to rule that they pay compensation of Bt1 billion plus interest of 7.5 per cent per year.

    The Court will decide on December 4 whether to accept the case or not.

    The Nation

    Yawn :o

  19. Pardon me ... revise my former post to say Colleges and Universities

    One of the formost Uni's in England recently reduced the number of local students it accepts so it can get MORE foriegners to pay 5X as much tuition ... State Unis in the US have 3 tier pricing resident, out-of-state, and international (guess who pays most?) This isn't $5 3-4 times a year either.

    Private schools can do as they like ... but I think State Uni's in Thailand have one rate ..... ((And the American Uni here --- crazy $$ for Thailand-- offers discounts to Thais))

    I have never heard of a tax id and work permit in tandem NOT get someone in at local prices.

    ALL that being said ------ I'll STILL wait for an official announcement!!!


    Here we go again. I'll say it one more time and maybe you'll get it. The UK unis charge more for outsiders because the governement subs the locals. The Thai government does not subsidize the locals when enterting national parks, it rips off the outsiders. :o

    Exactly. Same in the US. Some states kick in about 60% of the funding per student. So the student or family is paying more than the base tuition as they pay taxes. Also I know some state universities here in Thailand do charge more for foreign students which I have no problem with.

    Double pricing is wrong in most cases, though for national parks I don't mind as they are a state "treasure" and the locals do have more right to them and possibly have paid taxes to support them.

    In places like Hawaii tourists that are US citizens pay to go to some parks when locals do not.

    That being said 400baht is way overboard. Some foreigners will still go as if you are on vacation and have money and only 2 weeks here you are going to fork it over, but I think the number will drop significantly. Imagine a backpacker couple thinking all the other things they could do with 800baht.

    This increase creates a lot of ill will towards Thailand’s tourism authority and goverment. Most people will accept, grudgingly, paying a bit more than Thais but over 300 baht more? No most will be quite pissed. I suspect that this increase will either A. not happen. B. be lowered to 300 or less before it starts. C. be put in place then lowered in the future after a wave of negative sentiment.

    So you havn't got a clue what's gonna happen then really! :D

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