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Posts posted by eyecatcher

  1. Angelina Jolie made an unscheduled stop into chiang mai airport a couple of nights ago.

    This was surely a lame excuse for one of my girls being late for work?

    She works daytime for the taxi company there.

    True enough AJ was en route in private jet to mae hong son but the weather did not permit a landing.

    So she silver vanned it to MHS.

    she is visiting the hiltribes there, seen a few photos I wouldn't recognise her to be honest in the raw.

    Anyone else heard about it or is still a secret visit.

  2. Yes, please do Mahseer.

    I too am looking for such a product in Chiangmai.I've checked out Sincharoen Rubber Company who seem to have the goods. Unfortunately their "Where to buy" page comes up blank. I've emailed them but if my experience with "Info" email addresses in Thailand holds true, I won't get an answer.

    I too will report here if I discover anything useful.

    Yes, sincharoen ARE the import distributer here I was referring to..

    Contact them.

  3. Pretty sure what you have seen here are just corsair type extract fans or the air intake fans.

    Both cost less than a 1000bt., and easy enough to fit .

    They are not ac units.

    You can get the portable water cooled units,for 6k baht at the big stores. They are pretty powerful and effective despite their surprisingly low power rating. (less than those upright fans)

  4. Its not something you can get off the shelf here.

    you need to think laterally for rubber flooring and google companies dealing with safety flooring, sports hall surfaces and other non slip flooring companies.

    i suggest you try google "FLOORAMENT" they are the import contact company who I gather import into a distributer here probably in the back of beyond, but you may be lucky and its chiang mai.

    actually no different to the uk, you also cannot pick it up off the shelf, you need to go through a supplier who will obtain it for you.

    good luck

  5. This is probably just my mean side showing itself, but I just can't believe this post!!

    So, you can't get a taxi, or red truck or tuk-tuk, maybe only a red truck could carry your door ...for 150 baht round trip??? So, you decide that maybe some farang, with a car, but not really, because probably only a truck or SUV can fit your door in it, might want to do this job??

    You think someone, who probably spent $40,000 or more on their SUV, which also doesn't get good gas mileage, might want to spend at least 2 hours (that is my prediction on how long it would take me very minimum, to drive to you, drive to the door, and drive you back home, and drive back to my home, in good traffic, not bad traffic) and we would do this, for maybe the minimum cost of gas on some kind of eco-car ..for a total stranger??

    This need isn't because you have a very special need, that one of us farangs needs to help you with, like a medical emergency or some technical problem that requires special skills, but just because the Thai people want to charge you MORE than 150 baht, or the delivery service, costs more than you like?

    I just can't believe you wrote this!! Frankly I can't believe you haven't gotten more responses.. Is everything okay with you or are you having some problems adjusting to your new life here? I mean this in a serious way, not a sarcastic way.

    On a different day I would agree with you.

    The same OP asked a few weeks back if he could borrow tools from anyone, as he didn't want to buy new and had nowhere to store them.

    I offered to lend him what I had.

    I liked his bare faced cheek to ask and thought ok if I can help someone progress their renovation I will get satisfaction myself.

    I have infact lent him my tools and was immediately offered a helping hand when I start another project.

    So whilst I agree with your sentiment I have found that treating people the Thai way many more doors and opportunities can also open up for you.

    • Like 2
  6. I am going to suggest something a little more creative, and cheap to the point of being free.

    If you have something like 2x2 legs already the extend them with bamboo.

    Get 3inch round, just "gash" waste from a building site scaffolding job.

    Bamboo has the chamber sealed every foot or so and you can cut it easily so that the leg is supported and mostly covered by the bamboo.

    if you want to go an buy new bamboo 50bt will get you a 6m length.

    Suggest you run a holding screw thro the bamboo into your original leg and finish off with some decorative string.

    • Like 2
  7. Well that's the reason....motorbikes.

    If you drive for example for three hours anywhere in the uk, you will be lucky if you see 3 motorbikes.

    If you do they will all be "big" bikes and risen by guys 40+ with many years of experience.

    When you do see a bike accident in the uk, more often than not its on quiet country roads where they have opened up the throttle and they have lost control at bends or hit a car whose driver was pi$$ed up.

    Plus, uk weather doesn't lend itself to bike riding as it does here.

    Seen a rider in phuket trying to avoid a head on with a truck by trying to slide under it. ..sadly, that one drew a large crowd also.

  8. I was just about to tell you how to make your own springer formers out of plywood.

    I guess only Dante99 knows what I am on about though!

    Podiatry advice sorry no can do

  9. save way auto services,243 mahidol road.053200628/9,they do what you require,dont no price,used them a few times for body work on car very good company,great service.

    Is this the same company quite close to the macdonalds,if so I think they are associated with Lamina films....also next door to maya shopping centre.

    In addition, I always forget the name but I used to go to the place along the road from moat to the end of wualai....left from the moat just after siam tv.

    That's my personal preference.

    Easy to fit but the technique is washing up liquid and water in a small sprayer into the glass, slide the film into the position. Use a squeegee rubber window blade to disperse the bubbles and press into glass. Then trim the edges with a very sharp craft knife.

    Make sure the glass is very clean first or you will be trying to run off annoying marks to no avail.

  10. Forgive me if I am on the wrong track. Is this American terminology for a pneumatic door closer?

    What's your problem with it.

    If its simple adjustment, either door closes too fast/slow then you can slow it down by screw adjustment clockwise and speed up turning anti clockwise.

    As I recall you need to open the doors and remove the screws on the break arm air cylinder first but not a complicated task.

    Most cheaper door closers are of course oil filled and I have seen plenty of people inadvertently releasing all the oil...hahaha.

  11. You shouldn't need to justify a cost increase John, nor should you feel any guilt......other than being part responsible for increasing folks weight:(

    Airlines don't apologise, stats companies don't apologise. Fuel companies change their prices every week.

    Don't ever de value your product, long standing customers don't ever quibble over a fair price increase plus the fact it keeps the riff raff away.

    Standards maintained!. :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  12. Do they add latex to all tile adhesives (porcelain, marble, granite, wall etc) as a performance enhancer and is it worth the money?

    Do they say penny foolish pound wise?

    That tub of latex was about 150bt maybe less.

    On the basis that two weeks after you finish and its looking great that the grout starts to crack and fall out, then two tiles de bond.

    In hindsight you will be wishing you had spent 150bt instead of the effort to rip out, clean off, buy new bag of adhesive maybe another pack of ten tiles, it goes on and on.

    Here's another one,

    Don't spoil the shop for ha`peth of tar.

  13. ^ that's going to be one hell of a ceiling Rawhod, nice one.

    For the OP, he is only wanting a ceiling in his 2x2 bathroom so I think ....well personally I would try and do it in a more manageable way.

    I like and am more used to timber batten framing. Run some 2x2 battens around the perimeter then fit the same as ceiling joists in between at say 400centres..

    You could then fix a foilbacked plasterbd to the battens and simply fill and paint.

    I would make the ceiling more interesting and get a pack of shera wood effect plank. Pin each one individually, can butt joint and can easily have your lighting points set up, hole cutting as you go.

    Fitting plasterboard in a confined space believe me is not easy.....especially if you are on your own, holding and screwing takes skill and strength to master.

    The light clearance depends on what you buy, the risk is fire from overheating....or dodgy wiring. It has to be a compromise of the headroom you want in the bathroom and the safe depth of void...say 300mm.

  14. As I understand all passports are now dealt with in the UK.

    There are two application forms both can be downloaded from the passport website.

    For you choose the form applying from overseas.

    For a first passport,this may be where you run into trouble and if you are not planning to visit the uk, then yes for your daughter you may have to do the biometrics, fingerprints and photo at the uk embassy departments

    Your best bet is to read it first hand from the passport website, as it seems now they are overrun with applications, struggling to cope and news and procedures is changing often.

  15. Haha, thankyou. As with every other thread on the forum there are replies from members who have actually been there, done that, learnt by mistakes, learnt by other peoples mistakes.

    And there are those who just anecdote their only or a friends experience.

    It all makes for an interesting read whatever.

    You will learn who has acquired whatever specialist knowledge it happens to be over time and who to ignore.

    My advice and time is free to you!

  16. Yes the fluted archies are quite Georgian and the beauty about the corner finials is the are easy to fit and no need for mitres.

    You can find this moulding in Global, if you are going to paint it then look for mdf it will save you a lot of cash.

  17. Easiest thing in the world, it's only thermalite.

    Not in the uk now, most internal walls here are brick covered with a cement render and are as hard as nails.....especially older buildings.

    The angle grinder is achievable but as pointed out in an unventilated area the dust thrown out will literally find its way into your grundies.!

    Mask and goggles and a good cleaner imperative.

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