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Posts posted by eyecatcher

  1. My business premises also has the same clause, for the landlords assurance more than anything....he doesn't want someone else treating his property without due care and attention because they are not under contract.

    Look at all those tiny coffee shops, somtam stalls that set up in front of the main building for their 1000bt rent, the only problem I see there is "eyesore"

    That doesn't really affect the landlord or his property.

  2. How about the yellow paint from Jotun -road marking paint-,this one cane use for concrete surface, looks like gold and it's glittering

    Road paint is thermo_plastic paint and is applied via a boiler.

    Unless you fancy lugging up a T.P. Machine into a roof then forget that idea.

  3. Is it 'sparkly' gold paint or plain gold paint?

    The beger definitely has that pearlescent lustre about it, the other one is just plain.

    The sun shining on it will enhance it further.

    Not sure how long it lasts though on a roof and the porosity of the tile will make a big difference.

    I think the clay tiles they use on the roofs are the glazed finish type and that's your best base.

  4. Is it 'sparkly' gold paint or plain gold paint?

    The beger definitely has that pearlescent lustre about it, the other one is just plain.

    The sun shining on it will enhance it further.

    Not sure how long it lasts though on a roof and the porosity of the tile will make a big difference.

    I think the clay tiles they use on the roofs are the glazed finish type and that's your best base.

  5. ....and the point of your thread is what?

    A spurious link between rats and meechok plaza.

    You must be really bored of reading the politics threads.

    Just an observation and it does make a change from politics

    and "spurious" =fake ,not true, you calling me a liar?

    regards worgeordie

    I didn't want to say blatant link.....and my definition of spurious has always been "vague" ....vague was what I wanted to say really!
  6. Both home pro and Global have the gold paint, but the biggest tin I saw was 1 litre.....and its expensive.

    Pay attention to what you are buying though, the cheaper tins are cheap for a reason....they lose their glossy sheen within days.


    These two tins I have used, the beger and hato, had them nearly 3yrs, you can see the beger sheen is still there but the Hato looks a dull yellow now.

    Wouldn't surprise me if the temples are supplied the gold paint f.o.c.


  7. Remember these are 'resistant' not 'proof', the beasties will get just about any type of wood eventually. Old growth teak (if you can get it legally) and mai daeng are pretty well 'proof'.

    Our kitchen is concrete and tile with teak (not old growth) doors, easily replaced if the bugs get it.

    Yep teak wood, and mai daeng are the only two woods I know of as being termite proof.

    Is mai deng what we know as mahogany.....or something else.
  8. You will notice most thai style kitchens are based on brick, concrete,ceramic tiles and for food reason.

    The door casettes they add in are often plastic or teak.

    So this combination is your top choice.

    If its a western house you have a chance with the house construction itself to uses a high gloss laminate.

    Remember termites will target the soft spots, the routered hinge mortice, the shelf studs and the kickboards.

    My opinion is you have to increases your vigilance with he more susceptible materials. If you keep a regular look out and the occasional quick spray you should be able to control it and have long lasting units.

    Don't necessarily be put off by people saying their wardrobes and best furniture was eaten in two years.....these comments are from people who allowed it to happen.

  9. We have a mosquito net to cover the whole bed.

    Since last november its not been needed though.

    Mosquito season may well be upon us from now to october buy so far I think its too hot for them.

    We do have at least a dozen jingjok security guards living in the house and they are kept in check by a monster gekko aswell.

    The most annoying at the moment are the flying ants,termites which love to play kamikaze into everything we cook.

    ....would that be extra protein, carbs or fat? I never did check.

    • Like 1
  10. asbestos cement

    great stuff, specially all the dust that is left onsite from the cutting

    then with age, the dust from the tiles

    but it does take quite some time for the lung cancer to develop

    There should be an advisory note attached..."good for only 50s only"

  11. "i would go for coloured ac roof...."

    Aaaah...but just what IS this? sad.png

    He means asbestos cement, the ugly looking factory roof corrugated sheet, that you see on the lower end thai roofs.

    May not blow off, buy will heat up your house like an oven in no time.post-150623-14011668810228_thumb.jpg

  12. Not sure you appreciated the loophole.

    So is it 49% of the number of units or 49% of the floor area.

    There is/can be a whopping difference.

    Why is why they could build a condo with 49 luxury penthouse pads and 51 bedsits.....owned by the original developer......but why try to sell them again when he made his money on the penthouse pads....unless he is very greedy.

  13. I think it was a fellow member here telling me the new condos purposely have a floor, or a number of tiny condos that they will never sell to Thais, simply so they can get 100% occupancy by farang......as as a consequence, mark up the price vastly to cover the empty units/floors.

    The condo ends up with only farang, occupying half the building.

    Did I read on here last week, someone said the owner of Hillside 4, owns the top floor......now something is ringing true.

    Easy to achieve if the % is based on units and not area isn't it?

    I don't think Thais would want to live amongst us anyway OP.

  14. Don't take the advice of using kerosene, for heavens sake or you will have a homemade grenade.

    I used to get mine from borsang ,the market area there, only 80bt for ones standing a metre high.

    For fuel, simply use the cooking oil, straight from the bottle, the wick soaks it up lovely and gives a strong flame. When the wick is used up, just replace with a few threads of string plaited together.

    Citronella is common, and I can't stand the sweet smell.....neither can the mossies so I guess that's why you want it outside.

    You can buy the essential oil at spana and herb basics (ratviti and ratchamanka) will cost you around 250bt for 100ml OR for outside use go for the chemical copy for around 35bt for 60ml

    Can get at world chemical and another both on mahidol rd just city side of the river, or union science on suthep rd.

    If you get stuck pm me.

    • Like 1
  15. I just wonder if cycles here are heavily subsidised. My mate bought a new bianchi racer recently for 24k, and just told me the same bike in Evans cycles uk is £1000 which is double.

    He certainly thinks he got the bargain of the year.

    Thanks for heads up on this supplier, I am looking for a Trek myself.

  16. Good info Dante,

    OP, if you don't get sufficient response before this drops off the page I suggest you repost this to the Diy housing forum.

    We like to get down and talk technical there without boring everyone on the local forums...and you will get an answer.

  17. The "real" solution is harder work but I do it EVERY time I shower, dry the walls and all fittings afterwards, this way grouting will last 10+ years. I often use the towel Ive dried myself on as I wash them daily anyway but a microfibre cloth can do it too or better a cotton towel

    Haha, you sound like my mother.

    When I go back to the uk and stay with her, she makes me wipe down the walls and enclosure before I get out.

    I always complain....but you know I refitted all her bathroom 5yrs ago and it looks as pristine now as it did then.

    Regarding grout, it is imperative that you get a grout with a mould inhibitor already mixed in.

    Use that and you are off to a good start.

    Next on the floor never never use white,cream....the lightest colour you should go with is cement grey, better still dark grey, brown then durt, mould cAn't be seen. Its there but to you its not.

    Next keep your tiles large and your joints thin, 3mm max, the job looks better and grout lines look near and less chance of mould attack.

    The mould is the spores in the air that come to life in condensation. They are in the atmosphere all the time but condensation, steam,lack of ventilation is the catalyst for them to settle and multiply on a cooler surface.

    Shower wall bottom corners are usually the first place of attack then the lower three tile courses and is if you have a plastic curtain it will not be long before it goes pink.

    To clean it is easy. I always used to use an old toothbrush, dip in bleach and run up and down the joint lines. It will kill and clear black mould in 30mins.

    Regarding tile sealants, only really necessary with a natural tile finish such as travertine, which is rough and open pored., for ceramic glazed tiles there is no need for a sealant unless you really are a lazy layabout cleaner, but when you see the cost you may think twice.

    There was a product on the market called a grout pen. The idea was with dirty grout to run in up and down, like a felt tip pen, but I will tell you what a hideous mess they easily achieved, forget them. If you need to regrout, then rake out with the proper tool and redo.

    And I disagree with advice above about making grout sloppy. Grout is not an adhesive its a grout to stop any slight lateral movement of the tiles should there be any differential expansion coefficients.

    It should be mixed to a paste and pushed into the joint, thereafter you can achieve a smooth finish.

    OP you should have posted on the diy forum in the first place!;)

    • Like 1
  18. Its not your place...that's obvious as you would have known its called Sheryles.

    And next door to the rich money exchange (sounds better than opposite the I rich pub)

    On a positive note, having a box sounds really special, like at a football match........

    Why am I thinking he probably got that wrong as well.

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