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Posts posted by eyecatcher

  1. Its a great thread but the OP is no detective despite writing down a profile:

    This is the summation of the evidence

    1. 3 riders on one bike each

    2. each wore full face helmets with visors

    3.they wore t shirts and shorts

    4. they each waved at the OP

    5. one had a blue back pack

    6. the bikes were honda dream

    7. one wore crocs

    Now when we are all out and about around town, keep your eyes open for the blue backpack, thats obviously the most descriptive part...being blue; but then I suggest you give them a sneaky wave and see if they wave back.

    Then you can pull them over and tell them the game is up.

    ok team out we go, lets report back later for a briefing.

  2. If I don't know the true story of someone that ask me money, just only listen what he/she say, I will not judge the people they are con man or not con man.

    A man come to ask me just small money, I can give 5 or 10 baht then he will go away like many begger in the street but I see (you see too from your senses) he was very sad and I would like to hear his story how come his life like this and he told me the story almost one hour with tear full his face, I asked everything what I would like to know from him also where he live (one day, I would like to go to check , if true may be can help to fine a chance for them and I do not need to be millionair to do that), how to go there, why children abandon him and his wife,... when you would like to help somepeople or many peoples, just help! do not need to think so far after helping, you happy and they happy, end. But if you come to think may be he is not correct same many con man or whatever you call, for me I will let pass but stil remember very good the story and if one day I meet him again I will listen may be same story or may be not, no problem learn everyday from your life.

    No sorry....I realise you are not a native English speaker but I read this 3 times and still don,t know what you are saying. I will copy into google translate see what it says.

  3. Thx I will go to check there.

    I am going to bring flag with my logo to the top of mountain.

    Great idea; I did something similar an old vinyl sign, but carrying it was a pain, So unless you have copyrighted the idea I am following your lead.

  4. You also need to consider the location of the condo in relation to the block. A 7th floor condo means a pretty hard treck with any building materials such as floor tiles, bricks,bagged sand and cement.

    How would you move them all, by lift or stairs, think of the other building users and the mess/dust in the circulation areas.

    Will you have neighbours below or adjacent to sweeten up before the hammers and drills and grinders get to work.?

    How extensive will the work be, a bit of DIY makeover with paint and a few wall tiles, because otherwise there may be restrictions applied by the management of the building restricting any structural works.

    I think unless the building is relatively empty' managing the delivery of your materials and disposing of any rubble is going to be a challenge.if you want to remain popular there; but the works itself, would be straightforward for most thai builders.

    I agree with other posters that a wreck is not going to be cheaper to buy,I dont think Thais see the standard of a building as altering value; they just want top price for everything.

    Personally I wouldnt take on the challenge of a condo refurb, there are too many anomolies and things to go wrong, look for a detached house with some decent grounds for storage of gear.

    If you do find somewhere and you want further opinion, and a farang project manager to control a good thai team PM me.

  5. Just an observation, photo 6 has the "model" gurning to catch any droppings.

    Does this mean the pies have a wet crust at the bottom but this will be ironed out before final production.

    As you can appreciate no one likes a soggy bottom

  6. But would those gullible tourists give some loose change to the genuine afflicted people you see dragging themselves around on a skateboard or a single crutch stick.

    I think not

    Is our unsympathetic psyche to think "just get up off yer a**e and do something other than hold out a tin"

    This guy albeit a despicabble leaching charater is a professional hustler, thats his job and he is more than likely successful and minted

  7. How many people do you think got the promotional emails?

    I don't see the big deal really, it's just like cold calling or mail through the letter box, they're both legal.

    Well if you are genuinely cold calling, why does your email go to most peoples spam filters/jjunk box....because our pcs are telling us the email is from a suspicious source.

    If i wanted to cold call by email and I have done, I would address it personally and not send off hundreds...then it will be read.

    You simply defeating the point of your exercise surely???

  8. Don't know the name of the stationary store on Thai Pae road.

    But if you are coming from Changklan the road the night Bazaar is on heading to Thai Pae Gate it is on the right hand side of the road down about 200 feet. It has big awnings out front. I know they had big white note boards you could hang on the wall. Did not look around that munch.

    not sure if your directions are better than your spelling but i thought you were referring to DK books, just on the moat to left out of Le crow, they have these boards at the back in the stationary area.

    also they sell in makro

    also they sell in B2S the stationary shop in KSK and airport plaza at the top

  9. You pay for what you get mate; on the pavement its going to be cheaper than inside....but I will say; firstly you have no right to publish photos of this girl without her say so. Would you like a photo in a massage shop of yourself posted by her in whatever position suits.

    Secondly the massage girls in these cheaper places, ok there are probably some elder states ladies who are very talented and skilled and you see more of these doing foot massages in the walking street; but Le Crow areas are basically bar girls, sitting to look pretty. Their earnings for massage if lucky will be 70bt/hr; most around 50bt; thats it. The golden ticket from you boys is to get you to have oil massage.

    Thai massage is very skilled and amateur can induce serious injuries, these girls dont want to do Thai, its tiring and they have at best been shown by a friend.

    But the oil massage, thats the key, they want the happy ending and a 500bt payday from you, so as soon as the oil, usually cooking oil; is on your legs they are scheming to get the "jack wow"

    Next time you visit one, ask where they trained.

    so if you just want the happy ending in a backstreet joint, then you dont need to say any more than ask for oil.....then you are in their hands.....or soon will be.

    But if you want a serious Thai massage, I mean 2hrs, (1hr is literally a waste of time) then stop being a total cheap charlie and for around 600bt go to somewhere reputable and take on board the real thai massage experience, and be treated like a king not another sucker.

    next time you pass one of these shops read the slogans "your stiffness is our business" its true in every sense.

  10. If they built a cable car, say starting from the zoo to the temple; I could see it being the No 1 attraction in Chiang Mai by a long way.

    The views would be terrific. Seeing the zoo animals, the airport, the flora and fauna on the mountain side, the rain and the clouds; Clint Eastwood and Richard Burton fighting and hanging off the side.

    Probably a pipe dream of Shinwotsisname and will never happen but to bring tourists back, an opportunity.

  11. Take a cable car up the mountain to visit the ancient temple of Doi Souket. Haven't a clue if I spell it rite but I am sure some spelling police man will let me know. LOL

    Just to clarify HD you spelt "it" right

    but you spelt "rite" wrong

    and Doi "souket" is on the way to Chiang Rai..........but good effort, God loves a tryer.

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  12. It is probably the French guy who has been conning tourists for many years in CM.

    that french guy approached me 2 yr ago when i was trawling the banks, to see who would open an account for me; he was waiting outside the bank opposite ksk, he was giving me a tale about needing a flight ticket as his visa had expired. ....I told him to go to immigration and ask to be deported...(sensible place to stand though, outside the bank)

  13. > Have heard that they are invaluable at traffic stops and in accident situations.

    Not really. You should have insurance. Then the unsurance company takes care of whatever needs taking care of. I personally wouldn't bother discussing things with the other party using a camera device. Let the insurance guy decide who's fault it was, usually determined just by which side of the vehicle the damage is.

    Rubbish! You said it (I guess a typo) the unsurance company, will have first hand evidence of the truth...or pretty much of it, and surely better than arriving to work it out themelves from the rectangular chalk marks and the chalkline of a bike adjacent.

    I think helmet cams are invaluable in many situations.....it may record a pssed driver changing seats with a mate before the cops arrives, it may show some errattic driving prior to the biker wrapping himself around a truck...it may show a stray dog was the cause entirely.

    In the uk these cams are a pretty standard piece of kit for the police/firefighters/paramedics for recording evidence; even linked directly via wi fi to a control centre.

    How reassuring is it to have your family see your last moments alive; and have at least some comfort knowing you were faultless if a court case pursued.

    (not intentionally being callous here-just a consideration though)

  14. The place in Icon is not only inexpensive but cheap. The helmet cam I've had experience with bought there was not worth it.

    be honest, you wanted to give that a "one word" review didnt you?

  15. hi,

    there's one in the center of town a few doors from mr mechanic, a small shop front with manakins and dresses etc in the front, her names pawn , i can't remember the name of the shop it begins with a P.

    i can find out some more info. if you require, pawn is friends with my mrs

    Just a guess.....would it be called "Porns" by any chance?

  16. Are we sure Abu still has a shop here? I heard he was being extradited to the US for terrorism offences.

    and the thread is 2 yrs old.......

    the goats milk will definately be off; and Abu will soon be off.

  17. Why not just go to a Taylor. There are shops all over town and they will measure you and give you a good fit?

    There's probably one next to the paynters, down near tai pan, just hayl a songtell, sorted.

    we should start a dictionary of Hellodolly unique spellings. keep it going mate I am in sutures!

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