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Everything posted by honcho

  1. the wires are part of BKKs charm.. wont feel the same....
  2. dont worry the Don will sort usa when he takes back the white house!! long livr Donald Trump!! best president ever!!
  3. ha, thats the pot calling the kettle black! usa needs to shut up until its gets its own house in order.corrupt fbi corrupt doj rotting from the top!!
  4. often if you did deeper the ground you break through the hard pan and no longer holds water...
  5. if america wasnt a sespit of corruption the equal standards would have seen hillari , biden and son already jailed for corruption and Trump would be president!! fingers crosse Trump will win this time and have Biden prosecuted for his bribary!!!!
  6. lets hope trump wins and holds the corrupt dems to account for all their cheating and corruption GO DONNY!
  7. fingers crossed for the don to return and save us
  8. she certainly deserves it! the corruption runs so deep in washington that they all need locking up and a new govt with new members needs to rise from the ashes!!
  9. toxic owner? what planet are you from? he advocates genuine free speech not leftie propganda like twitter used to be... open your mind and see what is happening to the world ... musk is a hero for pushing back
  10. seems fox news is not perfect but they are closer to the real truth than the rest of the media combined... the burning of america by antifa and blm were way worse than the protests on jan 6th but they are not being persecuted by the biased justice dept
  11. wow a weather event not blamed on the climate "catastrophe"
  12. if they enforce it the penalties should be enough to deter most people.... harsher than most western countries...
  13. once meghan is finished with him she could send him to kabul for a holiday and tell him he is going to dubai! save splitting half the money she has milked with his help,,, his usefulness must be over by now
  14. you can drink but not allowed to get drunk....
  15. could have been the jab
  16. poor Trump... best president ever... usa was much better b4 they lied schemed and used the fbi to corrupt the truths about the Biden crime family..... the world is crumbling and we need men like Trump to save us!!!
  17. sounds like police state to me... dictatorship out of control
  18. no the maga lot as you name them see thru the media bias and corruption of the biden lot, they are sane not melting down over pronouns and abortions... bring back trump!
  19. article looks like it was written by the a vaccine salesman... bs
  20. its part of the plan to save the planet..... the billionaires from davos want us to stay home and keep our carbon footprint small while they jet around in private lear jets, dont give up!!! power to the people
  21. abortion is not banned in america check your facts
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